The Fréchet space of holomorphic functions on the unit disc

Jordan Bell
April 3, 2014

1 Introduction

The goal of this note is to develop all the machinery necessary to understand what it means to say that the set H(D) of holomorphic functions on the unit disc is a separable and reflexive Fréchet space that has the Heine-Borel property and is not normable.

2 Topological vector spaces

If X is a topological space and pX, a local basis at p is a set of open neighborhoods of p such that if U is an open neighborhood of p then there is some U0 that is contained in U. We emphasize that to say that a topological vector space (X,τ) is normable is to say not just that there is a norm on the vector space X, but moreover that the topology τ is induced by the norm.

A topological vector space over is a vector space X over that is a topological space such that singletons are closed sets and such that vector addition X×XX and scalar multiplication ×XX are continuous. It is not true that a topological space in which singletons are closed need be Hausdorff, but one can prove that every topological vector space is a Hausdorff space.11 1 Walter Rudin, Functional Analysis, second ed., p. 11, Theorem 1.12. For any aX, we check that the map xa+x is a homeomorphism. Therefore, a subset U of X is open if and only if a+U is open for all aX. It follows that if X is a vector space and is a set of subsets of X each of which contains 0, then there is at most one topology for X such that X is a topological vector space for which is a local basis at 0. In other words, the topology of a topological vector space is determined by specifying a local basis at 0. A topological vector space X is said to be locally convex if there is a local basis at 0 whose elements are convex sets.

If X is a vector space and is a set of seminorms on X, we say that is a separating family if x0 implies that there is some m with m(x)0. (Thus, if m is a seminorm on X, the singleton {m} is a separating family if and only if m is a norm.) The following theorem presents a local basis at 0 for a topology and shows that there is a topology for which the vector space is a locally convex space and for which this is a local basis at 0.22 2 Paul Garrett, Seminorms and locally convex spaces, We call this topology the seminorm topology induced by F.

Theorem 1 (Seminorm topology).

If X is a vector space and F is a separating family of seminorms on X, then there is a topology τ on X such that (X,τ) is a locally convex space and the collection B of finite intersections of sets of the form


is a local basis at 0.


We define τ to be those subsets U of X such that for all xU there is some N satisfying x+NU. If 𝒰 is a subset of τ and xU𝒰U, then there is some U0𝒰 with xU0, and there is some N0 satisfying x+N0U0. We have


which tells us that U𝒰Uτ. If U1,,Unτ and xk=1nUk, then there are N1,,Nn satisfying x+NkUk for 1kn. But the intersection of finitely many elements of is itself an element of , so N=k=1nNk, and


showing that k=1nUkτ. Therefore, τ is a topology.

Suppose that xX. For yx, let my with ϵy=my(x-y)0; there is such a seminorm because is a separating family. Then Uy=y+Bmy,ϵy is an open set that contains y and does not contain x. Therefore XUy is a closed set that contains x and does not contain y, and


is a closed set, showing that singletons are closed.

Let x,yX and N. There are mk and ϵk>0, 1kn, such that N=k=1nBmk,ϵk. Let U=k=1nBmk,ϵk/2. If v(x+U)+(y+U) and 1kn, then there are xkBmk,ϵk/2 and ykBmk,ϵk/2 such that v=x+xk+y+yk, and


so vx+y+Bmk,ϵk. This is true for each k, 1kn, so vx+y+N. Hence


showing that vector addition is continuous at (x,y)X×X: for every basic open neighborhood x+y+N of the image x+y, there is an open neighborhood (x+U)×(y+U) of (x,y) whose image under vector addition is contained in x+y+N.

Let α, xX, and N, say N=k=1nBmk,ϵk. Let ϵ=min{ϵk:1kn}, let δ>0 be small enough so that δ(δ+|α|+mk(x))<ϵ for each 1kn, let Δ={β:|β-α|<δ}, and let U=k=1nBmk,δ. If (β,v)Δ×(x+U) and 1kn, then

mk(βv-αx) =mk(βv-βx+βx-αx)

showing that βvαx+Bmk,ϵk. This is true for each k, so βvN, which shows that scalar multiplication is continuous at (α,x): for every basic open neighborhood αx+N of the image αx, there is an open neighborhood Δ×(x+U) of (α,x) whose image under scalar multiplication is contained in αx+N.

