Polish spaces and Baire spaces

Jordan Bell
June 27, 2014

1 Introduction

These notes consist of me working through those parts of the first chapter of Alexander S. Kechris, Classical Descriptive Set Theory, that I think are important in analysis. Denote by the set of positive integers. I do not talk about universal spaces like the Cantor space 2, the Baire space , and the Hilbert cube [0,1], or “localization”, or about Polish groups.

If (X,τ) is a topological space, the Borel σ-algebra of X, denoted by X, is the smallest σ-algebra of subsets of X that contains τ. X contains τ, and is closed under complements and countable unions, and rather than talking merely about Borel sets (elements of the Borel σ-algebra), we can be more specific by talking about open sets, closed sets, and sets that are obtained by taking countable unions and complements.

Definition 1.

An Fσ set is a countable union of closed sets.

A Gδ set is a complement of an Fσ set. Equivalently, it is a countable intersection of open sets.

If (X,d) is a metric space, the topology induced by the metric d is the topology generated by the collection of open balls. If (X,τ) is a topological space, a metric d on the set X is said to be compatible with τ if τ is the topology induced by d. A metrizable space is a topological space whose topology is induced by some metric, and a completely metrizable space is a topological space whose topology is induced by some complete metric. One proves that being metrizable and being completely metrizable are topological properties, i.e., are preserved by homeomorphisms.

If X is a topological space, a subspace of X is a subset of X which is a topogical space with the subspace topology inherited from X. Because any topological space is a closed subset of itself, when we say that a subspace is closed we mean that it is a closed subset of its parent space, and similarly for open, Fσ, Gδ. A subspace of a compact Hausdorff space is compact if and only if it is closed; a subspace of a metrizable space is metrizable; and a subspace of a completely metrizable space is completely metrizable if and only if it is closed.

A topological space is said to be separable if it has a countable dense subset, and second-countable if it has a countable basis for its topology. It is straightforward to check that being second-countable implies being separable, but a separable topological space need not be second-countable. However, one checks that a separable metrizable space is second-countable. A subspace of a second-countable topological space is second-countable, and because a subspace of a metrizable space is metrizable, it follows that a subspace of a separable metrizable space is separable.

A Polish space is a separable completely metrizable space. My own interest in Polish spaces is because one can prove many things about Borel probability measures on a Polish space that one cannot prove for other types of topological spaces. Using the fact (the Heine-Borel theorem) that a compact metric space is complete and totally bounded, one proves that a compact metrizable space is Polish, but for many purposes we do not need a metrizable space to be compact, only Polish, and using compact spaces rather than Polish spaces excludes, for example, .

2 Separable Banach spaces

Let K denote either or . If X and Y are Banach spaces over K, we denote by (X,Y) the set of bounded linear operators XY. With the operator norm, this is a Banach space. We shall be interested in the strong operator topology, which is the initial topology on (X,Y) induced by the family {TTx:xX}. One proves that the strong operator topology on (X,Y) is induced by the family of seminorms {TTx:xX}, and because this is a separating family of seminorms, (X,Y) with the strong operator topology is a locally convex space. A basis of convex sets for the strong operator topology consists of those sets of the form


for x1,,xnX, ϵ>0, T1,,Tn(X,Y).

We prove conditions under which the closed unit ball in (X,Y) with the strong operator topology is Polish.11 1 Alexander S. Kechris, Classical Descriptive Set Theory, p. 14.

Theorem 2.

Suppose that X and Y are separable Banach spaces. Then the closed unit ball


with the subspace topology inherited from (X,Y) with the strong operator topology is Polish.


