The infinite-dimensional torus

Jordan Bell
September 9, 2015

1 Locally compact abelian groups

Let denote the positive integers.

If Gi, iI, are compact abelian groups, we define their direct product to be the cartesian product


with the coarsest topology such that the projection maps πi:jIGjGi are continuous (namely the product topology), with which the direct product is a compact abelian group. We write


We shall be interested especially in the compact abelian group 𝕋=S1, and we call 𝕋ω the infinite-dimensional torus.

If Γi, iI, are discrete abelian groups, their direct sum, denoted by


consists of those elements x of the cartesian product iIΓi such that the set {iI:πi(x)0} is finite. Let pi:jIΓjΓi be the restriction of πi to jIΓj. We give the direct sum the finest topology such that the inclusion maps qi:ΓijIΓj, defined by


are continuous. With this topology, the direct sum is a discrete abelian group. We write


We shall be interested especially in the discrete abelian group , and in the infinite direct sum . (I don’t know how significant an object it is, but I mention that the abelian group is called the Baer-Specker group.)

When speaking about 0 or 1 in a locally compact abelian group, it is unambiguous that this symbol denotes the identity element of the group, because there is only one distinguished element in a locally compact abelian group. Often we denote the identity element of a compact abelian group by 1 and the identity element of a discrete abelian group by 0.

If G1,,Gn are locally compact abelian groups, it is straightforward to check that the cartesian product


with the product topology is a locally compact abelian group. We call this both the direct product and the direct sum and write


2 Dual groups

If G is a locally compact abelian group, denote by G^ its dual group, that is, the set of continuous group homomorphisms GS1. For gG and ϕG^we write


G^ has the initial topology induced by {ϕx,ϕ:xG}, with which it is a locally compact abelian group. If G is compact then G^ is discrete, and if G is discrete then G^ is compact.

Theorem 1.

Suppose that G1,,Gn are locally compact abelian groups. Then the dual group of G1Gn is isomorphic as a topological group to G^1G^n.

We prove in the following theorem that for discrete abelian groups, the dual group of a direct sum is the direct product of the dual groups.11 1 Karl H. Hofmann and Sidney A. Morris, The Structure of Compact Groups, second ed., p. 12, Proposition 1.17. Cf. Walter Rudin, Fourier Analysis on Groups, p. 37, §2.2.3. In particular, this shows that the dual group of is 𝕋ω. Then by the Pontryagin duality theorem22 2 Walter Rudin, Fourier Analysis on Groups, p. 28, Theorem 1.7.2. we get that the dual group of 𝕋ω is .

Theorem 2.

Suppose that Γi, iI, are discrete abelian groups and let


Then Φ:GΓ^, defined by


is an isomorphism of topological groups. Here, πi:GΓ^i and pi:ΓΓi are the projection maps.


The definition of (Φg)(γ) makes sense because {iI:pi(γ)0} is finite and hence {iI:pi(γ),πi(g)1} is finite. For g,hG and γΓ,

(Φ(gh))(γ) = iIpi(γ),πi(gh)
= iIpi(γ),πi(g)pi(γ),πi(h)
= (Φg)(γ)(Φh)(γ)
= ((Φg)(Φh))(γ),

showing that Φ(gh)=Φ(g)Φ(h) and hence that Φ is a homomorphism. Suppose that gkerΦ. For each iI and each γΓi,


where qi:ΓiGamma is the inclusion map. This is true for all γΓi, so (Φg)qi is the identity element of Γ^i. And this is true for all iI, so Φg is the identity element of G. Therefore Φ is one-to-one. Suppose that αΓ^. Define gG as follows: for each iI, take πi(g)=αqiΓ^i. Then g satisfies Φg=α, hence Φ is onto and is therefore a group isomorphism.