We have shown that X with the topology τ is a topological vector space. To show that X is a locally convex space it suffices to prove that each element of the local basis is convex. An intersection of convex sets is a convex set, so to prove that each element of is convex it suffices to prove that each Bm,ϵ is convex, m and ϵ>0. If 0t1 and x,yBm,ϵ, then


showing that tx+(1-t)yBm,ϵ and thus that Bm,ϵ is a convex set. Therefore, (X,τ) is a locally convex space. ∎

In the other direction, we will now explain how the topology of a locally convex space is induced by a separating family of seminorms. We say that a subset S of a vector space X is absorbing if xX implies that there is some t>0 such that xtS. The Minkowski functional μS:X[0,) of an absorbing set S is defined by


If U is an open set containing 0 and xX, then 0x=0U, and because scalar multiplication is continuous there is some t>0 such that txU. Thus an open set containing 0 is absorbing. We say that a subset S of a vector space X is balanced if |α|1 implies that αSS. One proves that in a topological vector space, every convex open neighborhood of 0 contains a balanced convex open neighhborhood of 0.33 3 Walter Rudin, Functional Analysis, second ed., p. 12, Theorem 1.14. It follows that a locally convex space has a local basis at 0 whose elements are balanced convex open sets. The following lemma shows that the Minkowski functional of each member of this local basis is a seminorm.

Lemma 2.

If X is a topological vector space and U is a balanced convex open neighborhood of 0, then the Minkowski functional of U is a seminorm on X.


Let α and xX. If α=0, then


Otherwise, write α=ru with r>0 and |u|=1. Because U is balanced and |u-1|=1, we have

μU(αx) =inf{t0:αxtU}

Therefore, if α and xX, then μU(αx)=|α|μU(x).

Let x,yX. U is absorbing, so let s=μU(x) and t=μU(y). If ϵ>0 then x(s+ϵ)U and y(t+ϵ)U. We have


and for u,vU, because U is convex we have


where s=s+ϵ and t=t+ϵ, so


This is true for every ϵ>0, which means that μU(x+y)s+t. Therefore


showing that μU satisfies the triangle inequality and hence that μU is a seminorm on X. ∎

We proved above that the Minkowski functional of a balanced convex open neighborhood of 0 is a seminorm. The following lemma shows that the collection of Minkowski functionals corresponding to a balanced convex local basis at 0 are a separating family.44 4 Walter Rudin, Functional Analysis, second ed., p. 27, Theorem 1.36.

Lemma 3.

If X is a topological vector space and U is a balanced convex open neighborhood of 0, then


If B is a local basis at 0 whose elements are balanced and convex, then


is a separating family of seminorms on X.


Let U. If xU, then because 1xU and scalar multiplication is continuous, there is some δ>0 and some open neighborhood N of x such that the image of [1-δ,1+δ]×N under scalar multiplication is contained in U. In particular, if (1+δ)xU and so x11+δU. Thus we have


Therefore, if xU then μU(x)<1. On the other hand, if xX and μU(x)<1, then there is some t<1 such that xtU. As U is balanced, we have xU. Therefore, if μU(x)<1 then xU. This establishes that if U then


If x0, then because singletons are closed, the set X{x} is open and contains 0, and thus there is some U with UX{x}. Hence xU, which implies by the first claim that μU(x)1. In particular, μU(x)0, proving the second claim. ∎

If X is a locally convex space then there is a local basis at 0, call it , whose elements are balanced and convex, and we have established that ={μU:U} is a separating family of seminorms on X. Therefore by Theorem 1, X with the seminorm topology induced by is a locally convex space. The following theorem states that the seminorm topology is equal to the original topology of the space.55 5 Paul Garrett, Seminorms and locally convex spaces,

Theorem 4.

If (X,τ) is a locally convex space, then there is a separating family of seminorms on X such that τ is equal to the seminorm topology.


Let be a local basis at 0 whose elements are balanced and convex and let ={μU:U}. If U, then U={xX:μU(x)<1}, which is an open neighborhood of 0 in the seminorm topology induced by , and this implies that the seminorm topology is at least as fine as τ.