Let E be or {a+ib:a,b}, depending on whether K is or , let D0 be a countable dense subset of X, and let D be the span of D0 over K. D is countable and Y is Polish, so the product YD is Polish. Define Φ:B1YD by Φ(T)=Tι, where ι:DX is the inclusion map. If Φ(S)=Φ(T), then because D is dense in X and S,T:XY are continuous, X=Y, showing that Φ is one-to-one. We check that Φ(B1) consists of those fYD such that both (i) if x,yD and a,bE then f(ax+by)=af(x)+bf(y), and (ii) if xD then f(x)x. One proves that Φ(B1) is a closed subset of YD, and because YD is Polish this implies that Φ(B1) with the subspace topology inherited from YD is Polish. Then one proves that Φ:B1Φ(B1) is a homeomorphism, where B1 has the subspace topology inherited from (X,Y) with the strong operator topology, which tells us that B1 is Polish. ∎

If X is a Banach space over K, where K is or , we write X*=(X,K). The strong operator topology on (X,K) is called the weak-* topology on X*. Keller’s theorem22 2 Alexander S. Kechris, Classical Descriptive Set Theory, p. 64, Theorem 9.19. states that if X is a separable infinite-dimensional Banach space, then the closed unit ball in X* with the subspace topology inherited from X* with the weak-* topology is homeomorphic to the Hilbert cube [0,1].

3 G-delta sets

If (X,d) is a metric space and A is a subset of X, we define


with diam()=0, and if xX we define


with d(x,)=. We also define


If X and Y are topological spaces and f:XY is a function, the set of continuity of f is the set of all points in X at which f is continuous. To say that f is continuous is equivalent to saying that its set of continuity is X.

If X is a topological space, (Y,d) is a metric space, AX, and f:AY is a function, for xX we define the oscillation of f at x as

oscf(x)=inf{diam(f(UA)):U is an open neighborhood of x}.

To say that f:AY is continuous at xA means that for every ϵ>0 there is some open neighborhood U of x such that yUA implies that d(f(y),f(x))<ϵ, and this implies that diam(f(UA))2ϵ. Hence if f is continuous at x then oscf(x)=0. On the other hand, suppose that oscf(x)=0 and let ϵ>0. There is then some open neighborhood U of x such that diam(f(UA))<ϵ, and this implies that d(f(y),f(x))<ϵ for every yUA, showing that f is continuous at x. Therefore, the set of continuity of f:AY is


As well, if xXA¯=A¯c, then A¯c is an open neighborhood of x and f(A¯cA)=f()= and diam()=0, so in this case oscf(x)=0.

The following theorem shows that the set of points where a function taking values in a metrizable space has zero oscillation is a Gδ set.33 3 Alexander S. Kechris, Classical Descriptive Set Theory, p. 15, Proposition 3.6.

Theorem 3.

Suppose that X is a topological space, Y is a metrizable space, AX, and f:AY is a function. Then {xX:oscf(x)=0} is a Gδ set.


Let d be a metric on Y that induces its topology and let Aϵ={xX:oscf(x)<ϵ}. For xAϵ, there is an open neighborhood U of x such that oscf(x)diam(f(UA))<ϵ. But if yU then U is an open neighborhood of y and diam(f(UA))<ϵ, so oscf(y)<ϵ and hence yAϵ, showing that Aϵ is open. Finally,


which is a Gδ set, completing the proof. ∎

In a metrizable space, the only closed sets that are open are and the space itself, but we can show that any closed set is a countable intersection of open sets.44 4 Alexander S. Kechris, Classical Descriptive Set Theory, p. 15, Proposition 3.7.

Theorem 4.

If X is a metrizable space, then any closed subset of X is a Gδ set.


Let d be a metric on X that induces its topology. Suppose that A is a nonempty subset of X and that x,yX. We have d(x,A)d(x,y)+d(y,A) and d(y,A)d(y,x)+d(x,A), so


It follows that Bd(A,ϵ) is open. But if F is a closed subset of X then check that


which is an Fσ set, completing the proof. (If we did not know that F was closed then F would be contained in this intersection, but need not be equal to it.) ∎

Kechris attributes the following theorem55 5 Alexander S. Kechris, Classical Descriptive Set Theory, p. 16, Theorem 3.8. to Kuratowski. It and the following theorem are about extending continuous functions from a set to a Gδ set that contains it, and we will use the following theorem in the proof of Theorem 7.

Theorem 5.

