API registration and documentation

Application registration and authentication

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BarentsWatch AIS Live OpenAPI Documentation

Type of ship/cargo | BarentsWatch Developer

API token

client_id= #client_id
client_secret= #client_secret
curl -X POST --header "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
-d "client_id=$client_id&scope=ais&client_secret=$client_secret&grant_type=client_credentials" \
https://id.barentswatch.no/connect/token > token.json

The above command can be equivalently written as: 1

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
-d client_id=$client_id \
-d scope=ais \
-d client_secret=$client_secret \
-d grant_type=client_credentials \
https://id.barentswatch.no/connect/token > token.json

and because 2

POSTing with curl’s -d option will make it include a default header that looks like Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded. That is what your typical browser will use for a plain POST.

the command can be equivalently written as:

curl -X POST \
-d client_id=$client_id \
-d scope=ais \
-d client_secret=$client_secret \
-d grant_type=client_credentials \
https://id.barentswatch.no/connect/token > token.json

Valid for 3600 seconds (1 hour).

access_token=$(jq -r '.access_token' token.json)
echo $access_token

curl and jq

curl 3

In curl’s tradition of only doing the basics unless you tell it differently, it does not follow HTTP redirects by default. Use the -L, --location option to tell it to do that.



April 20, 2023

10 minutes (600 seconds):

curl --location --request GET 'https://live.ais.barentswatch.no/v1/combined' \
--header "Authorization: Bearer $access_token" --max-time 600 > AIS_2023_04_20_lines.json

which can be equivalently written as

curl -L -X GET 'https://live.ais.barentswatch.no/v1/combined' \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $access_token" --max-time 600 > AIS_2023_04_20_lines.json


jq --slurp '.' AIS_2023_04_20_lines.json > AIS_2023_04_20.json
jq '.[0]' AIS_2023_04_20.json
  "courseOverGround": 188.4,
  "latitude": 58.417612,
  "longitude": 1.840345,
  "name": "ESVAGT BERGEN",
  "rateOfTurn": 5,
  "shipType": 51,
  "speedOverGround": 0.6,
  "trueHeading": 268,
  "mmsi": 220632000,
  "msgtime": "2023-04-21T01:40:34.8259595+00:00"

April 21, 2023

curl --location --request GET 'https://live.ais.barentswatch.no/v1/combined' \
--header "Authorization: Bearer $access_token" --max-time 600 > AIS_2023_04_21_lines.json
jq --slurp '.' AIS_2023_04_21_lines.json > AIS_2023_04_21.json
jq '.[0]' AIS_2023_04_21.json
  "courseOverGround": 324,
  "latitude": 65.140352,
  "longitude": 7.13467,
  "name": "STRIL POSEIDON",
  "rateOfTurn": 0,
  "shipType": 51,
  "speedOverGround": 0.3,
  "trueHeading": 285,
  "mmsi": 258117000,
  "msgtime": "2023-04-21T22:29:52.6695296+00:00"

April 22, 2023

curl --location --request GET 'https://live.ais.barentswatch.no/v1/combined' \
--header "Authorization: Bearer $access_token" --max-time 600 > AIS_2023_04_22_lines.json
jq --slurp '.' AIS_2023_04_22_lines.json > AIS_2023_04_22.json
jq '.[0]' AIS_2023_04_22.json
  "courseOverGround": 11.4,
  "latitude": 63.797973,
  "longitude": 11.167988,
  "name": "YTTEROEY",
  "rateOfTurn": 0,
  "shipType": 90,
  "speedOverGround": 0,
  "trueHeading": 201,
  "mmsi": 258046000,
  "msgtime": "2023-04-22T16:35:35+00:00"

April 23, 2023

curl --location --request GET 'https://live.ais.barentswatch.no/v1/combined' \
--header "Authorization: Bearer $access_token" --max-time 600 > AIS_2023_04_23_lines.json
jq --slurp '.' AIS_2023_04_23_lines.json > AIS_2023_04_23.json
jq '.[0]' AIS_2023_04_23.json
  "courseOverGround": 250.6,
  "latitude": 66.021372,
  "longitude": 12.624775,
  "name": "LOVUND EXPRESS",
  "rateOfTurn": 0,
  "shipType": 40,
  "speedOverGround": 0,
  "trueHeading": 244,
  "mmsi": 259664000,
  "msgtime": "2023-04-23T02:16:45+00:00"


April 20, 2023

All latest positions:

curl --location --request GET 'https://live.ais.barentswatch.no/v1/latest/combined' \
--header "Authorization: Bearer $access_token" > latest_2023-04-20-UTC-01-38.json
jq '.[0]' latest_2023-04-20-UTC-01-38.json
  "courseOverGround": 289,
  "latitude": 62.796623,
  "longitude": 6.904042,
  "rateOfTurn": 0,
  "shipType": 51,
  "speedOverGround": 0,
  "trueHeading": 95,
  "mmsi": 257918900,
  "msgtime": "2023-04-21T01:38:11+00:00"

April 21, 2023

All latest positions:

curl --location --request GET 'https://live.ais.barentswatch.no/v1/latest/combined' \
--header "Authorization: Bearer $access_token" > latest_2023-04-21-UTC-11-25.json
jq '.[0]' latest_2023-04-21-UTC-11-25.json
  "courseOverGround": 269.4,
  "latitude": 63.431932,
  "longitude": 10.375452,
  "rateOfTurn": 0,
  "shipType": 51,
  "speedOverGround": 0,
  "trueHeading": 3,
  "mmsi": 257918900,
  "msgtime": "2023-04-21T23:26:01+00:00"

April 22, 2023

All latest positions:

curl --location --request GET 'https://live.ais.barentswatch.no/v1/latest/combined' --header "Authorization: Bearer $access_token" > latest_2023-04-22-UTC-16-33.json
jq '.[0]' latest_2023-04-22-UTC-16-33.json
  "courseOverGround": 251.9,
  "latitude": 63.431933,
  "longitude": 10.375468,
  "rateOfTurn": 0,
  "shipType": 51,
  "speedOverGround": 0,
  "trueHeading": 7,
  "mmsi": 257918900,
  "msgtime": "2023-04-22T16:33:40+00:00"

April 23, 2023

All latest positions:

curl --location --request GET 'https://live.ais.barentswatch.no/v1/latest/combined' --header "Authorization: Bearer $access_token" > latest_2023-04-23-UTC-02-12.json
jq '.[0]' latest_2023-04-23-UTC-02-12.json
  "courseOverGround": 254.6,
  "latitude": 63.431928,
  "longitude": 10.375413,
  "rateOfTurn": 0,
  "shipType": 51,
  "speedOverGround": 0.1,
  "trueHeading": 6,
  "mmsi": 257918900,
  "msgtime": "2023-04-23T02:15:11+00:00"