If U and ϵ>0, then


ϵUτ and 0ϵU, and it follows that τ is at least as fine as the seminorm topology. Therefore τ is equal to the seminorm topology induced by . ∎

We have shown that if X is a vector space and is a separating family of seminorms on X, then X with the seminorm topology induced by is a locally convex space. Furthermore, we have shown that if X is a locally convex space then there is a separating family of seminorms on X such that the topology of X is equal to the seminorm topology induced by . In other words, the topology of any locally convex space is the seminorm topology induced by some separating family of seminorms on the space.

A subset E of a topological vector space X is said to be bounded if for every open neighborhood N of 0 there is some s>0 such that t>s implies that EtN.

Lemma 5.

If X is a locally convex space with the seminorm topology induced by a separating family F of seminorms on X, then a subset E of X is bounded if and only if each mF is a bounded function on E.


Suppose that E is bounded and m. The set U={xX:m(x)<1} is an open neighborhood of 0, so there is some t>0 such that EtU. Hence if xE then m(x)<t, so m is a bounded function on E.

Suppose that for each m there is some Mm such that xE implies that m(x)Mm. If U is an open neighborhood of 0, then there are m1,,mn and ϵ1,,ϵn>0 such that


Let M=max{Mmkϵk:1kn}. For t>M,




But if xE and 1kn then


hence x is in the above intersection and thus is in tU. Therefore EtU, showing that E is bounded. ∎

We now prove that if the topology of a locally convex space is induced by a countable separating family of seminorms then the topology is metrizable.

Theorem 6.

If (X,τ) is a locally convex space with the seminorm topology induced by a countable separating family of seminorms {mn:nN} and cn is a summable nonincreasing sequence of positive numbers, then


is a translation invariant metric on X, τ is equal to the metric topology for d, and with this metric the open balls centered at 0 are balanced.


For any x,yX we have


because the sequence cn is summable. It is apparent that d(x,y)=d(y,x).

If m is any seminorm on X, then




Also, it is straightforward to check that the function f:[0,)[0,) defined by f(a)=a1+a satisfies f(a+b)f(a)+f(b). Define d0(x)=d(x,0). If x,yX, then

d0(x+y) =n=1cnmn(x+y)1+mn(x+y)

Hence, for x,yX,


showing that d satisfies the triangle inequality.

If d(x,y)=0, then


As each term is nonnegative, each term must be equal to 0. As each cn is positive, this implies that each mn(x-y) is equal to 0. But {mn:n} is a separating family so if x-y0 then there is some mn with mn(x-y)0, and this shows that x-y=0, i.e. x=y. Therefore d is a metric on X.

If x0X, then d(x+x0,y+x0)=d(x,y): the metric d is translation invariant.

If |α|1 and xX, then

d0(αx) =n=1cnmn(αx)1+mn(αx)

Thus, if d(x,0)<ϵ and |α|1 then d(αx,0)<ϵ, so the open ball


is balanced.

(X,τ) has a local basis at 0 whose elements are finite intersections of sets of the form {xX:mn(x)<ϵ}. Suppose that ϵ>0, let N be large enough so that n=N+1cn<ϵ2, and let M be large enough so that 1Mn=1Ncn<12. If xn=1N{yX:mn(y)<ϵM}, then

d(x,0) =n=1Ncnmn(x)1+mn(x)+n=N+1cnmn(x)1+mn(x)

This shows that


and this entails that τ is at least as fine as the metric topology induced by d.

Suppose that 0<ϵ<12 and N. If d(x,0)<cNϵ, then of course for each n we have


and hence if 1nN then


and hence if 1nN then




It follows from this that the metric topology induced by d is at least as fine as τ. ∎

If a locally convex space is metrizable with a complete metric, then it is called a Fréchet space.

We now prove conditions under which a topological vector space is normable.

Theorem 7.

A topological vector space (X,τ) is normable if and only if there is a convex bounded open neighborhood of the origin.


