Total variation, absolute continuity, and the Borel σ-algebra of C(I)

Jordan Bell
March 10, 2015

1 Total variation

Let a<b. A partition of [a,b] is a sequence t0,t1,,tn such that


The total variation of a function f:[a,b] is

Varf[a,b]=sup{i=1n|f(ti)-f(ti-1)|:t0,t1,,tn is a partition of [a,b]}.

If Varf[a,b]< then we say that f has bounded variation.

Lemma 1.

If ac<e<db, then


The following theorem establishes properties of functions of bounded variation.11 1 Charalambos D. Aliprantis and Owen Burkinshaw, Principles of Real Analysis, third ed., p. 377, Theorem 39.10.

Theorem 2.

Suppose that f:[a,b] is of bounded variation and define



  1. 1.

    |f(y)-f(x)|F(y)-F(x) for all ax<yb.

  2. 2.

    F is a nondecreasing function.

  3. 3.

    F-f and F+f are nondecreasing functions.

  4. 4.

    For x0[a,b], f is continuous at x0 if and only if F is continuous at x0.


If t0,,tn is a partition of [a,x] then t0,,tn,y is a partition of [a,y], so


Since this is true for any partition t0,,tn of [a,x],


This shows in particular that F(x)F(y), and thus that F is nondecreasing.

For ax<yb,




showing that xF(x)-f(x) is nondecreasing. Likewise,




showing that xF(x)+f(x) is nondecreasing.

Suppose that F is continuous at x0 and let ϵ>0. There is some δ>0 such that |x-x0|<δ implies that |F(x)-F(x0)|<ϵ. If |x-x0|<δ, then


showing that f is continuous at x0.

Suppose that f is continuous at x0 and let ϵ>0. Then there is some δ>0 such that |x-x0|<δ implies that |f(x)-f(x0)|<ϵ, and such that x0-δ>a. Let x0-δ<s<x0, and let t0,,tn be a partition of [s,b] such that


and such that none of t0,,tn is equal to x0. Say that tk<x0<tk+1. Then


is a partition of [s,b]. For tk<x<x0 we have |x-x0|<δ and therefore

Varf[s,x]+Varf[x,b] =Varf[s,b]



As Varf[a,b]=Varf[a,x]+Varf[x,b] and also Varf[a,b]=Varf[a,x0]+Varf[x0,b], we have F(x)+Varf[x,b]=F(x0)+Varf[x0,b], and therefore


Thus, if tk<x<x0 then |F(x0)-F(x)|<2ϵ, showing that F is left-continuous at x0. It is straightforward to show in the same way that F is right-continuous at x0, and thus continuous at x0. ∎

If f:[a,b] is of bounded variation, then Theorem 2 tells us that F and F+f are nondecreasing functions. A monotone function is differentiable almost everywhere,22 2 Charalambos D. Aliprantis and Owen Burkinshaw, Principles of Real Analysis, third ed., p. 375, Theorem 39.9. and it follows that f=(F+f)-F is differentiable almost everywhere.

2 Absolute continuity

Let a<b and let I=[a,b]. A function f:I is said to be absolutely continuous if for any ϵ>0 there is some δ>0 such that for any n and any collection of pairwise disjoint intervals (α1,β1),,(αn,βn) satisfying


we have


It is immediate that if f is absolutely continuous then f is uniformly continuous.

Lemma 3.

If f:[a,b] is absolutely continuous then f has bounded variation.


Because f is absolutely continuous, there is some δ>0 such that if (α1,β1),,(αn,βn) are pairwise disjoint and




Let N be an integer that is >b-aδ and let a=x0<<xN=b such that xi-xi-1<b-aN for each i=1,,N. Then


showing that f has bounded variation. ∎

Let λ be Lebesgue measure on and let 𝔐 be the collection of Lebesgue measurable subsets of .

The following theorem establishes connections between absolute continuity of a function and Lebesgue measure.33 3 Walter Rudin, Real and Complex Analysis, third ed., p. 146, Theorem 7.18. In the following theorem, we extend f:[a,b] to by defining f(x)=f(b) for x>b and f(x)=f(a) for x<a. In particular, for any x>b, f(x) exists and is equal to 0, and for any x<a, f(x) exists and is equal to 0.

Theorem 4.

