The Wiener-Pitt tauberian theorem

Jordan Bell
March 10, 2015

1 Introduction

For fL1(d), we write


The Riemann-Lebesgue lemma tells us that f^C0(d).

For fC(d) and for multi-indices α,β, write


We say that f is a Schwartz function if for all multi-indices α and β we have |f|α,β<. We denote by 𝒮 the collection of Schwartz functions. It is a fact that 𝒮 with this family of seminorms is a Fréchet space.

Let Vd=πd/2Γ(d2+1), the volume of the unit ball in d.

Lemma 1.

For 1p, let m be the least integer d+1p. There is some Cd such that for any multi-index β,


For p=, the claim is true with Cd,=1. For 1p<, let g=βf, which satisfies

gp =(|x|1|g(x)|p𝑑x+|x|1|x|d+1|g(x)|p|x|-(d+1)𝑑x)1/p

Using that the function y|α|=m|yα| is continuous Sd-1, there is some Cd such that


This gives us

gp Vd1/pg+Vd1/psup|x|1Cd|α|=m|xα||g(x)|

The dual space 𝒮 with the weak-* topology is a locally convex space, elements of which are called tempered distributions. It is straightforward to check that if u:𝒮 is linear, then u𝒮 if and only if there is some C and some nonnegative integers m,n such that


For 1p and gLp(d), define u:𝒮 by


For 1p+1q=1, Hölder’s inequality tells us


By Lemma 1, with m the least integer d+1q,




showing that u is continuous. We thus speak of elements of Lp(d) as tempered distributions, and speak about the Fourier transform of an element of Lp(d).

Let u𝒟 be a distribution. For an open set ω, we say that u vanishes on ω if u(ϕ)=0 for every ϕ𝒟(ω). Let Γ be the collection of open sets ω on which u vanishes, and let Ω=ωΓω. Γ is an open cover of Ω, and thus there is a locally finite partition of unity ψj subordinate to Γ.11 1 Walter Rudin, Functional Analysis, second ed., p. 162, Theorem 6.20. For ϕ𝒟(Ω), because suppϕ is compact, there is some open set W, suppϕWΩ, and some m such that




For each j, 1jm, there is some ωjΓ such that suppψjωj, which implies suppψjϕωj, i.e. ψjϕ𝒟(ωj). But ωjΓ, so u(ψjϕ)=0 and hence u(ϕ)=0. This shows that ΩΓ, namely, Ω is the largest open set on which u vanishes. The support of u is


For u𝒮 we define u^:𝒮 by


It is a fact that u^𝒮.

For f:d, write fˇ(x)=f(-x). For ϕ𝒮,


2 Tauberian theory

Lemma 2.

If fL1(Rd), ζRd, and ϵ>0, then there is some hL1(Rd) with h1<ϵ and some r>0 such that


It is a fact that there is a Schwartz function g such that g^(ξ)=1 for |ξ|<1. For λ>0, let


which satisfies, for ξd,

gλ^(ξ) =de-2πiξxe2πiζxλ-dg(λ-1x)𝑑x

In particular, for ξVλ=Bλ-1(ζ) we have gλ^(ξ)=1. We also define


which satisfies, for ξd,


Hence, for ξVλ we have hλ^(ξ)=f^(ζ)-f^(ξ).

For xd,

hλ(x) =df(y)e-2πiζygλ(x)-df(y)gλ(x-y)𝑑y

for which



hλ1 d(d|f(y)|λ-d|g(λ-1x)-g(λ-1(x-y))|𝑑y)𝑑x

For each yd,


and hence by the dominated convergence theorem,


Thus, there is some λϵ such that hλ1<ϵ when λλϵ. For h=hλϵ and r=λϵ-1, we have h^(ξ)=f^(ζ)-f^(ξ) for ξVλϵ=Br(ζ) and h1<ϵ, proving the claim. ∎

We remind ourselves that for ϕL(d) and fL1(d), the convolution f*ϕ belongs to Cu(d), the collection of bounded uniformly continuous functions d. We also remind ourselves that any element of L(d) is a tempered distribution whose Fourier transform is a tempered distribution.22 2 Walter Rudin, Functional Analysis, second ed., p. 228, Theorem 9.3.

Theorem 3.

If ϕL(Rd), Y is a linear subspace of L1(Rd), and




contains suppϕ^.


If Y={0}, then Z(Y)=d, and the claim is true. If Y has nonzero dimension, let ζdZ(Y) and let fY such that f^(ζ)=1; that there is such a function f follows from Y being a linear space. Thus by Lemma 2 there is some hL1(d) with h1<1 and some r>0 such that


because Z(Y) is closed, we may take r such that Br(ζ)dZ(Y).