Suppose that V is a convex bounded open neighborhood of 0. V contains a balanced convex open neighborhood U of 0,66 6 Walter Rudin, Functional Analysis, second ed., p. 12, Theorem 1.14. and because V is bounded so is U. We define x=μU(x), where μU is the Minkowski functional of U. If x0, then because N=X{x} is an open neighborhood of 0 and U is bounded, there is some t>0 such that UtN. Hence x1tU, i.e., txU. As U is balanced, by Lemma 3 we get μU(tx)1. μU is a seminorm, so μU(x)1t>0, showing that if x0 then μU(x)>0, and hence that is a norm on X. Also, we check that


Because U is bounded, for any open neighborhood N of 0 there is some t>0 such that UtN, hence


This implies that the norm topology for is at least as fine as τ. And {xX:x<r}=rU is an open set because scalar multiplication is continuous, so τ is at least as fine as the norm topology for . Therefore that (X,τ) is normable with the norm .

In the other direction, if τ is the norm topology for some norm on X, then


is indeed a convex open neighborhood of the origin. Suppose that N is an open neighborhood of 0. There is some r>0 such that


and thus such that U1rN, and hence U is bounded, showing that there exists a convex bounded open neighborhood of the origin. ∎

A topological vector space is called locally bounded if there is a bounded open neighborhood of the origin. A topological vector space is said to have the Heine-Borel property if every closed and bounded subset of it is compact.

Theorem 8.

If X is a topological vector space that is locally bounded and has the Heine-Borel property, then X has finite dimension.


Let V be a bounded neighborhood of 0. It is a fact that the closure of a bounded set is itself bounded,77 7 Walter Rudin, Functional Analysis, second ed., p. 11, Theorem 1.13(f). and therefore V¯ is compact. For any xX, the set x+V¯ is a compact neighborhood of x, hence X is locally compact. But a locally compact topological vector space is finite dimensional,88 8 Walter Rudin, Functional Analysis, second ed., p. 17, Theorem 1.22. so X is finite dimensional. ∎

3 Continuous functions on the unit disc

Let D={z:|z|<1}, the open unit disc. Let C(D) be the set of continuous functions D. C(D) is a complex vector space. If K is a compact subset of D, define


It is straightforward to check that νK is a seminorm on C(D). If fC(D) is nonzero then there is some zD with f(z)0, and hence ν{z}(f)=|f(z)|>0, so the set of all νK is a separating family of seminorms on C(D). Thus, C(D) with the seminorm topology induced by the set of all νK is a locally convex space.

Define Kn={z:|z|1-1n}, n1. If K is a compact subset of D, then there is some n with KKn, so νK(f)νKn(f), and hence


It follows that the seminorm topology induced by {νKn:n} is at least as fine as the seminorm topology induced by {νK:K is compact}, thus the topologies are equal. Because the topology of C(D) is induced by the countable family {νKn:n}, by Theorem 6 it is metrizable: for any summable nonincreasing sequence of positive real numbers cn, the topology is induced by the metric

d(f,g)=n=1cnνKn(f-g)1+νKn(f-g),f,gC(D). (1)

Suppose that fiC(D) is a Cauchy sequence. For n, the fact that fi is a Cauchy sequence in C(D) implies that νKn(fi-fj)0 as i,j. C(Kn) is a Banach space with the norm νKn, and hence there is some fKnC(Kn) satisfying νKn(fi-fKn)0 as i. We define f:D to be fKn(z), for zKn; this makes sense because the restriction of fKn to Km is fKm if nm. f is continuous at each point in D because for each point in D there is some Kn containing an open neighborhood of the point, and fKn is continuous. Hence fC(D). Therefore C(D) with the metric (1) is a complete metric space, which means that it is a Fréchet space.

Theorem 9.

The topology of C(D) is not induced by a norm.


Because the topology of C(D) is the seminorm topology induced by the separating family of seminorms {νKn:n}, by Lemma 5 a subset E of C(D) is bounded if and only if each νKn is a bounded function on E, i.e., for each n there is some Mn such that fE implies νKn(f)Mn.

