Canadian Medical Association (CMA) Physician Data Centre

Physicians by country of MD graduation, Canada, 2008-2019

We copy the tables from 2019-10-phys-by-country.pdf using Tabula.

set datafile separator ','
set timefmt '%Y'
set format x '%Y'
set xdata time
set title 'Active Physicians by Country of MD Graduation, Canada, 2008-2019 (CMA 2019)'
set xlabel 'Year'
set ylabel 'Active Physicians'
plot 'CMA_2019.csv' using 1:2 with linespoints title columnheader, \
'CMA_2019.csv' using 1:3 with linespoints title columnheader, \
'CMA_2019.csv' using 1:6 with linespoints title columnheader, \
'CMA_2019.csv' using 1:14 with linespoints title columnheader, \
'CMA_2019.csv' using 1:30 with linespoints title columnheader, \
'CMA_2019.csv' using 1:42 with linespoints title columnheader, \
'CMA_2019.csv' using 1:71 with linespoints title columnheader, \
'CMA_2019.csv' using 1:88 with linespoints title columnheader, \
'CMA_2019.csv' using 1:128 with linespoints title columnheader, \
'CMA_2019.csv' using 1:153 with linespoints title columnheader, \
'CMA_2019.csv' using 1:157 with linespoints title columnheader, \
'CMA_2019.csv' using 1:162 with linespoints title columnheader, \
'CMA_2019.csv' using 1:163 with linespoints title columnheader

Active Physicians by Country of MD Graduation, Canada, 2008-2019: World

Active Physicians by Country of MD Graduation, Canada, 2008-2019: Other than North America

Active Physicians by Country of MD Graduation, Canada, 2008-2019: North America