Oscillatory integrals

Jordan Bell
August 4, 2014

1 Oscillatory integrals

Suppose that ΦC(d), ψ𝒟(d), and that Φ is real-valued. Define I:(0,) by


We call Φ a phase and ψ an amplitude, and I(λ) an oscillatory integral.

The following proof follows Stein and Shakarchi.11 1 Elias M. Stein and Rami Shakarchi, Functional Analysis, p. 325, Proposition 2.1.

Theorem 1.

If there is some c>0 such that |(Φ)(x)|c for all xsuppψ, then for each nonnegative integer N there is some cN0 such that


There is some h𝒟(d), h0, such that h(x)=1 for xsuppψ.22 2 Walter Rudin, Functional Analysis, second ed., p. 162, Theorem 6.20. Define a:dd by


whose entries each belong to 𝒟(d), and define L:C(d)𝒟(d) by


L satisfies, doing integration by parts and using the fact that a has compact support,


Thus the transpose of L is


Furthermore, in suppψ,

L(eiλΦ) = eiλΦk=1dak(kΦ)
= eiλΦk=1dkΦ|Φ|2kΦ
= eiλΦ.

Thus for any positive integer N and for xsuppψ, L(eiλΦ)(x)=eiλΦ(x), hence




where A1=(ψa) and An=(An-1a). With


we obtain


completing the proof. ∎

The following is an estimate for a one-dimensional oscillatory integral without an amplitude term.33 3 Elias M. Stein and Rami Shakarchi, Functional Analysis, p. 326, Proposition 2.2.

Lemma 2.

Let a<b, and suppose that ΦC2() is real-valued, that either Φ′′(x)0 for all x[a,b] or Φ′′(x)0 for all x[a,b], and that Φ(x)1 for all x[a,b]. Then




which satisfies


With f=eiλΦ and g=1, we have Lf=eiλΦ and hence

abeiλΦ𝑑x = eiλΦiλΦ|ab-abeiλΦ(1iλΦ)𝑑x
= eiλΦiλΦ|ab+1iλabeiλΦ(Φ)-2Φ′′𝑑x.

For λ>0, using that Φ(x)1 for all x[a,b] the boundary terms have absolute value


Because Φ′′0 or Φ′′0 on [a,b],

1λ|abeiλΦ(Φ)-2Φ′′𝑑x| 1λab|(Φ)-2Φ′′|𝑑x
= 1λ|ab(Φ)-2Φ′′𝑑x|
= 1λ|1Φ(a)-1Φ(b)|

the final inequality uses the fact that the two terms inside the absolute value are both 1, and thus the absolute value can be bounded by the larger of them. Putting together the two inequalities,


proving the claim. ∎

Lemma 3.

Let a<b, and suppose that ΦC2() is real-valued, that either Φ′′(x)0 for all x[a,b] or Φ′′(x)0 for all x[a,b], and that there is some μ>0 such that |Φ(x)|μ for all x[a,b]. Then


Φ is continuous on [a,b], so, by the intermediate value theorem, either Φ(x)μ for all x[a,b] or Φ(x)-μ for all x[a,b]. Let ϵ=1 in the first case and ϵ=-1 in the second case, and define Φ0=ϵΦμ. Then applying Lemma 2, for λ>0 we have, writing λ0=μλ,




If ϵ=1 this is the claim. If ϵ=-1, then the above integral is the complex conjugate of the integral in the claim, and these have the same absolute values. ∎

Theorem 4.

Let a<b, and suppose that ΦC2() is real-valued, that either Φ′′(x)0 for all x[a,b] or Φ′′(x)0 for all x[a,b], and there is some μ>0 such that |Φ(x)|μ for all x[a,b]. Suppose also that ψC1(). Then with


we have


Define J:[a,b] by


which satisfies J(x)=eiλΦ(x). Integrating by parts,


and as J(a)=0 this is equal to


Lemma 3 tells us that |J(x)|3μ-1λ-1 for all x[a,b], so


proving the claim. ∎

The following is van der Corput’s lemma.44 4 Elias M. Stein and Rami Shakarchi, Functional Analysis, p. 328, Proposition 2.3.

Lemma 5 (van der Corput’s lemma).

Let a<b and suppose that ΦC2() is real-valued and satisfies Φ′′(x)1 for all x[a,b]. Then


Because Φ is strictly increasing on [a,b], Φ has at most one zero in this interval. If Φ(x0)=0, then for xx0+λ-1/2 we have Φ(x)λ-1/2, and applying Lemma 3 with μ=λ-1/2,


For xx0-λ-1/2 we have Φ(x)-λ-1/2, and applying Lemma 3 with μ=λ-1/2,








If there is no x0[a,b] such that Φ(x0)=0, then either Φ>0 on [a,b] or Φ<0 on [a,b]. In the first case, because Φ is strictly increasing on [a,b], Φ(x)>λ-1/2 for x[a+λ-1/2,b], and applying Lemma 3 with μ=λ-1/2 gives

|abeiλΦ(x)𝑑x| |[a,a+λ-1/2][a,b]eiλΦ(x)𝑑x|+|[a+λ-1/2,b]eiλΦ(x)𝑑x|
= 4λ-1/2.

In the second case, Φ(x)<-λ-1/2 for x[a,b-λ-1/2], and applying Lemma 3 with μ=λ-1/2 also gives


Therefore, if Φ does not have a zero on [a,b] then


Lemma 6.

Let a<b and suppose that ΦC2() is real-valued and that there is some μ>0 such that |Φ′′(x)|μ for all x[a,b]. Then


Φ′′ is continuous on [a,b], so by the intermediate value theorem either Φ′′(x)μ for all x[a,b] or Φ′′(x)-μ for all x[a,b]. Let ϵ=1 in the first case and ϵ=-1 in the second case, and define Φ0=ϵΦμ. Then Φ0′′(x)1 for all x[a,b], and applying Lemma 5,




If ϵ=1 this is the inequality in the claim. If ϵ=-1, then the above integral is the complex conjugate of the integral in the claim, and these have the same absolute values. ∎

We use the above to prove the following estimate which involves an amplitude.55 5 Elias M. Stein and Rami Shakarchi, Functional Analysis, p. 328, Corollary 2.4.

Theorem 7.

Let a<b and suppose that ΦC2() is real-valued and that there is some μ>0 such that |Φ′′(x)|μ for all x[a,b]. Suppose also that ψC1(). Then with


we have


Define J:[a,b] by


which satisfies J(x)=eiλΦ(x). Integrating by parts,


and as J(a)=0 this is equal to


But for each x[a,b] we have by Lemma 6 that |J(x)|8μ-1/2λ-1/2, so


completing the proof. ∎

2 Bessel functions

For n, the nth Bessel function of the first kind Jn: is




on which |cosx|12, and


on which |sinx|12. Write Φ(x)=sinx and ψ(x)=e-inx. Φ(x)=cos(x) and Φ′′(x)=-sin(x), and for I1,I2,I3,I4 we apply Theorem 4 with μ=12. For each of I1,I2,I3,I4 we compute cψ=3(1+πn4), which gives us


For I5 and I6, we apply Theorem 7 with μ=12. For each of I5 and I6 we compute cψ=8(1+πn2), which gives us




which shows that for each n,


as λ.