Suppose by contradiction that there is a bounded convex open neighborhood V of the origin. Because νKn(f)νKn+1(f) for any fC(D), there is some N and some ϵ>0 such that


V being bounded implies that U is bounded. Let


and let ϕ1,ϕ2 be a partition of unity subordinate to this open cover of D. For any constant M>0, the restriction of Mϕ2 to KN is 0 and hence belongs to U. But νKN+1(Mϕ2)=M, so νKN+1 is not a bounded function on U, contradicting that U is bounded. Therefore, there is no bounded convex open neighborhood of 0. By Theorem 7, this tells us that C(D) is not normable. ∎

For each n, the set C(Kn) is a Banach space with norm νKn. If nm and fC(Kn), let rn,m(f) be the restriction of f to Km. For nm, the function rn,m is a continuous linear map C(Kn)C(Km), and if nml then rn,l=rm,lrn,m. Thus the Banach spaces C(Kn) and the maps rn,m are a projective system in the category of locally convex spaces, and it is a fact that any projective system in this category has a projective limit that is unique up to unique isomorphism.

Theorem 10.



Define rn:C(D)C(Kn) by taking rn(f) to be the restriction of f to Kn. Each rn is continuous and linear. Certainly, if nm then rm=rn,mrn. Suppose the Y is a locally convex space, that ϕn:YC(Kn) are continuous linear maps, and that if nm then

ϕm=rn,mϕn. (2)

If zKm and nm, then by (2) we have ϕn(y)(z)=ϕm(y)(z). For zD, eventually zKn, and define ϕ(y)(z) to be ϕn(y)(z) for any n such that zKn. For each zD there is some n such that z is in the interior of Kn, and the restriction of ϕ(y) to Kn is equal to ϕn(y), hence ϕ(y) is continuous at z. Therefore ϕ(y)C(D), so ϕ:YC(D).

Suppose that y1,y2Y and α. If zD, then there is some n with zKn, and because ϕn is linear,


Therefore ϕ is linear.

Suppose that yαY is a net with limit yY. For ϕ(yα) to converge to ϕ(y) means that for each n we have νKn(ϕ(yα)-ϕ(y))0. But


and ϕn(yα)ϕn(y) because ϕn is continuous. Therefore, for each n we have νKn(ϕ(yα)-ϕ(y))0, so ϕ is continuous. ∎

We proved in the above theorem that the Fréchet space C(D) is the projective limit of the Banach spaces C(Kn). It is a fact that the projective limit of any projective system of Banach spaces is a Fréchet space.99 9 J. L .Taylor, Notes on locally convex topological vector spaces,, p. 8, Proposition 2.6, and cf. Paul Garret, Functions on circles: Fourier series, I,, p. 37, §13.

A topological space is said to be separable if it has a countable subset that is dense.

Theorem 11.

C(D) is separable.


One proves using the Stone-Weierstrass theorem that the Banach space C(Kn) is separable. The product of at most continuum many separable Hausdorff spaces each with at least two points is itself separable with the product topology.1010 10 Stephen Willard, General Topology, p. 109, Theorem 16.4. Therefore, n=1C(Kn) is separable. Because each C(Kn) is a metric space, this countable product n=1C(Kn) is metrizable, and any subset of a separable metric space is itself separable with the subspace topology. The projective limit of a projective system of topological vector spaces is a closed subspace of the product of the spaces; thus, using merely that the projective limit is a subset of the product n=1C(Kn) and has the subspace topology inherited from the direct product, we get that C(D) is separable. ∎

4 Holomorphic functions on the unit disc

Let H(D) be the set of holomorphic functions D. H(D) is a linear subspace of C(D). Let H(D) have the subspace topology inherited from C(D). One proves that this topology is equal to the seminorm topology induced by {νKn:n}. Any subset of a separable metric space with the subspace topology is separable. By Theorem 11 the Fréchet space C(D) is separable, and thus H(D) is separable too.

We now prove that H(D) is a closed subspace of C(D).1111 11 Paul Garrett, Holomorphic vector-valued functions, A closed linear subspace of a Fréchet space is itself a Fréchet space, hence this theorem shows that H(D) is a Fréchet space.

Theorem 12.

H(D) is a closed subset of C(D).