Suppose that X is metrizable, Y is completely metrizable, A is a subspace of X, and f:AY is continuous. Then there is a Gδ set G in X such that AGA¯ and a continuous function g:GY whose restriction to A is equal to f.


Let G=A¯{xX:oscf(x)=0}. Theorem 4 tells us that the first set is Gδ and Theorem 3 tells us that the second set is Gδ, so G is Gδ. Because f:AY is continuous, A{xX:oscf(x)=0}, and hence AG.

Let xGA¯, and let xn,tnA with xnx and tnx. Because oscf(x)=0, for every ϵ>0 there is some open neighborhood U of x such that diam(f(UA))<ϵ. But then there is some n such that kn implies that xk,tkU, and thus diam(f({xk,tk:kn}))<ϵ. Hence diam(f({xk,tk:kn}))0 as n, and this is equivalent to the sequence f(x1),f(t1),f(x2),f(t2), being Cauchy. Because Y is completely metrizable this sequence converges to some yY and therefore the subsequence f(xn) and the subsequence f(tn) both converge to y. Thus it makes sense to define g:GY by


and the restriction of g to A is equal to f. It remains to prove that g is continuous.

If U is an open subset of X, then g(UG)f(UA)¯, hence


For any xG this and oscf(x)=0 yield


showing that the set of continuity of g is G, i.e. that g is continuous. ∎

The following shows that a homeomorphism between subsets of metrizable spaces can be extended to a homeomorphism of Gδ sets.66 6 Alexander S. Kechris, Classical Descriptive Set Theory, p. 16, Theorem 3.9.

Theorem 6 (Lavrentiev’s theorem).

Suppose that X and Y are completely metrizable spaces, that A is a subspace of X, and that B is a subspace of Y. If f:AB is a homeomorphism, then there are Gδ sets GA and HB and a homeomorphism GH whose restriction to A is equal to f.


Theorem 5 tells us that there is a Gδ set G1A and a continuous function g1:G1Y whose restriction to A is equal to f, and there is a Gδ set H1B and a continuous function h1:H1X whose restriction to B is equal to f-1. Let


Because g1:G1Y is continuous, R is a closed subset of X×Y, and because h1:H1X is continuous, S is a closed subset of X×Y. Let


where πX:X×YX and πY:X×YY are the projection maps. If xA then h1(g1(x))=f-1(f(x))=x, and hence xG, and if yB then g1(h1(y))=f(f-1(y))=y, and hence yH, so we have


The map E1:G1X×Y defined by E1(x)=(x,g1(x)) is continuous because g1:G1Y is continuous, and hence


is a closed subset of G1, and thus by Theorem 4 is a Gδ set in G1. But G1 is a Gδ subset of X, so G is a Gδ set in X also. Define E2:H1X×Y by E2(y)=(h1(y),y), which is continuous because h1 is continuous. Then


is a closed subset of H1, and hence is Gδ in H1. But H1 is a Gδ subset of Y, so H1 is a Gδ set in Y also.

Check that the restriction of g1 to G1 is a homeomorphism G1H1 whose restriction to A is equal to f, completing the proof. ∎

If a topological space has some property and Y is a subset of X, one wants to know conditions under which Y with the subspace topology inherited from X has the same property. For example, a subspace of a compact Hausdorff space is compact if and only if it is closed, and a subspace of a completely metrizable space is completely metrizable if and only if it is closed. The following theorem shows in particular that a subspace of a Polish space is Polish if and only if it is Gδ.77 7 Alexander S. Kechris, Classical Descriptive Set Theory, p. 17, Theorem 3.11. (The statement of the theorem is about completely metrizable spaces and we obtain the conclusion about Polish spaces because any subspace of a separable metrizable space is itself separable.)

Theorem 7.

Suppose that X is a metrizable space and Y is a subset of X with the subspace topology. If Y is completely metrizable then Y is a Gδ set in X. If X is completely metrizable and Y is a Gδ set in X then Y is completely metrizable.