Let ρ𝒟(Br(ζ)), and let ψ𝒮 with ψ^=ρ. Define g0=ψ and gm=h*gm-1 for m1. By Young’s inequality


and because h1<1, this means that the sequence m=0Mgm is Cauchy in L1(d) so converges to some G, for which, as |h^|h1<1,


For ξsuppψ^Br(ζ) we have h^(ξ)=1-f^(ξ) and so


on the other hand, for ξsuppψ^, ψ^(ξ)=0=G^(ξ)f^(ξ), so


which implies that ψ=G*f. Then




This is true for all ρ𝒟(Br(ζ)), which means that ϕ^ vanishes on Br(ζ). This is true for any ζdZ(Y), so with Ω the union of those open sets on which ϕ^ vanishes, dZ(Y)Ω. Then Z(Y)dΩ=suppϕ^. ∎

If X is a Banach space and M is a linear subspace of X, we define the annihilator of M as

M={γX*:if xM then x,γ=0}.

It is immediate that M is a weak-* closed linear subspace of X*. If N is a linear subspace of X*, we define the annihilator of N as

N={xX:if γN then x,γ=0}.

It is immediate that N is a norm closed linear subspace of the Banach space X. One proves using the Hahn-Banach theorem that (M) is the norm closure of M in X.33 3 Walter Rudin, Functional Analysis, second ed., p. 96, Theorem 4.7.

We say that a subspace Y of L1(d) is translation-invariant if fY and xd imply that fxY, where fx(y)=f(y-x). The following theorem gives conditions under which a closed translation-invariant subspace of L1(d) is equal to the entire space.44 4 Walter Rudin, Functional Analysis, second ed., p. 228, Theorem 9.4.

Theorem 4.

If Y is a closed translation-invariant subspace of L1(Rd) and Z(Y)=, then Y=L1(Rd).


Suppose that ϕL(d) and fϕˇ=0 for each fY. Let fY and xd. As Y is translation-invariant, f-xY so df(y+x)ϕ(-y)𝑑y=0, i.e. (f*ϕ)(x)=0. This is true for all xd, which means that f*ϕ=0. Theorem 3 then tells us that suppϕ^ is contained in Z(Y), namely, suppϕ^ is empty, which means that the tempered distribution ϕ^ vanishes on d, i.e. suppϕ^ is the zero element of the locally convex space 𝒮. As the Fourier transform 𝒮𝒮 is linear and one-to-one, the tempered distribution ϕ is the zero element of 𝒮, which implies that ϕL(d) is zero. As Lebesgue measure on d is σ-finite, for X the Banach space L1(d) we have X*=L(d), with f,γ=fγ. Thus Y is the zero subspace of L(d), hence (Y)=L1(d). This implies that L1(d) is equal to the closure of Y in L1(d), and because Y is closed this means Y=L1(d), completing the proof. ∎

Theorem 5.

Suppose that KL1(Rd) and that Y is the smallest closed translation-invariant subspace of L1(Rd) that includes K. Y=L1(Rd) if and only if


Suppose that K^(ξ)0 for all ξd. As KY, this implies that Z(Y)=. Thus by Theorem 4 we get Y=L1(d).

Suppose that Y=L1(d). Then f(x)=e-π|x|2 belongs to Y and f^(ξ)=e-π|ξ|2, which has no zeros, hence Z(Y)=. For ξd, define evξ:C0(d) by evξ(g)=g(ξ), which is a bounded linear operator. The Fourier transform :L1(d)C0(d) is a bounded linear operator, hence for each ξd, evξ:L1(d) is a bounded linear operator. Hence


is a closed subspace of L1(d). If fV and xd, then


showing that Vξ is translation-invariant. Therefore


is a closed translation-invariant subspace of L1(d), and because Y is the smallest closed translation-invariant subspace of L1(d), YV. YV implies Z(V)Z(Y)=, and applying Theorem 4 we get that V=L1(d). But there is no ξ for which Vξ=L1(d), so V=L1(d) implies that {ξd:K^(ξ)=0}=. ∎

3 Slowly oscillating functions

Let B(d) be the collection of bounded functions d, which with the supremum norm fu=supxd|f(x)| is a Banach algebra.