Suppose that fjH(D) is a net and that fjfC(D). We shall show that fH(D). (In fact it suffices to prove this for a sequence of elements in H(D) because we have shown that C(D) is metrizable, but that will not simplify this argument.) To show this we have to prove that if zD then f(z+h)-f(z)h has a limit as h0, h. Let γ be a counterclockwise oriented circle contained in D with center z, say of radius r=1-|z|2>0. For each j the function fj is holomorphic on D, and so Cauchy’s integral formula gives



f(w)-12πiγf(ζ)ζ-w𝑑ζ = f(w)-fj(w)+12πiγfj(ζ)ζ-w𝑑ζ-12πiγf(ζ)ζ-w𝑑ζ
= f(w)-fj(w)+12πiγfj(w)-f(w)ζ-w𝑑ζ.

As γ is a compact subset of D this gives us


The right-hand side tends to 0, while the left-hand side does not depend on j. Hence

f(w)=12πiγf(ζ)ζ-w𝑑ζ,wBr(z). (3)

Applying (3), we have for 0|h|<r,



f(z+h)-f(z) = 12πiγf(ζ)ζ-(z+h)𝑑ζ-12πiγf(ζ)ζ-z𝑑ζ
= 12πiγf(ζ)(1ζ-(z+h)-1ζ-z)𝑑ζ
= 12πiγf(ζ)h(ζ-(z+h))(ζ-z)𝑑ζ,



For ζγ we have |f(ζ)(ζ-(z+h))(ζ-z)|νγ(f)(r-|h|)r, and so by the dominated convergence theorem we get


Thus, for every zD, the function f is complex differentiable at z. Hence fH(D), and therefore H(D) is a closed subset of C(D). ∎

We remind ourselves that a topological vector space is said to have the Heine-Borel property if every closed and bounded subset of it is compact. Lemma 5 tells us that a subset E of H(D) is bounded if and only if each seminorm νKn is a bounded function on E. The following theorem states that H(D) has the Heine-Borel property.1212 12 Henri Cartan, Elementary Theory of Analytic Functions of One or Several Complex Variables, pp. 162–167, chapter V, §4. An equivalent statement is called Montel’s theorem.

Theorem 13 (Heine-Borel property).

The Fréchet space H(D) has the Heine-Borel property.

That H(D) has the Heine-Borel property is a useful tool, and lets us prove that the topology of H(D) is not induced by a norm.

Theorem 14.

H(D) is not normable.


If H(D) were normable then by Theorem 7 there would be a convex bounded open neighborhood of the origin. This would imply that H(D) is locally bounded (has a bounded open neighborhood of the origin). But H(D) has the Heine-Borel property, and a topological vector space that is locally bounded and has the Heine-Borel property is finite dimensional by Theorem 8. It is straightforward to check that H(D) is not finite dimensional, and hence H(D) is not normable. ∎

For fH(D), let (df)(z)=limh0f(z+h)-f(z)h. First, if fH(D) then one proves that dfH(D). Then, the following theorem states that d:H(D)H(D) is a morphism in the category of locally convex spaces.1313 13 Henri Cartan, Elementary Theory of Analytic Functions of One or Several Complex Variables, p. 143, chapter V, §1.

Theorem 15.

Differentiation H(D)H(D) is a continuous linear map.

If K is a compact subset of D and fH(D), let rK(f) be the restriction of f to K, and let H¯(K) be the closure in C(K) of the set {rK(f):fH(D)}. Each element of H¯(K) is holomorphic on the interior of K. C(K) is a Banach space with the norm νK, and hence H¯(K) is a Banach space with the same norm, because it is indeed a linear subspace. If nm and fH¯(Kn), let rn,m(f)=rKm(f)H¯(Km). The rn,m are continuous and linear, and if nml then rn,l=rm,lrn,m. Thus the Banach spaces H¯(Kn) and the continuous linear maps rn,m are a projective system in the category of locally convex spaces, and this projective system has a projective limit limH¯(Kn). The following theorem states that this projective limit is equal to the Fréchet space H(D).1414 14 J. L .Taylor, Notes on locally convex topological vector spaces,, p. 8

Theorem 16.


5 Dual spaces

The dual of a topological vector space X is the set X* of continuous linear maps X. If E is a bounded subset of X and λX*, then λ(E) is a bounded subset of (the image of a bounded set under a continuous linear map is a bounded set). Hence


The function pE is a seminorm on X*, and if λ0 then there is some xX with λx0, hence p{x}(λ)>0. The strong dual topology on X* is the seminorm topology induced by the separating family

{pE:E is a bounded subset of X}.

