Regulated functions and the regulated integral

Jordan Bell
April 3, 2014

1 Regulated functions and step functions

Let I=[a,b] and let X be a normed space. A function f:IX is said to be regulated if for all t[a,b) the limit limst+f(s) exists and for all t(a,b] the limit limst-f(s) exists. We denote these limits respectively by f(t+) and f(t-). We define R(I,X) to be the set of regulated functions IX. It is apparent that R(I,X) is a vector space. One checks that a regulated function is bounded, and that R(I,X) is a normed space with the norm f=supt[a,b]f(t).

Theorem 1.

If I is a compact interval in R and X is a normed algebra, then R(I,X) is a normed algebra.


If f,gR(I,X), then fgR(I,X) because the limit of a product is equal to a product of limits. For tI we have


so fgfg. ∎

A function f:IX, where I=[a,b], is said to be a step function if there are a=s0<s1<<sk=b for which f is constant on each open interval (si-1,si). We denote the set of step functions IX by S(I,X). It is apparent that S(I,X) is contained in R(I,X) and is a vector subspace, and the following theorem states that if X is a Banach space then S(I,X) is dense in R(I,X).11 1 Jean Dieudonné, Foundations of Modern Analysis, enlarged and corrected printing, p. 145, Theorem 7.6.1; Rodney Coleman, Calculus on Normed Vector Spaces, p. 70, Proposition 3.3; cf. Robert G. Bartle, A Modern Theory of Integration, p. 49, Theorem 3.17.

Theorem 2.

Let I be a compact interval in R, let X be a Banach space, and let fXI. fR(I,X) if and only if for all ϵ>0 there is some gS(I,X) such that f-g<ϵ.

We prove in the following theorem that the set of regulated functions from a compact interval to a Banach space is itself a Banach space.

Theorem 3.

If I is a compact interval in R and X is a Banach space, then R(I,X) is a Banach space.


Let fnR(I,X) be a Cauchy sequence. For each tI we have


hence fn(t) is a Cauchy sequence in X. As X is a Banach space, this Cauchy sequence converges to some limit, and we define f(t) to be this limit. Thus fXI and f-fn0. We have to prove that fR(I,X). Let ϵ>0. There is some N for which nN implies that f-fn<ϵ; in particular, f-fN<ϵ. By Theorem 2, there is some gNS(I,X) with fN-gN<ϵ. Then,


and by Theorem 2 this implies that fR(I,X). ∎

The following lemma shows that the set of points of discontinuity of a regulated function taking values in a Banach space is countable.

Lemma 4.

If I is a compact interval in R, X is a Banach space, and fR(I,X), then

{tI:f is discontinuous at t}

is countable.


For each n let gnS(I,X) satisfy f-gn1n, and let

Dn={tI:gn is discontinuous at t}.

gn is a step function so Dn is finite, and hence D=n=1Dn is countable. It need not be true that f is discontinuous at each point in D, but we shall prove that if tID then f is continuous at t, which will prove the claim.

Suppose that tID, let ϵ>0, and take N>1ϵ. As tDN, the step function gN is continuous at t, and hence there is some δ>0 for which |s-t|<δ implies that gN(s)-gN(t)<ϵ. If |s-t|<δ, then

f(s)-f(t) f(s)-gN(s)+gN(s)-gN(t)+gN(t)-f(t)
< 2N+ϵ
< 3ϵ,

showing that f is continuous at t. ∎

2 Integrals of step functions

Let I=[a,b] and let X be a normed space. If fS(I,X) then there is a subdivision a=s0<s1<<sk=b of [a,b] and there are ciX such that f takes the value ci on the open interval (si-1,si). Suppose that there is a subdivision a=t0<t1<<tl=b of [a,b] and diX such that f takes the value di on the open interval (ti-1,ti). One checks that


We define the integral of f to be the above element of X, and denote this element of X by If=abf.

Lemma 5.

If I is a compact interval in R and X is a normed space, then I:S(I,X)X is linear.

Lemma 6.

If I=[a,b] and X is a normed space, then I:S(I,X)X is a bounded linear map with operator norm b-a.


If fS(I,X), let a=s0<s1<<sk=b be a subdivision of [a,b] and let ciX such that f takes the value ci on the open interval (si-1,si). Then,


This shows that Ib-a, and if f is constant, say f(t)=cX for all tI, then If=(b-a)c and If=(b-a)c=(b-a)f, showing that I=b-a. ∎

Lemma 7.

If abc, if X is a normed space, and if gS([a,c],X), then


3 The regulated integral

Let I be a compact interval in and let X be a Banach space. Theorem 2 shows that S(I,X) is a dense subspace of R(I,X), and therefore if T0(S(I,X),X) then there is one and only one T(R(I,X),X) whose restriction to S(I,X) is equal to T0, and this operator satisfies T=T0. Lemma 6 shows that I:S(I,X)X is a bounded linear operator, thus there is one and only one bounded linear operator R(I,X)X whose restriction to S(I,X) is equal to I, and we denote this operator R(I,X)X also by I. With I=[a,b], we have I=b-a. We call I:R(I,X)X the regulated integral.

Lemma 8.