A continuous bijection from a compact topological space to a Hausdorff space is a homeomorphism, so to prove that Φ is a homeomorphism it suffices to prove that Φ is continuous. Γ^ has the initial topology induced by {αγ,α:γΓ}, which are maps Γ^S1, so by the universal property of the initial topology, to prove that Φ is continuous it suffices to prove that for each γΓ,


is continuous GS1. For γΓ, let Jγ={iI:pi(γ)0}, which is a finite set. For each iJγ, it is straightforward to check that the map gpi(γ),πi(g) is continuous GS1. Hence the map


is continuous GS1, being a product of finitely many continuous functions GS1, and this completes the proof. ∎

Let G be a locally compact abelian group. If Γ0 is a finite subset of G^ and aγ for each γΓ0, we call the function G defined by


a trigonometric polynomial on G. Suppose that G is a compact abelian group. Its dual group G^ separates points in G; this is not immediate and is proved using the inversion theorem for the Fourier transform.33 3 Walter Rudin, Fourier Analysis on Groups, p. 24, §1.5.2. The set of trigonometric polynomials on G is a self-adjoint algebra that contains the constant functions, so the Stone-Weierstrass theorem then tells us that it is dense in the Banach algebra C(G). Because is separable, it follows that if G^ is countable then C(G) is separable. In particular, any closed subgroup G of 𝕋ω is a compact abelian group whose dual group one checks to be countable, so C(G) is separable.

A compact Hausdorff space X is metrizable if and only if the Banach algebra C(X) is separable.44 4 Charalambos D. Aliprantis and Kim C. Border, Infinite Dimensional Analysis: A Hitchhiker’s Guide, third ed., p. 353, Theorem 9.14. We established in the previous paragraph that if G is a compact abelian group with countable dual group then the trigonometric polynomials are dense in the Banach algebra C(G). Therefore, every compact abelian group with countable dual group is metrizable. In particular, 𝕋ω and all its closed subgroups are metrizable. In fact, it is proved in Rudin that for a compact abelian group, (i) being metrizable, (ii) having a countable dual group, and (iii) being isomorphic as a topological group to a closed subgroup of 𝕋ω are equivalent.55 5 Walter Rudin, Fourier Analysis on Groups, p. 38, §2.2.6.

3 𝕋ω and

Let πn:𝕋ωS1 and pn: be the projection maps and let qn: be the inclusion map.

For x𝕋ω and γ,


where for each n, πn(x)S1 and pn(γ).

Let m be the Haar measure on 𝕋ω such that m(𝕋ω)=1. Because the dual group of 𝕋ω is , for any fL1(m) the Fourier transform of f is the function f^C0() defined by


4 Kronecker sets

Suppose that G is a locally compact abelian group and that E is a subset of G, which we give the subspace topology. E is called a Kronecker set if for every continuous f:ES1 and every ϵ>0, there is some γG^ such that


We first prove the following lemma from Rudin.66 6 Walter Rudin, Fourier Analysis on Groups, p. 104, Lemma 5.2.8.

Lemma 3.

If 0<α<β<1, then the set of polynomials with integer coefficients and 0 constant term is dense in the real Banach algebra C([α,β]) of continuous functions [α,β]R.


Let R be the closure in C([α,β]) of the set of polynomials with integer coefficients and 0 constant term. Because xR, R separates points in [α,β] and for every a[α,β] there is some fR such that f(a)0. It is straightforward to check that R is closed under addition and multiplication. If we show that R, it will follow that R is an algebra over , and then by the Stone-Weierstrass theorem we will get that R is dense in C([α,β]), and hence equal to C([α,β]) as R is closed.

Let c, let p be prime, and define


Using that p is prime, by the binomial theorem it follows that Sp is a polynomial with integer coefficients and 0 constant term. Partitioning into intervals of length p, c lies in one of these intervals and hence there is some integer qp such that |c-qpp|<1p. For x[α,β],

|qpSp(x)-c| |c-qpp|+|qp|p(βp+(1-α)p)
< 1p+(|c|+1p)(βp+(1-α)p).

Hence qpSp-c0 as p. qp is an integer so for each p, qpSp is a polynomial with integer coefficients and 0 constant term, so this shows that cR, completing the proof. ∎

An arc in a topological space is a homeomorphic image of a compact subset of of nonzero length. The following theorem shows that there is an arc in 𝕋ω that is a Kronecker set.77 7 Walter Rudin, Fourier Analysis on Groups, p. 103, Theorem 5.2.7.

Theorem 4.

𝕋ω contains an arc that is a Kronecker set.