A function ϕB(d) is said to be slowly oscillating if for each ϵ>0 there is some A and some δ>0 such that if |x|,|y|>A and |x-y|<δ, then |ϕ(x)-ϕ(y)|<ϵ. We now prove the Wiener-Pitt tauberian theorem; the statement supposing that a function is slowly oscillating is attributed to Pitt.55 5 Walter Rudin, Functional Analysis, second ed., p. 229, Theorem 9.7; Walter Rudin, Fourier Analysis on Groups, p. 163, Theorem 7.2.7; Gerald B. Folland, A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, p. 116, Theorem 4.72; V. P. Havin and N. K. Nikolski, Commutative Harmonic Analysis II, p. 134; Edwin Hewitt and Kenneth A. Ross, Abstract Harmonic Analysis II, p. 511, Theorem 39.37.

Theorem 6 (Wiener-Pitt tauberian theorem).

If ϕB(Rd), KL1(Rd), K^(ξ)0 for all ξRd, and


then for each fL1(Rd),

lim|x|(f*ϕ)(x)=af^(0). (1)

Furthermore, if such ϕ is slowly oscillating then

lim|x|ϕ(x)=a. (2)

Define ψ(x)=ϕ(x)-a. Let Y be the set of those fL1(d) for which


It is immediate that Y is a linear subspace of L1(d). Suppose that fiY tends to some fL1(d). As ψB(d), f*ψ and fi*ψ belong to Cu(d). Then


There is some i0 such that ii0 implies f-fi1<ϵ, and because fi0Y there is some M such that |x|M implies |(fi0*ψ)(x)|<ϵ. Then for |x|M,

|(f*ψ)(x)| |(f*ψ)(x)-(fi0*ψ)(x)|+|(fi0*ψ)(x)|

showing that fY, namely, that Y is closed. Let fY and xd. fxL1(d), and for yd,


and as |y| we have |y-x| and thus (f*ψ)(y-x)0, hence τxfY, i.e. Y is translation-invariant. Therefore Y is a closed translation-invariant subspace of L1(d). For xd,


and by hypothesis we get (K*ψ)(x)0 as |x|, i.e. KY.

Let Y0 be the smallest closed translation-invariant subspace of L1(d) that includes K. On the one hand, because Y is a closed translation-invariant subspace of L1(d) and KY we have Y0Y. On the other hand, because K^(ξ)0 for all ξ we have by Theorem 5 that Y0=L1(d). Therefore Y=L1(d). This means that for each fL1(d), (f*ψ)(x)0 as |x|, i.e. (f*ϕ)(x)af^(0) as |x|, proving (1)

Assume further now that ϕ is slowly-oscillating and let ϵ>0. There is some A and some δ>0 such that if |x|,|y|>A and |x-y|<δ then


There is a test function h such that h0, h(x)=0 for |x|δ, and h^(0)=1. By (1),


On the other hand, for xd,

ϕ(x)-(h*ϕ)(x) =h^(0)ϕ(x)-(h*ϕ)(x)

and so for |x|>A+δ,


We have thus established that as |x|, (i) (h*ϕ)(x)=a+o(1) and (ii) ϕ(x)=(h*ϕ)(x)+o(1), which together yield ϕ(x)=a+o(1), i.e. ϕ(x)a as |x|, proving (2). ∎

4 Closed ideals in 𝐿¹(ℝd)

L1(d) is a Banach algebra using convolution as the product.66 6 Eberhard Kaniuth, A Course in Commutative Banach Algebras, p. 25, Proposition 1.4.7.

Theorem 7.

Suppose that I is a closed linear subspace of L1(Rd). I is translation-invariant if and only if I is an ideal.


Assume that I is translation-invariant and let fI and gL1(d). For ϕIL(d),

g*f,ϕ =d(g*f)(x)ϕ(x)𝑑x

because fzI for each zd. This shows that f*g(I). But (I) is the closure of I in L1(d),77 7 Walter Rudin, Functional Analysis, second ed., p. 96, Theorem 4.7. and I is closed so f*gI, showing that I is an ideal.

Assume that I is an ideal and let fI and xd. Let V be a closed ball centered at 0, and let χA be the indicator function of a set A. We have

fx-1μ(V)χx+V*f1 =d|fx(y)-1μ(V)(χx+V*f)(y)|𝑑y

Let ϵ>0. The map zfz is continuous dL1(d), so there is some δ>0 such that if |z|<δ then fz-f01<ϵ, i.e. f-fz1<ϵ. Then let V be the closed ball of radius δ, with which

fx-1μ(V)χx+V*f1supzVf-fz1ϵ. (3)

As I is an ideal and 1μ(V)χx+VL1(d) we have 1μ(V)χx+V*fL1(d), and then (3) and the fact that I is closed imply fxI. Therefore I is translation-invariant. ∎