Pontryagin Duality and the Fourier Transform

Jordan Bell

1 Introduction

We follow Rudin [3] and Terras [4], and refer to sp4comm [2] and Folland [1].

2 /n

Let n be a positive integer.


Zn=/n is a ring. |Zn|=n. We focus on the additive group (Zn,+).

3 Haar measure



be the set of functions Zn.

We use counting measure on the group Zn as Haar measure (which is discrete and compact) with total volume n, and Since Zn has finite Haar measure (being a compact group) and every function Zn is continuous (being a discrete group), we have


We specify function space for emphasis.

For f,gL2(Zn), define






4 δa

For aZn, define δa:Zn by


For a,bZn,

(δa,δb)L2(Zn) =xZnδa(x)δb(x)¯

For fL2(Zn),


Indeed, {δ0,,δn-1} is an orthonormal basis of L2(Zn).

5 Convolution

For f,gL1(Zn), define the convolution f*gL1(Zn) by


For fL1(Zn) and for aZn,


For a,bZn, and for xZn,


5.1 Example

Take n=15. Define f=δ0+δ1+δ2. For xZ15,

(f*f)(x) =(δ0+δ1+δ2)*(δ0+δ1+δ2)

6 Dual group

Let S1={z:|z|=1}, which is a multiplicative group.

Let Zn^ be the set of group homomorphisms ZnS1.

We use normalized counting measure on the group Zn^ as Haar measure (which is discrete and compact) with total volume 1.

For aZn, define ea:ZnS1 by


ea is an element of Zn^.

Define ψ:ZnZn^ by ψ(a)=ea.

Zn^ ={ea:aZn}

ψ:ZnZn^ is an isomorphism of groups.

7 Fourier transform

Define the Fourier transform n:L2(Zn)L2(Zn)^ by


8 Pullback

We introduce the operator Fn:L2(Zn)L2(Zn), which is defined via composition with the Fourier transform n and the function ψ as


We pullback nf:Zn^ to a function Zn.

We remind ourselves (a) that for aZn, the function ea:ZnS1 is defined by


(b) that ψ:ZnZn^ is defined by ψ(a)=ea,

and (c) that ψ:ZnZn^ is an isomorphism of groups, by

Zn^ ={ea:aZn}
(nf)(ψ(a)) =xZnf(x)ea(-x)



In the sequel, we use the term Fourier transform to refer both to n and to Fn, but preserve the distinction for calculations.

8.1 Example: n=7 and f=δ3



we have


The inner product (δ3,ex)L2(Z7) is given by

(δ3,ex)L2(Z7) =yZ7δ3(y)ex(y)¯

Since δ3(y)=1 only when y=3 and 0 otherwise, the sum collapses to a single term:

(δ3,ex)L2(Z7) =exp(2πi3x7)¯





9 Zn^

Zn^ is the set of group homomorphisms ZnS1.

Zn^ is a group using pointwise multiplication of functions ZnS1, the Pontryagin dual group of Zn.

For aZn, define eaZn^ by


Define ψ:ZnZn^ by


We have

Zn^ ={ea:aZn}

Thus, ψ:ZnZn^ is an isomorphism of groups.

10 Haar measure

Let G be a locally compact abelian group.

G^ is the set of continuous group homomorphisms GS1. It is a group with operation (ϕ1ϕ2)(x)=ϕ1(x)ϕ2(x), ϕ1,ϕ2G^, xG (namely, pointwise multiplication).

We assign G^ the coarsest topology such that for each xG, the map ϕϕ(x) is continuous G^S1 (namely, the final topology on G^).

One proves that G^ is a locally compact abelian group.

If G is a discrete LCA group, then G^ is a compact LCA group.

10.1 Finite LCA groups

Let G be a finite locally compact abelian group. G must have the discrete topology. Hence the Borel σ-algebra of G is equal to the power set of G, denoted 𝒫(G).

Because G has the discrete topology, G^ is equal to the set of group homomorphisms GS1.

Assign G the Haar measure mG defined by mG(A)=|A| for A𝒫(G). One checks that mG indeed is a Haar measure. (Counting measure.)

Assign G^ the Haar measure mG^ defined by mG^(A)=1|G^||A| for A𝒫(G^). (Normalized counting measure.)

L2(G) is equal to the set of functions G and L2(G^) is equal to the set of functions G^.

11 L2(Zn)

For f,gL2(Zn), define




For aZn, define δa:Zn by


For a,bZn,

(δa,δb)L2(Zn) =xZnδa(x)δb(x)¯

For fL2(Zn),


12 Fourier transform

Define the Fourier transform n:L2(Zn)L2(Zn)^ by


13 Pullback

We introduce the operator Fn:L2(Zn)L2(Zn), which is defined via composition with the Fourier transform n and the function ψ as


That is, for aZn,


We pullback nf:Zn^ to a function Fnf:Zn.

We have

(nf)(ψ(a)) =xZnf(x)ea(-x)



14 Inverse Fourier transform

Define the Haar measure mZn^ on Zn^ by mZn^(A)=1n|A| for A𝒫(Zn^).

Let fL2(Zn) and let xZn.

Zn^(nf)(γ)γ(x)𝑑mZn^(γ) =1nγZn^(nf)(γ)γ(x)

We use the orthogonality relations for characters of finite abelian groups. For a,bZn we have ea,ebZn^, and


Then, as ea(x)=ex(a) and ea(y)=ey(a),

1nyZnf(y)(aZnea(x)ea(y)¯) =1nyZnf(y)(aZnex(a)ey(a)¯)

We have established that for fL2(Zn) and for xZn,




We have established the Fourier inversion formula for fL2(Zn):


15 1()

Let be the set of functions .

Let x1() be the set of those x such that


and define


Let 2() be the set of those x such that


16 2()

For x2(), define


and for x,y2(), define


For k, define Tk: by



  • [1] G. B. Folland (2015) A course in abstract harmonic analysis. 2nd updated edition edition, Textbooks in Mathematics, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL (English). External Links: ISBN 978-1-4987-2713-6; 978-1-4987-2715-0, Document Cited by: §1.
  • [2] P. Prandoni and M. Vetterli (2008) Signal processing for communications. EPFL Press. Note: https://www.sp4comm.org/webversion.html Cited by: §1.
  • [3] W. Rudin (1962) Fourier analysis on groups. Interscience Tracts in Pure and Applied Mathematics, Interscience Publishers, New York (English). Cited by: §1.
  • [4] A. Terras (1999) Fourier analysis on finite groups and applications. London Mathematical Society Student Texts, Vol. 43, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (English). External Links: ISSN 0963-1631, ISBN 0-521-45718-1; 0-521-45108-6 Cited by: §1.