Let 0<α<β<1, define x:[α,β]𝕋ω by


and let L be the image of [α,β] under x. Assign L the subspace topology inherited from 𝕋ω, and suppose that f:LS1 is continuous. One proves that there is a continuous function h:[α,β] that satisfies


Let ϵ>0, and by Lemma 3, let Sm(x)=j=1majxj be a polynomial with integer coefficients such that Sm-h<ϵ. Define γ by pj(γ)=aj for 1jm and pj(γ)=0 otherwise. For t[α,β],

|f(x(t))-x(t),γ| = |exp(2πih(t))-nπn(x(t)),pn(γ)|
= |exp(2πih(t))-n=1mπn(x(t)),an|
= |exp(2πih(t))-n=1mexp(2πiantn)|
= |exp(2πih(t))-exp(n=1m2πiantn)|
= 2π|h(t)-Sm(t)|
< 2πϵ,

using the fact that |exp(iA)-exp(iB)||A-B| for A,B. Hence, for every ϵ>0 there is some γ such that


showing that L is a Kronecker set. ∎

5 Subgroups

Suppose that G is a locally compact abelian group. For each xG, let tx:GG be defined by tx(y)=x+y, which is a homeomorphism, and let σ:GG be defined by σ(x)=-x, which is also a homeomorphism. If A is an open set in G and B is a subset of G, then


which is open because tx(A) is open for each xB. Furthermore, if A and B are both compact sets in G then A×B is compact in G×G and A+B is the image of A×B under the continuous map (x,y)x+y hence is compact.

By a neighborhood of a point x in a topological space we mean a set such that x lies in the interior of the set, in other words, a set that contains an open neighborhood of the point. The collection of all neighborhoods of a point x is a filter, and a neighborhood base at x is a filter base for the neighborhood filter of x. In a locally compact Hausdorff space, every point x has a neighborhood base consisting of compact neighborhoods of x.

Let A:G×AG be A(x,y)=x+y, which is continuous. If W is a neighborhood of 0 in G, then A-1(W) is a neighborhood of (0,0) in G×G. A base for the product topology on G×G consists of sets of the form U1×U2 where U1,U2 are open sets in G, so there are open sets U1,U2 in G such that (0,0)U1×U2A-1(W). Each of U1 and U2 are then open neighborhoods of 0 in G, so V=U1U2 is also an open neighborhood of 0 in G, and then V×V is open in G×G and


Hence A(0,0)A(V×V)W, i.e. 0V+VW, and V+V is open because V is open. Therefore, for every neighborhood W of 0 in a locally compact abelian group, there is some V that is an open neigborhood of 0 and that satisfies V+VW.

Suppose that G is a locally compact abelian group. A subset E of G is called symmetric if E=-E. If N is a compact neighborhood of 0 then N contains an open neighborhood U of 0. The set Uσ(U) is an open neighborhood of 0 and the set Nσ(N) is compact (an intersection of compact sets in a Hausdorff space is compact) and contains Uσ(U), hence Nσ(N) is a compact symmetric neighborhood of 0 that is contained in N. It follows that in a locally compact abelian group, there is a neighborhood base at 0 consisting of compact symmetric neighborhoods of 0.

Suppose that G is an abelian group and that H is a subgroup of G. We define the quotient group G/H be the collection of cosets of H, which is an abelian group where we define


Let π:GG/H be the projection map, which is a homomorphism with kerπ=H.