Suppose that Y is completely metrizable. The map idY:YY is continuous, so Theorem 5 tells us that there is a Gδ set YGY¯ and a continuous function g:GY whose restriction to Y is equal to idY. For xGY¯, there are ynY with ynx, and because g is continuous we get idY(yn)=g(yn)g(x), i.e. yng(x), hence g(x)=x. But g:GY so xY, showing that G=Y and hence that Y is a Gδ set.

Suppose that X is completely metrizable and that Y is a Gδ subset of X, and let d be a complete metric on X that is compatible with the topology of X; if we restrict this metric to Y then it is a metric on Y that is compatible with the subspace topology on Y inherited from X, but it need not be a complete metric. Let Un be open sets in X with Y=nUn, let Fn=XUn, and for x,yY define


One proves that d1 is a metric on Y and that it is compatible with the subspace topology on Y. Suppose that ynY is Cauchy in (Y,d1). Because dd1, this is also a Cauchy sequence in (X,d), and because (X,d) is complete, there is some yX such that yny in (X,d). Then one proves that yny in (Y,d1), from which we have that (Y,d1) is a complete metric space. ∎

4 Continuous functions on a compact space

If X and Y are topological spaces, we denote by C(X,Y) the set of continuous functions XY. If X is a compact topological space and (Y,ρ) is a metric space, we define


which is a metric on C(X,Y), which we call the ρ-supremum metric. One proves that dρ is a complete metric on C(X,Y) if and only if ρ is a complete metric on Y.88 8 Charalambos D. Aliprantis and Kim C. Border, Infinite Dimensional Analysis: A Hitchhiker’s Guide, third ed., p. 124, Lemma 3.97. It follows that if Y is a Banach space then so is C(X,Y) with the supremum norm f=supxXf(x)Y.

Suppose that X is a compact topological space and that Y is a metrizable space. If ρ1,ρ2 are metrics on Y that induce its topology, then dρ1,dρ2 are metrics on C(X,Y), and it can be proved that they induce the same topology,99 9 Charalambos D. Aliprantis and Kim C. Border, Infinite Dimensional Analysis: A Hitchhiker’s Guide, third ed., p. 124, Lemma 3.98. which we call the topology of uniform convergence.

Finally, if X is a compact metrizable space and Y is a separable metrizable space, it can be proved that C(X,Y) is separable.1010 10 Charalambos D. Aliprantis and Kim C. Border, Infinite Dimensional Analysis: A Hitchhiker’s Guide, third ed., p. 125, Lemma 3.99.

Thus, using what we have stated above, suppose that X is a compact metrizable space and that Y is a Polish space. Because X is a compact metrizable space and Y is a separable metrizable space, C(X,Y) is separable. Because X is a compact topological space and Y is a completely metrizable space, C(X,Y) is completely metrizable, and hence Polish.

5 C([0,1])

C1() consists of those functions F: such that for each x0, there is some F(x0) such that


and such that this function F belongs to C(). We define C1([0,1]) to be those functions [0,1] that are the restriction to [0,1] of some element of C1(). We shall prove that C1([0,1]) is an Fσδ set in C([0,1]).1111 11 Alexander S. Kechris, Classical Descriptive Set Theory, p. 70.

Suppose that fC1([0,1]). For each x[0,1],

6 Meager sets and Baire spaces

Let X be a topological space. A subet A of X is called nowhere dense if the interior of A¯ is . A subset A of X is called meager if it is a countable union of nowhere dense sets. A meager set is also said to be of first category, and a nonmeager is said to be of second category. Meager is a good name for at least two reasons: it is descriptive and the word is not already used to name anything else. First category and second category are bad names for at least four reasons: the words describe nothing, they are phrases rather than single words, they suggests an ordering, and they conflict with reserving the word “category” for category theory. A complement of a meager is said to be comeager.

If X is a set, an ideal on X is a collection of subsets of X that includes and is closed under subsets and finite unions. A σ-ideal on X is an ideal that is closed under countable unions.

Lemma 8.

The collection of meager subsets of a topological space is a σ-ideal.

