Infinite product measures

Jordan Bell
May 10, 2015

1 Introduction

The usual proof that the product of a collection of probability measures exists uses Fubini’s theorem. This is unsatisfying because one ought not need to use Fubini’s theorem to prove things having only to do with σ-algebras and measures. In this note I work through the proof given by Saeki of the existence of the product of a collection of probability measures.11 1 Sadahiro Saeki, A Proof of the Existence of Infinite Product Probability Measures, Amer. Math. Monthly 103 (1996), no. 8, 682–682. We speak only about the Lebesgue integral of characteristic functions.

2 Rings of sets and Hopf’s extension theorem

If X is a set and is a collection of subsets of X, we call a ring of sets when (i) and (ii) if A and B belong to then AB and AB belong to . If is a ring of sets and A,B, then AB=A(AB). Equivalently, one checks that a collection of subsets of X is a ring of sets if and only if (i) and (ii) if A and B belong to then AB and AB belong to , where AB=(AB)(BA) is the symmetric difference. One checks that indeed a ring of sets is a ring with addition and multiplication . If 𝒮 is a nonempty collection of subsets of X, one proves that there is a unique ring of sets (𝒮) that (i) contains 𝒮 and (ii) is contained in any ring of sets that contains 𝒮. We call (𝒮) the ring of sets generated by S.

If 𝒜 is a ring of subsets of a set X, we call 𝒜 an algebra of sets when X𝒜. Namely, an algebra of sets is a unital ring of sets. If 𝒮 is a nonempty collection of subsets of X, one proves that there is a unique algebra of sets 𝒜(𝒮) that (i) contains 𝒮 and (ii) is contained in any algebra of sets that contains 𝒮. We call 𝒜(𝒮) the algebra of sets generated by S.

For a nonempty collection 𝒢 of subsets of a set X, we denote by σ(𝒢) the smallest σ-algebra of subsets of X such that 𝒢σ(𝒢).

If is a ring of subsets of a set X and τ:[0,] is a function such that (i) μ()=0 and (ii) when {An} is a countable subset of whose members are pairwise disjoint and which satisfies n=1An, then


we call τ a measure on R. The following is Hopf’s extension theorem.22 2 Karl Stromberg, Probability for Analysts, p. 52, Theorem A3.6.

Theorem 1 (Hopf’s extension theorem).

Suppose that X is a set, that is a ring of subsets of X, and that τ is a measure on . If there is a countable subset {En} of with τ(En)< for each n and such that n=1En=X, then there is a unique measure μ:σ()[0,] whose restriction to is equal to τ.

3 Semirings of sets

If X is a set and 𝒮 is a collection of subsets of X, we call 𝒮 a semiring of sets when (i) 𝒮, (ii) if A and B belong to 𝒮 then AB𝒮, and (iii) if A and B belong to 𝒮 then there are pairwise disjoint C1,,Cn𝒮 such that


If 𝒮 is a semiring of subsets of a set X, we call 𝒮 a semialgebra of sets when X𝒮. One proves that if 𝒮 is a semialgebra, then the collection 𝒜 of all finite unions of elements of 𝒮 is equal to the algebra generated by 𝒮, and that each element of 𝒜 is equal to a finite union of pairwise disjoint elements of 𝒮.33 3 V. I. Bogachev, Measure Theory, volume I, p. 8, Lemma 1.2.14.

4 Cylinder sets

Suppose that {(Ωi,i,Pi):iI} is a nonempty collection of probability spaces and let


If Aii for each iI and {iI:AiΩi} is finite, we call


a cylinder set. Let 𝒞 be the collection of all cylinder sets. One checks that 𝒞 is a semialgebra of sets.44 4 S. J. Taylor, Introduction to Measure and Integration, p. 136, §6.1, Lemma.

Lemma 2.

Suppose that P:𝒞[0,1] is a function such that


whenever An are pairwise disjoint elements of 𝒞 whose union is equal to Ω. Then there is a unique probability measure on σ(𝒞) whose restriction to 𝒞 is equal to P.


Let 𝒜 be the collection of all finite unions of cylinder sets. Because 𝒞 is a semialgebra of sets, 𝒜 is the algebra of sets generated by 𝒞, and any element of 𝒜 is equal to a finite union of pairwise disjoint elements of 𝒞. Let A𝒜. There are pairwise disjoint B1,,Bj𝒞 whose union is equal to A. Suppose also that {Ci} is a countable subset of 𝒞 with pairwise disjoint members whose union is equal to A. Moreover, as ΩA𝒜 there are pairwise disjoint W1,,Wp𝒞 such that ΩA=i=1pWi. On the one hand, W1,,Wp,B1,,Bj are pairwise disjoint cylinder sets with union Ω, so


On the other hand, W1,,Wp,C1,C2, are pairwise disjoint cylinder sets with union Ω, so




this conclusion does not involve W1,,Wp. Thus it makes sense to define τ(A) to be this common value, and this defines a function τ:𝒜[0,1]. For C𝒞, τ(C)=P(C), i.e. the restriction of τ to P is equal to 𝒞.