We are now equipped to define quotient groups in the category of locally compact abelian groups. Suppose that G is a locally compact abelian group and that H is a closed subgroup of G. We assign G/H the final topology induced by the projection map π (namely, the quotient topology). For x+HG/H, there is a compact neighborhood N of x in G; that is, there is a compact set N and an open set U such that xUN. Because π is continuous, π(N) is compact, and because π is open, π(U) is open, so π(N) is a compact neighborhood of x+H in G/H. Therefore G/H is locally compact. It remains to prove that G/H is Hausdorff and that addition and negation are continuous to prove that G/H is a locally compact abelian group. Suppose that x+H,y+H are distinct elements of G/H, i.e. x-yH. The set y+H=ty(H) is closed because H is closed, and xy+H so Gty(H) is an open neighborhood of x, and hence W=t-x(Gty(H)) is an open neighborhood of 0 such that x+W is disjoint from y+H. Because W is an open neighborhood of 0 there is an open neighborhood V of 0 such that V+VW. Furthermore, there is a compact symmetric neighborhood of 0, N, contained in V. If (x+H+N)(y+H+N) then there are h1,h2H and n1,n2N such that x+h1+n1=y+h2+n2, and then x+(n1-n2)=y+(h2-h1). But -n2N because N is symmetric and so n1-n2N+NV+VW, so x+(n1-n2)x+W, and h2-h1H, so y+(h2-h1)y+H, contradicting that x+W and y+H are disjoint. Therefore x+H+N and y+H+N are disjoint, and their images under π are then disjoint neighborhoods of x+H and y+H in G/H, showing that G/H is Hausdorff. It is straightforward to prove that addition and negation are continuous in G/H, and therefore G/H is a locally compact abelian group.

If H is a closed subgroup of a locally compact abelian group G, the annihilator of H, denoted ΛH, is the set of all γG^ such that


For each xH, the map γx,γ is continuous G^S1 so the inverse image of {1} under this map is closed. ΛH is the intersection of all these inverse images hence is closed, and is a closed subgroup because it is apparent that ΛH is a subgroup of G^. It can be proved that ΛH is the dual of the quotient group G/H and that the quotient group G^/ΛH is the dual of H.88 8 Walter Rudin, Fourier Analysis on Groups, p. 35, Theorem 2.1.2.

The following lemma shows that we can extend continuous characters on a closed subgroup to the entire group.99 9 Walter Rudin, Fourier Analysis on Groups, p. 36, Theorem 2.1.4.

Lemma 5.

Suppose that H is a closed subgroup of a locally compact abelian group G. If ϕH^, then there is some γG^ whose restriction to H is equal to ϕ.


ϕH^=G^/ΛH, so there is some γG^ such that for all xH, γ(x)=ϕ(x). ∎

Suppose that G is a locally compact abelian group. It can be proved that if E is a compact open set in G and 0E, then E contains a compact open subgroup of G.1010 10 Walter Rudin, Fourier Analysis on Groups, p. 41, Lemma 2.4.3.

We are now equipped to prove the following theorem.1111 11 Walter Rudin, Fourier Analysis on Groups, p. 47, Theorem 2.5.6.

Theorem 6.

Suppose that G is a compact group. G is connected if and only if γG^ having finite order implies that γ=0.


Assume that G is not connected. Then there is a clopen subset A that is neither G nor . Because G is compact, both A and GA are compact and open, and one of them, call it E, contains 0. Because E is a compact open set containing 0, E contains a compact open subgroup H of G, and HG because EG. Because H is open, the singleton {0+H} in the quotient group G/H is an open set, and therefore G/H is discrete. But G is compact and G/H is the image of G under the projection map, so G/H is compact. Hence G/H is finite. The dual of G/H is ΛH, which is a subgroup of G^. Because G/H contains more than one element (as HG), ΛH contains some γ0, and γ has finite order because it is contained in the finite subgroup ΛH.

Assume that γG^ has order finite order and that γ0. Every element of γ(G) has finite order and γ(G){1}, so γ(G) is not connected. But if G were connected then γ(G), a continuous image of G, would be connected, hence G is not connected. ∎

Lemma 7.

Suppose that G is a locally compact abelian group. If A is an open subgroup of G, then A is closed.


A is a subgroup of G, which gives us


Because each set x+A is open, this shows that A is closed. ∎

6 Measures

Suppose that is a σ-algebra on a set X. If μ is a complex measure on we denote by |μ| its total variation, which is a finite positive measure on .1212 12 Walter Rudin, Real and Complex Analysis, third ed., p. 117, Theorem 6.2 and p. 118, Theorem 6.4. The total variation norm of μ is μ=|μ|(X).

Suppose that X is a Hausdorff space with Borel σ-algebra X and that μ is a complex Borel measure on X. We say that μ is outer regular if for each EX,

|μ|(E)=inf{|μ|(V):EV and V is open}

inner regular if for each EX,

|μ|(E)=sup{|μ|(F):FE and F is closed},

and tight if for each EX,

|μ|(E)=sup{|μ|(K):KE and K is compact}.