If X is a topological space and xX, we say that x is isolated if {x} is open. We say X is perfect if it has no isolated points, and a T1 space if {x} is closed for each xX. Suppose that X is a perfect T1 space and let A be a countable subset of X. For each xA, because X is T1, the closure of {x} is {x}, and because X is perfect, the interior of {x} is , and hence {x} is nowhere dense. A=xA{x} is a countable union of nowhere dense sets, hence is meager. Thus we have proved that any countable subset of a perfect T1 space is meager.

Suppose that X is a topological space. If every comeager set in X is dense, we say that X is a Baire space.

Lemma 9.

A topological space is a Baire space if and only if the intersection of any countable family of dense open sets is dense.

We prove that open subsets of Baire spaces are Baire spaces.1212 12 Alexander S. Kechris, Classical Descriptive Set Theory, p. 41, Proposition 8.3.

Theorem 10.

If X is a Baire space and U is an open subspace of X, then U is a Baire space.


Because U is open, an open subset of U is an open subset of X that is contained in U. Suppose that Un, n, are dense open subsets of U. So they are each open subsets of X, and Un(XU¯) is a dense open subset of X for each n. Then because X is a Baire space,


is dense in X. It follows that nUn is dense in U, showing that U is a Baire space. ∎

The following is the Baire category theorem.1313 13 Alexander S. Kechris, Classical Descriptive Set Theory, p. 41, Theorem 8.4.

Theorem 11 (Baire category theorem).

Every completely metrizable space is a Baire space. Every locally compact Hausdorff space is a Baire space.


Let X be a completely metrizable space and let d be a complete metric on X compatible with the topology. Suppose that Un are dense open subsets of X. To show that nUn is dense it suffices to show that for any nonempty open subset U of X,


Because U is a nonempty open set it contains an open ball B1 of radius <1 with B1¯U. Since U1 is dense and B1 is open, B1U1 and is open because both B1 and U1 are open. As B1U1 is a nonempty open set it contains an open ball B2 of radius <12 with B2¯B1U1. Suppose that n>1 and that Bn is an open ball of radius <1n with Bn¯Bn-1Un-1. Since Un is dense and Bn is open, BnUn and is open because both Bn and Un are open. As BnUn is a nonempty open set it contains an open ball Bn+1 of radius <1n+1 with Bn+1¯BnUn. Then, we have Bn+1Bn for each n. Letting xi be the center of Bi, we have d(xj,xi)<1i for j>i, and hence xi is a Cauchy sequence. Since (X,d) is a complete metric space, there is some xX such that xix. For any m there is some i0 such that ii0 implies that d(xi,x)<1m, and hence xBm=n=1mBn. Therefore


which shows that nUn is dense and hence that X is a Baire space.

Let X be a locally compact Hausdorff space. Suppose that Un are dense open subsets of X and that U is a nonempty open set. Let x1U, and because X is a locally compact Hausdorff space there is an open neighborhood V1 of x1 with V1¯ compact and V1¯U. Since U1 is dense and V1 is open, there is some x2V1U1. As V1U1 is open, there is an open neighborhood V2 of x2 with V2¯ compact and V2¯V1U1. Thus, Vn¯ are compact and satisfy Vn+1¯Vn¯ for each n, and hence


This intersection is contained in n(UnU) which is therefore nonempty, showing that nUn is dense and hence that X is a Baire space. ∎

7 Nowhere differentiable functions

From what we said in §4, because [0,1] is a compact metrizable space and is a Polish space, C([0,1])=C([0,1],) with the topology of uniform convergence is Polish. This topology is induced by the norm f=supx[0,1]|f(x)|, with which C([0,1]) is thus a separable Banach space.

For a function F: to be differentiable at a point x0 means that there is some F(x0) such that


If f:[0,1] is a function and x0[0,1], we say that f is differentiable at x0 if there is some function F: that is differentiable at x0 and whose restriction to [0,1] is equal to f, and we write f(x0)=F(x0). The purpose of speaking in this way is to be precise about what we mean by f being differentiable at the endpoints of the interval [0,1].