Suppose that I=[a,b] and that f:I is continuous and nondecreasing. Then the following statements are equivalent.

  1. 1.

    f is absolutely continuous.

  2. 2.

    If EI and λ(E)=0 then λ(f(E))=0. (In words: f has the Luzin property.)

  3. 3.

    f is differentiable λ-almost everywhere on I, fL1(λ), and


Assume that f is absolutely continuous and let EI with λ(E)=0. Let E0=E{a,b}; to prove that λ(f(E))=0 it suffices to prove that λ(f(E0))=0. Let ϵ>0. As f is absolutely continuous, there is some δ>0 such that for any n and any collection of pairwise disjoint intervals (α1,β1),,(αn,βn) satisfying


we have


There is an open set V such that E0VI and such that λ(V)<δ. (Lebesgue measure is outer regular.) There are countably many pairwise disjoint intervals (αi,βi) such that V=i(αi,βi). Then


so for any n,


and because f is absolutely continuous it follows that


This is true for all n, so


Because f is continuous and nondecreasing, f(αi,βi)=(f(αi),f(βi)) for each i. Therefore


which gives


This is true for all ϵ>0, so λ(f(V))=0. Because f(E0)f(V), it follows that f(E0)𝔐 (Lebesgue measure is complete) and that λ(f(E0))=0.

Assume that for all EI with λ(E)=0, λ(f(E))=0. Define g:I by


Because f is continuous and nondecreasing, g is continuous and strictly increasing. Thus if (α,β)I then g(α,β)=(g(α),g(β)) and so


showing that if JI is an interval then λ(g(J))=λ(J)+λ(f(J)). Suppose that EI and λ(E)=0, and let ϵ>0. There are countably many pairwise disjoint intervals (αi,βi) such that Ei(αi,βi) and i(βi-αi)<ϵ, and because λ(f(E))=0, there are countably many pairwise disjoint intervals (γi,δi) such that f(E)i(γi,δi) and i(δi-γi)<ϵ. Let


We check that


and because


we have


Finally, EN so g(E)g(N). Therefore, for every ϵ>0 there is some N𝔐 with g(E)g(N) and λ(g(N))<ϵ, from which it follows that λ(g(E))=0.

Suppose that EI belongs to 𝔐. Because E𝔐, there are E0,E1𝔐 such that E=E0E1, λ(E0)=0, and E1 is a countable union of closed sets (namely, an Fσ-set). On the one hand, as E1I, E1 is a countable union of compact sets, and because g is continuous, g(E1) is a countable union of compact sets, and in particular belongs to 𝔐. On the other hand, because λ(E0)=0, g(E0)𝔐. Therefore g(E)=g(E0)g(E1)𝔐. Define μ:𝔐[0,) by


If Ei are countably many pairwise disjoint elements of 𝔐, then g(EiI) are pairwise disjoint elements of 𝔐, hence

μ(iEi) =λ(g((iEi)I))

showing that μ is a measure. If λ(E)=0, then λ(EI)=0 so λ(g(EI))=0, i.e. μ(E)=0. This shows that μ is absolutely continuous with respect to λ. Therefore by the Radon-Nikodym theorem44 4 Walter Rudin, Real and Complex Analysis, third ed., p. 121, Theorem 6.10. there is a unique hL1(λ) such that


h(x)0 for λ-almost all x.

Suppose that x and let E=[a,x]. Then g(E)=[g(a),g(x)], and


On the other hand,






By the Lebesgue differentiation theorem,55 5 Walter Rudin, Real and Complex Analysis, third ed., p. 141, Theorem 7.11. f(x)=h(x)-1 for λ-almost all x, and it follows that fL1(λ) and


Assume that f is differentiable λ-almost everywhere in I, fL1(λ), and


Let ϵ>0 and let (α1,β1),,(αn,βn) be pairwise disjoint intervals satisfying


Because f is nondecreasing, for λ-almost all xI, f(x)0, and hence the measure μ defined by dμ=fdλ is absolutely continuous with respect to λ. It follows66 6 Walter Rudin, Real and Complex Analysis, third ed., p. 124, Theorem 6.11. that there is some δ>0 such that for E𝔐, λ(E)<δ implies that μ(E)<ϵ. This gives us


and as


we get


This shows that f is absolutely continuous, completing the proof. ∎

The following lemma establishes properties of the total variation of absolutely continuous functions.77 7 Walter Rudin, Real and Complex Analysis, third ed., p. 147, Theorem 7.19.