(Because we demand that X be Hausdorff, a compact set is closed and hence belongs to the Borel σ-algebra of X; compact sets need not belong to the Borel σ-algebra of a topological space that is not Hausdorff.) We remark that the words “inner regular” often means what we call tight. We say that μ is regular if it is both outer regular and tight, and we also remark that calling a measure regular often means being outer regular and what we call inner regular. What we call a regular complex Borel measure means precisely what Rudin means by these words in Fourier Analysis on Groups, and using Rudin’s notation we define

M(X)={μ:μ is a regular complex Borel measure on X}.

It is a fact that a complex Borel measure on a metrizable space is outer regular and inner regular,1313 13 Charalambos D. Aliprantis and Kim C. Border, Infinite Dimensional Analysis: A Hitchhiker’s Guide, third ed., p. 436, Theorem 12.5. and that a complex Borel measure on a Polish space is regular.1414 14 Charalambos D. Aliprantis and Kim C. Border, Infinite Dimensional Analysis: A Hitchhiker’s Guide, third ed., p. 438, Theorem 12.7.

Suppose that X and Y are locally compact Hausdorff spaces and that μM(X) and λM(Y). It is a fact that there is a unique element of M(X×Y), denoted μ×λ, such that for any AX and BY,


We call μ×λ the product measure of μ and λ.

Suppose that G is a locally compact abelian group with addition A:G×GG. For μ,λM(G), we define the convolution of μ and λ to be the pushforward of the product μ×λ by A,


and it can be proved that μ*λM(G), that convolution is commutative and associative, and that μ*λμλ.1515 15 Walter Rudin, Fourier Analysis on Groups, p. 13, Theorem 1.3.2; Karl Stromberg, A note on the convolution of regular measures, Math. Scand. 7 (1959), 347–352. Then, with convolution as multiplication and using the total variation norm, M(G) is a unital commutative Banach algebra, with unity δ0.

For μM(G), the Fourier transform of μ is the function μ^:G^ defined by


One proves that μ^ is bounded and uniformly continuous, and we define


7 Idempotent measures

If G is a locally compact abelian group and μM(G), we say that μ is idempotent if μ*μ=μ, and we denote the set of idempotent elements of M(G) by J(G). Because the Fourier transform of a convolution is the product of the Fourier transforms, for μM(G) we have μ*μ=μ if and only if μ^2=μ^. But μ^2=μ^ is equivalent to μ^ having range contained in {0,1}, so for μM(G), we have that μJ(G) if and only if μ^ is the characteristic function of some subset of G^. For μJ(G), we write


Suppose that Λ is an open subgroup of G^. Then Λ is closed, and the fact that Λ is open implies that the singleton containing the identity in G^/Λ is open and hence that G^/Λ is a discrete abelian group. Denoting the annihilator of Λ by H, which is a closed subgroup of G, the quotient group G^/Λ is the dual group of H and hence H is compact. Let mH be the Haar measure on H such that mH(H)=1. Taking mH(E)=mH(EH), mHM(G). If γΛ then


If γG^Λ then there is some x0H such that x0,γ1, and then


showing that m^H(γ)=x0,γm^H(γ), and because x0,γ1 this implies that m^H(γ)=0. Therefore, Λ=S(mH).

If E=γ0+Λ, then with


we have μJ(G) and E=S(μ).

8 Sidon sets

Let G be a compact abelian group and let EG^. A function fL1(G) is called an E-function if γG^E implies that f^(γ)=0. An E-polynomial is a trigonometric polynomial f on G that is an E-function.

We call a subset E of G^ a Sidon set if there is some BE0 such that for every E-polynomial f on G,


We shall use the following lemma later.1616 16 Walter Rudin, Fourier Analysis on Groups, p. 121, Theorem 5.7.3.

Lemma 8.

Suppose that Γ is a discrete abelian group that is the dual group of a compact abelian group G. If EΓ is a Sidon set with constant BE, then every bounded E-function f on G satisfies


9 Dirichlet series

Define σ: by σ(γ)=npn(γ), i.e. the sum of the entries of γ, which makes sense because any element of has only finitely many nonzero entries.