If f:[0,1] is differentiable at x0[0,1], then there is some δ>0 such that if 0<|x-x0|<δ and x[0,1], then


and hence


On the other hand, if fC([0,1]) then {x[0,1]:|x-x0|δ} is a compact set on which xf(x)-f(x0)x-x0 is continuous, and hence the absolute value of this function is bounded by some M. Thus, if |x-x0|δ and x[0,1], then




Therefore, if fC([0,1]) is differentiable at x0[0,1] then there is some positive integer N such that


For N, let EN be those fC([0,1]) for which there is some x0[0,1] such that


We have established that if fC([0,1]) and there is some x0[0,1] such that f is differentiable at x0, then there is some N such that fEN. Therefore, the set of those fC([0,1]) that are differentiable at some point in [0,1] is contained in


and hence to prove that the set of fC([0,1]) that are nowhere differentiable is comeager in C([0,1]), it suffices to prove that each EN is nowhere dense. To show this we shall follow the proof in Stein and Shakarchi.1414 14 Elias M. Stein and Rami Shakarchi, Functional Analysis, p. 163, Theorem 1.5.

Lemma 12.

For each N, EN is a closed subset of the Banach space C([0,1]).


C([0,1]) is a metric space, so to show that EN is closed it suffices to prove that if fnEN is a sequence tending to fC([0,1]), then fEN. For each n, let xn[0,1] be such that


Because xn is a sequence in the compact set [0,1], it has subsequence xa(n) that converges to some x0[0,1]. For all x[0,1] we have

|f(x)-f(x0)| |f(x)-fa(n)(x)|+|fa(n)(x)-fa(n)(x0)|

Let ϵ>0. Because fn-f0, there is some n0 such that when nn0, the first and third terms on the right-hand side are each <ϵ. For the second term on the right-hand side, we use


But fa(n)EN, so this is


Putting everything together, for nn0 we have


Because xa(n)x0, we get


But this is true for any ϵ>0, so


showing that fEN. ∎

For M let PM be the set of those fC([0,1]) that are piecewise linear and whose line segments have slopes with absolute value M. If M,N, M>N, and fPM, then for any x0[0,1], this x0 is the abscissa of a point on at least one line segment whose slope has absolute value M (the point will be on two line segments when it is their common endpoint), and then there is another point on this line segment, with abscissa x, such that |f(x)-f(x0)|M|x-x0|>N|x-x0|, and the fact that for every x0[0,1] there is such x[0,1] means that fEN. Therefore, if M>N then PMEN=.

Lemma 13.

For each M, PM is dense in C([0,1]).


Let fC([0,1]) and ϵ>0. Because f is continuous on the compact set [0,1] it is uniformly continuous, so there is some positive integer n such that |x-y|1n implies that |f(x)-f(y)|ϵ. We define g:[0,1] to be linear on the intervals [kn,k+1n], k=0,,n-1 and to satisfy


This nails down g, and for any x[0,1] there is some k=0,,n-1 such that x lies in the interval [kn,k+1n]. But since g is linear on this interval and we know its values at the endpoints, for any y in this interval we have

g(y) = f(k+1n)-f(kn)k+1n-kny+f(kn)-f(k+1n)-f(kn)k+1n-knkn
= n(f(k+1n)-f(kn))y+f(kn)-k(f(k+1n)-f(kn)),


|g(x)-f(x)| |g(x)-g(k/n)|+|g(k/n)-f(k/n)|+|f(k/n)-f(x)|
= |g(x)-f(k/n)|+|f(k/n)-f(x)|
= n|(f(k+1n)-f(kn))(x-kn)|+|f(k/n)-f(x)|

This is true for all x[0,1], so


Now that we know that we can approximate any fC([0,1]) with continuous piecewise linear functions, we shall show that we can approximate any continuous piecewise linear function with elements of PM, from which it will follow that PM is dense in C([0,1]). Let g be a continuous piecewise linear function. We can write g in the following way: there is some positive integer n and a0,,an-1,b0,,bn-1 such that g is linear on the intervals [kn,k+1n], k=0,,n-1, and satisfies g(x)=akx+bk for x[kn,k+1n]; this can be satisfied precisely when akk+1n+bk=ak+1k+1n+bk+1 for each k=0,,n-1. For ϵ>0, let