Lemma 5.

Suppose that I=[a,b] and that f:I is absolutely continuous. Then the function F:I defined by


is absolutely continuous.


Let ϵ>0. Because f is absolutely continuous, there is some δ>0 such that if (a1,b1),,(am,bm) are disjoint intervals with k=1m(bk-ak)<δ, then


Suppose that (α1,β1),,(αn,βn) are disjoint intervals with i=1n(βi-αi)<δ. If αi=ti,0<<ti,mi=βi for i=1,,n, then (ti,j-1,ti,j), 1in, 1jmi, are disjoint intervals whose total length is <δ, hence


It follows that


which shows that F is absolutely continuous. ∎

We now prove the fundamental theorem of calculus for absolutely continuous functions.88 8 Walter Rudin, Real and Complex Analysis, third ed., p. 148, Theorem 7.20.

Theorem 6.

Suppose that I=[a,b] and that f:I is absolutely continuous. Then f is differentiable at almost all x in I, fL1(λ), and


Define F:I by


By Lemma 3, f has bounded variation, and then using Theorem 2, F-f and F+f are nondecreasing. Furthermore, by Lemma 5, F is absolutely continuous, so F-f and F+f are absolutely continuous. Let


which are thus nondecreasing and absolutely continuous. Applying Theorem 4, we get that f1,f2 are differentiable at almost all xI, f1,f2L1(λ), and




Because f=f1-f2, f is differentiable at almost all xI, f=f1-f2L1(λ), and


proving the claim. ∎

3 Borel sets

Let I=[a,b]. Denote by C(I) the set of continuous functions I, which with the norm


is a Banach space. Denote by AC(I) the set of absolutely continuous functions I. Let C(I) be the Borel σ-algebra of C(I). We have AC(I)C(I), and in the following theorem we prove that AC(I) is a Borel set in C(I).

Theorem 7.



If X,Y are Polish spaces, f:XY is continuous, AX, and f|A is injective, then f(A)Y.99 9 Alexander Kechris, Classical Descriptive Set Theory, p. 89, Theorem 15.1. Let X=×L1(I), which is a Banach space with the norm


Furthermore, and L1(I) are separable and thus so is X, so X is indeed a Polish space. The Banach space C(I) is separable and thus is a Polish space. Define Φ:XC(I) by


For (A1,g1),(A2,g2)X,

Φ(A1,g1)-Φ(A2,g2)C(I) =(A1-A2)+ax(g1(t)-g2(t))𝑑λ(t)C(I)

which shows that Φ:XC(I) is continuous.

Let (A,g)X and ϵ>0. Because gL1(I), there is some δ>0 such that if λ(E)<δ then E|g|𝑑λ<ϵ.1010 10 Walter Rudin, Real and Complex Analysis, third ed., p. 32, exercise 1.12. If (α1,β1),,(αn,βn) are disjoint intervals whose total length is <δ, then, with E=i=1n(αi,βi),

i=1n|Φ(A,g)(βi)-Φ(A,g)(αi)| =i=1n|αiβig(t)𝑑λ(t)|

showing that Φ(A,g) is absolutely continuous. On the other hand, let fAC(I). From Theorem 6, f is differentiable at almost all xI, fL1(I), and


Then (f(a),f)X, and the above gives us, for all xI,


thus Φ(f(a),f)=f. Therefore


If Φ(A1,g1)=Φ(A2,g2), then Φ(A1,g1)(a)=Φ(A2,g2)(a) gives A1=A2. Using this, and defining G:I by G=ax(g1(t)-g2(t))𝑑λ(t), we have G(x)=0 for all xI. Then G(x)=0 for all xI, and by the Lebesgue differentiation theorem1111 11 Walter Rudin, Real and Complex Analysis, third ed., p. 141, Theorem 7.11. we have G(x)=g1(x)-g2(x) for almost all xI. That is, g1(x)=g2(x) for almost all xI, and thus in L1(I) we have g1=g2. Therefore Φ:XC(I) is injective.

Therefore Φ(X)C(I). ∎