Vessel Traffic Density from AIS Data (2013-2015)

Vessel Traffic Density from AIS Data (2013-2015) | CSIRO

Maps of vessel density 2013-2015 for AIS-equipped vessels, in terms of km traversed in each cell for range of vessel classes for the Australian EZ. AIS data was sourced from AMSA and subsequently processed. The density was calculated for subsets of vessels based on various characteristics such as size or vessel use/purpose. These characteristics were derived and may contain errors. See Peel et. al. (2018) for detail on the processing methods. References Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) – Custom data extraction of AIS data 2013-2015. Peel, D., Smith, J.N., Erbe, C., Patterson, T., and Childerhouse, S. (2018). Quantification of risk from shipping to large marine fauna across Australia. Report to the National Environmental Science Programme, Marine Biodiversity Hub. CSIRO. 211pp. Note that this dataset was collected as part of the following project: NESP MB PROJECT C5 – QUANTIFICATION OF RISK FROM SHIPPING TO LARGE MARINE FAUNA ACROSS AUSTRALIA

CSIRO Marlin3

WMS Data Link - nerp:vesseldensity2015_finescale


Australian Ship Reporting System and Automatic Identification System - Shipping Summaries - 1999-2015

Australian Ship Reporting System and Automatic Identification System - Shipping Summaries - 1999-2015 | CSIRO

DATA ACCESS - Shipping Summary 2011 WMS

Shipping Summary 2011 WMS

DATA ACCESS - Shipping Summary 2013 WMS

Shipping Summary 2013 WMS

DATA ACCESS - Shipping Summary 2014 WMS

Shipping Summary 2014 WMS

GeoTIFF 2009

GeoTIFF 2015