We shall define a function h:[0,1] by describing its graph. We start at (0,g(0)), and then the graph of h is a line segment of slope M until it intersects the graph of ϕϵ, at which point the graph of h is a line segment of slope -M until it intersects the graph of ψϵ. We repeat this until we hit the point (1n,h(1n)); we remark that it need not be the case that h(1n)=g(1n). If (1n,h(1n)) lies on the graph of ϕϵ then we start a line segment of slope -M, and if it lies on the graph of ψϵ then we start a line segment of slope M, and otherwise we continue the existing line segment until it intersects ϕϵ or ψϵ and we repeat this until the point (2n,h(2n)), and then repeat this procedure. This constructs a function hPM such that h-gϵ. But for any fC([0,1]) and ϵ>0, we have shown that there is some continuous piecewise linear g such that g-f<ϵ, and now we know that there is some hPM such that h-g<ϵ, so h-f<2ϵ, showing that PM is dense in C([0,1]). ∎

Let N, suppose that fEN, and let ϵ>0. Let M>N, and because PM is dense in C([0,1]), there is some hPM such that f-h<ϵ. But PMEN= because M>N, so hEN, showing that there is no open ball with center f that is contained in EN, which shows that EN has empty interior. But we have shown that EN is closed, so the interior of the closure of EN is empty, namely, EN is nowhere dense, which completes the proof.

8 The Baire property

Suppose that X is a topological space and that is the σ-ideal of meager sets in X. For A,BX, write


We write A=*B if AB. One proves that if A=*B then XA=*XB, and that if An=*Bn then nAn=*nBn and nAn=*nBn. A subset A of X is said to have the Baire property if there is an open set U such that A=*U. (It is a common practice to talk about things that are equal to a thing that is somehow easy to work with modulo things that are considered small.) The following theorem characterizes the collection of subsets with the Baire property of a topological space.1515 15 Alexander S. Kechris, Classical Descriptive Set Theory, p. 47, Proposition 8.22.

Theorem 14.

Let X be a topological space and let be the collection of subsets of X with the Baire property. Then is a σ-algebra on X, and is the algebra generated by all open sets and all meager sets.


If F is closed, then FInt(F) is closed and has empty interior, so is nowhere dense and therefore meager. Thus, if F is closed then F=*Int(F).

=* and is open so has the Baire property, and so belongs to . Suppose that B. This means that there is some open set U such that B=*U, which implies that XB=*XU. But XU is closed, hence XU=*Int(XU), so XB=*Int(XU). As Int(XU) is open, this shows that XB has the Baire property, that is, XB.

Suppose that Bn. So there are open sets Un such that Bn=*Un, and it follows that nBn=*nUn. The union on the right-hand side is open, so n has the Baire property and thus belongs to . This shows that is a σ-algebra.

Suppose that 𝒜 is an algebra containing all open sets and all meager sets, and let B. Because B has the Baire property there is some open set U such that B=*U, which means that M=BU=(BU)(UB) is meager. But B=MU=(MU)(UM), and because 𝒜 is an algebra and U,M𝒜 we get B𝒜, showing that 𝒜. ∎

If Xn is a sequence of sets, we call AnXn a tail set if for all (xn)A and (yn)nXn, {n:ynxn} being finite implies that (yn)A. The following theorem states is a topological zero-one law,1616 16 Alexander S. Kechris, Classical Descriptive Set Theory, p. 55, Theorem 8.47. whose proof uses the Kutatowski-Ulam theorem,1717 17 Alexander S. Kechris, Classical Descriptive Set Theory, p. 53, Theorem 8.41. which is about meager sets in a product of two second-countable topological spaces. Since, from the Baire category theorem, any completely metrizable space is a Baire space and a separable metrizable space is second-countable, we can in particular use the following theorem when the Xn are Polish spaces.

Theorem 15.

Suppose that Xn is a sequence of second-countable Baire spaces. If AnXn has the Baire property and is a tail set, then A is either meager or comeager.