Let Y be those γ such that pn(γ)0 for all n, and let E=Yσ-1(1). In other words, the elements of E are those γ one coordinate of which is 1 and all other coordinates of which are 0. The proof of the following theorem is from Rudin.1717 17 Walter Rudin, Fourier Analysis on Groups, p. 224, Theorem 8.7.9.

Theorem 9.

If fL(Tω) and f^(γ)=0 for all γXY, then


σ: is a continuous group homomorphism, and kerσ is an open subgroup of , because is discrete. Because σ-1(1) is a coset of this open subgroup, there is some μJ(𝕋ω) such that μ^ is the characteristic function of σ-1(1), and this μ satisfies μ=1. Define g:𝕋ω by


whose Fourier transform is g^(γ)=f^(γ)μ^(γ). If γE then γY or γσ-1(1). In the first case f^(γ)=0 and in the second case μ^(γ)=0, and hence γE implies that g^(γ)=0, namely, g is an E-function. Also, it is apparent from the definition of g that gf.

Suppose that P is an E-polynomial. Hence there is a finite subset E0 of E such that γE0 implies that P^(γ)=0, and thus there are cγ, γE0, such that


E0E, so any element of E0 has one entry 1, say pnγ(γ)=1, and all other entries 0, so


Define x𝕋ω by taking cγπnγ(x)=|cγ| for each γE0, and all other entries of x to be 1S1; this makes sense because if γ1,γ2E0 and nγ1=nγ2 then γ1=γ2. For this x, P(x)=γE0|cγ|. But it is apparent that PγE0|cγ|, so


This shows that E is a Sidon set with BE=1. Therefore by Lemma 8, because g is a bounded E-function on 𝕋ω we get γE|g^(γ)|g. But μ^ is the characteristic function of σ-1(1) and E=Yσ-1(1), so


proving the claim. ∎

Following Rudin, we use the above theorem to prove a theorem about Dirichlet series due to Bohr.1818 18 Walter Rudin, Fourier Analysis on Groups, pp. 224–225. See also Maxime Bailleul and Pascal Lefèvre, Some Banach spaces of Dirichlet series,

Theorem 10 (Bohr).



and |ϕ(s)|1 for all s such that Res>0, then


For k, let γ(k)Y such that k=n=1pnhn(γ(k)), where pn are the primes and where hn: are the projection maps; so far we have denoted these projection maps by pn, rather than using hn, but the symbol pn has such a strong association with the primes that we change notation here. The map kγ(k) is a bijection Y, and we write cγ=ck. We shall use the fact that the image of the primes under this bijection is E.

Let s be a complex number in the half-plane of convergence of ϕ and write zn(s)=pn-s=exp(-slogpn). Then,

ϕ(s) = k=1ckk-s
= γYcγ(n=1pnhn(γ))-s
= γYcγn=1pn-shn(γ)
= γYcγn=1zn(s)hn(γ)

Defining T:𝕋ω by


we have, as zn(iσ)=exp(-iσlogpn),


One checks that the function f:𝕋ω defined by f(x)=γYcγx,γ satisfies the conditions of Theorem 9, and thus gets


I do not see why f1. However, granted this, the claim follows. ∎

10 Descriptive set theory

If (X,d) is a compact metric space, C(X,X) is a Polish space with the uniform metric (f,g)supxXd(f(x),g(x)). We denote by H(X) the group of homeomorphisms of X, which one proves is a Gδ set in C(X,X). Because H(X) is a Gδ set in a Polish space, it is a Polish space with the subspace topology. A homeomorphism h of X is said to be minimal if there is no proper closed subset of X that is invariant under h, and is called distal if xy implies that there is some ϵ>0 such that for all n, d(hn(x),hn(y))>ϵ. It has been proved (Beleznay-Foreman) that the collection of minimal distal homeomorphisms of 𝕋ω is a Borel 𝚺11-complete set in H(𝕋ω).1919 19 Alexander S. Kechris, Classical Descriptive Set Theory, p 262, Theorem 33.22.

11 Further reading

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