If {An} is a countable subset of 𝒜 whose members are pairwise disjoint and A=n=1An𝒜, for each n let Cn,1,,Cn,j(n)𝒞 be pairwise disjoint cylinder sets with union An. Then


is a countable subset of 𝒞 whose elements are pairwise disjoint and with union A, so


But for each n,




This shows that τ:𝒜[0,1] is a measure. Then applying Hopf’s extension theorem, we get that there is a unique measure μ:σ(𝒜)[0,1] whose restriction to 𝒜 is equal to τ. It is apparent that the σ-algebra generated by a semialgebra is equal to the σ-algebra generated by the algebra generated by the semialgebra, so σ(𝒜)=σ(𝒞). Because the restriction of τ to 𝒞 is equal to P, the restriction of μ to 𝒞 is equal to P. Now suppose that ν:σ(𝒜)[0,1] is a measure whose restriction to 𝒞 is equal to P. For A𝒜, there are disjoint C1,,Cn𝒞 with A=i=1nCi. Then


showing that the restriction of ν to 𝒜 is equal to the restriction of μ to 𝒜, from which it follows that ν=μ. ∎

5 Product measures

Suppose that {(Ωi,i,Pi):iI} is a nonempty collection of probability spaces. The product σ-algebra is σ(𝒞), the σ-algebra generated by the cylinder sets. We define P:𝒞[0,1] by


for A𝒞 and with IA={iI:AiΩi}, which is finite.

Lemma 3.

Suppose that I is the set of positive integers. If {An} is a countable subset of 𝒞 with pairwise disjoint elements whose union is equal to Ω, then


For each k1, there is some ik and Ak,11,,Ak,ikik such that


with Ak,i=Ωi for i>ik. Let m1, let x=(xi)Am, and let n1. If n=m,


If mn and yiΩi for each i>im and we set yi=xi for 1iim, then because Am and An are disjoint and yAm, we have yAn and therefore there is some i, 1iin, such that yiAn,i. Thus

(i=1imχAn,i(xi))(i>imχAn,i(yi))=i=1χAn,i(yi)=0. (1)

Either inim or in>im. In the case inim we have An,i=Ωi for i>im and thus


hence by (1),


In the case in>im, we have An,i=Ωi for i>in and thus


hence by (1) we have that for yiΩi, i>im,


Therefore, integrating over Ωi for i=im+1,,in,




We have thus established that for any m1, xAm, and n1,

(i=1imχAn,i(xi))(i>imPi(An,i))=δm,n. (2)

Suppose by contradiction that



n=1i=1Pi(An,i)<1. (3)



for all x1Ω1, then integrating over Ω1 we contradict (3). Hence there is some x1Ω1 such that


Suppose by induction that for some j1, x1Ω1,,xjΩj and




for all xj+1Ωj+1, then integrating over Ωj+1 we contradict (3). Hence there is some xj+1Ωj+1 such that


Therefore, by induction we obtain that for any j, there are x1Ω1,,xjΩj such that

n=1(i=1jχAn,i(xi))(i=j+1Pi(An,i))<1. (4)

Write x=(x1,x2,)Ω. Because Ω=m=1Am, there is some m for which xAm. For j=im, (4) states


But (2) tells us


a contradiction. Therefore,


proving the claim. ∎

Lemma 4.

Suppose that I is an uncountable set. If {An} is a countable subset of 𝒞 with pairwise disjoint elements whose union is equal to Ω, then


For each n, there are An,ii with An,i=Ωi, and In={iI:AiΩi} is finite. Then J=n=1In is countable. Let ΩJ=iJΩi, let 𝒞J be the collection of cylinder sets corresponding to the probability spaces {(Ωi,i,Pi):iJ}, and define PJ:𝒞J[0,1] by


for B𝒞J and with JB={iJ:BiΩi}, which is finite. PJ satisfies


Let Bn=iJAn,i, i.e. An=Bn×iIJAn,i. Then {Bn} is a countable subset of 𝒞J with pairwise disjoint elements whose union is equal to ΩJ, and applying Lemma 3 we get that


and therefore


Now by Lemma 2 and the above lemma, there is a unique probability measure μ on σ(𝒞) whose restriction to 𝒞 is equal to P. That is, when {(Ωi,i,Pi):iI} are probability spaces and 𝒞 is the collection of cylinder sets corresponding to these probability spaces, with Ω=iIΩi and P:𝒞[0,1] defined by


for A=iIAi𝒞, then there is a unique probability measure μ on the the product σ-algebra such that μ(A)=P(A) for each cylinder set A. We call μ the product measure, and write