If abc, if X is a Banach space, and if fR([a,c],X), then


Let I1=[a,b], I2=[b,c], I=[a,c], and let f1 and f2 be the restriction of f to I1 and I2 respectively. From the definition of regulated functions, f1R(I1,X) and f2R(I2,X). By Theorem 2, for any ϵ>0 there is some gS(I,X) satisfying f-g<ϵ. Taking g1 and g2 to be the restriction of g to I1 and I2, we check that g1S(I1,X) and g2S(I2,X). Then by Lemma 7,

If-I1f1-I2f2 If-Ig+Ig-I1g1-I2g2
= I(f-g)+0

But g1-f1g-f and g2-f2g-f, hence we obtain


Since ϵ>0 was arbitrary, we get




proving the claim. ∎

We prove that applying a bounded linear map and taking the regulated integral commute.22 2 Jean-Paul Penot, Calculus Without Derivatives, p. 124, Proposition 2.18.

Lemma 9.

Suppose that I is a compact interval in R and that X and Y are Banach spaces. If fR(I,X) and TB(X,Y), then TfR(I,Y) and


Because T is continuous we have TfR(I,Y). For ϵ>0, there is some gS(I,X) satisfying f-g<ϵ. Write I=[a,b]. Because g is a step function, there is a subdivision a=s0<s1<<sk=b of I and there are ciX such that g takes the value ci on the open interval (si-1,si). Furthermore, Tg takes the value Tci on the open interval (si-1,si) so TgS(I,Y), and then because T is linear,


Using this,

= IT(f-g)+TI(f-g)
< 2(b-a)Tϵ.

As ϵ>0 is arbitrary, this means that


and so


4 Left and right derivatives

Suppose that I is an open interval in , X is a normed space, fXI, and tI. We say that f is right-differentiable at t if f(t+h)-f(t)h has a limit as h0+, and that f is left-differentiable at t if f(t+h)-f(t)h has a limit as h0-. We call these limits respectively the right derivative of f at t and the left derivative of f at t, denoted respectively by f+(t) and f-(t). For f to be differentiable at t means that f+(t) and f-(t) exist and are equal.

The following is the mean value theorem for functions taking values in a Banach space.33 3 Henri Cartan, Differential Calculus, p. 39, Theorem 3.1.3.

Theorem 10 (Mean value theorem).

Suppose that I=[a,b], that X is a Banach space, and that f:IX and g:IR are continuous functions. If there is a countable set DI such that tID implies that f+(t) and g+(t) exist and satisfy f+(t)g+(t), then

Corollary 11.

Suppose that I=[a,b], that X is a Banach space, and that f:IX is continuous. If there is a countable set DI such that tID implies that f+(t)=0, then f is constant on I.

5 Primitives

Let I=[a,b], let X be a normed space, and let f,gXI. We say that g is a primitive of f if g is continuous and if there is a countable set DI such that tID implies that g is differentiable at t and g(t)=f(t).

Lemma 12.

Suppose that I is a compact interval in R, that X is a Banach space, and that f:IX is a function. If g1,g2:IX are primitives of f, then g1-g2 is constant on I.


For i=1,2, as gi is a primitive of f there is a countable set DiI such that tIDi implies that gi is differentiable at t and gi(t)=f(t). Let D=D1D2, which is a countable set. Both g1 and g2 are continuous so g=g1-g2:IX is continuous, and if tID then g is differentiable at t and g(t)=g1(t)-g2(t)=f(t)-f(t)=0. Then Corollary 11 shows that g is constant on I, i.e., that g1-g2 is constant on I.∎

We now give a construction of primitives of regulated functions.44 4 Jean-Paul Penot, Calculus Without Derivatives, p. 124, Theorem 2.19.

Theorem 13.

If I=[a,b], X is a Banach space, and fR(I,X), then the map g:IX defined by g(t)=atf is a primitive of f on I.


For t[a,b) and ϵ>0, because f is regulated there is some 0<δ<b-t such that 0<rδ implies that f(t+r)-f(t+)ϵ. For 0<rδ and for any 0<η<r, using Lemma 8 we have

at+rf-atf-tt+rf(t+) = tt+rf-tt+rf(t+)
= tt+η(f-f(t+))+t+ηt+r(f-f(t+))

This is true for all 0<η<r, so




This shows that




Because f is regulated, Lemma 4 shows that there is a countable set DI such that tID implies that f is continuous at t. Therefore, if tID then f(t+)=f(t-)=f(t), so g+(t)=g-(t), which means that if tID then g is differentiable at t, with g(t)=f(t). To prove that g is a primitive of f on I it suffices now to show that g is continuous. For ϵ>0 and tI, let δ=ϵf, and then for |s-t|<δ we have by Lemma 8 that


showing that g is continuous at t, completing the proof. ∎

Suppose that X is a Banach space and that f:[a,b]X is a primitive of a regulated function h:[a,b]X. Because h is regulated, by Theorem 13 the function g:[a,b]X defined by g(t)=atf is a primitive of f on [a,b]. Then applying Lemma 12, there is some cX such that f(t)-g(t)=c for all t[a,b]. But f(a)-g(a)=f(a), so c=f(a). Hence, for all t[a,b],






hence as η10+ and η20+,


and so it makes sense to write


and thus for all t[a,b],