(To add to our vocabulary: the set of all bounded subsets of a topological vector space is called the bornology of the space. Similar to how one can define a topology as a collection of sets satisfying certain properties, one can also define a bornology on a set without first having the structure of a topological vector space.) We denote by Xβ* the dual space X* with the strong dual topology. Xβ* is a locally convex space. If X is a normed space, one can prove1515 15 K. Yosida, Functional Analysis, sixth ed., p. 111, Theorem 1. that Xβ* is normable with the operator norm


We say that a topological vector space X is reflexive if (Xβ*)β*=X; since the strong dual of a topological vector space is locally convex, for a topological vector space to be reflexive it is necessary that it be locally convex.

Let X be a locally convex space. The Hahn-Banach separation theorem1616 16 Walter Rudin, Functional Analysis, second ed., p. 59, Theorem 3.4. yields that X* separates X: if x0 then there is some λX* with λx0. If λX*, then |λ| is a seminorm on X and {|λ|:λX*} is therefore a separating family of seminorms on X. We call the seminorm topology induced by this separating family the weak topology on X, and X with the weak topology is a locally convex space. The original topology on X is at least as fine as the weak topology on X: any set that is open using the weak topology is open using the original topology.

The following lemma shows that a Fréchet space with the Heine-Borel property is reflexive, and therefore that H(D) is reflexive.

Lemma 17.

If a Fréchet space has the Heine-Borel property, then it is reflexive.


A subset of a locally convex space is called a barrel if it is closed, convex, balanced, and absorbing. A locally convex space is said to be barreled if each barrel is a neighborhood of 0. It is a fact that every Fréchet space is barreled.1717 17 K. Yosida, Functional Analysis, sixth ed., p. 138, Corollary 1. A locally convex space is reflexive if and only if it is barreled and if every set that is closed, convex, balanced, and bounded is weakly compact.1818 18 K. Yosida, Functional Analysis, sixth ed., p. 140, Theorem 2. Therefore, for a Fréchet space with the Heine-Borel property to be reflexive it is necessary and sufficient that every set that is compact, convex, and balanced be weakly compact. But if a subset of a locally convex space is compact then it is weakly compact, because the original topology is at least as fine as the weak topology and hence any cover of a set by elements of the weak topology is also a cover of the set by elements of the original topology. Therefore, any Fréchet space with the Heine-Borel property is reflexive. ∎

Morphisms in the category of locally convex spaces are continuous linear maps. If X and Y are locally convex spaces and ϕ:XY is a morphism, the dual of ϕ is the morphism


defined by


One verifies that ϕ* is in fact a morphism. If the spaces Xj and the morphisms ϕi,j:XiXj, ij, are a projective system in the category of locally convex spaces, then the dual spaces (Xj)β* and the morphisms ϕi,j*:(Xj)β*(Xi)β*, ij, are a direct system in this category. It is a fact that the dual of a projective limit of Banach spaces is isomorphic to the direct limit of the duals of the Banach spaces.1919 19 Paul Garrett, Functions on circles: Fourier series, I,, p. 15, Theorem 5.1.1. Thus, as H(D) is the projective limit of the Banach spaces H¯(Kn), its dual space H*(D)=(H(D))β* is isomorphic to the direct limit of the duals of these Banach spaces:


Cooper2020 20 J. B. Cooper, Functional analysis– spaces of holomorphic functions and their duality,, p. 11, §5. shows that H*(D) is isomorphic to the space of germs of functions on the complement of D in the extended complex plane that vanish at infinity. Let 𝔄 be those sequences a satisfying

lim sup|an|1/n1.

By Hadamard’s formula for the radius of convergence of a power series, these are precisely the sequences of coefficients of power series with radius of convergence 1, and 𝔄 is a complex vector space. The map


is linear and has the linear inverse


so H(D) and 𝔄 are linearly isomorphic. For 0<r<1, define


Each qr is a norm, yet we do not give 𝔄 the norm topology. Rather, we give 𝔄 the seminorm topology induced by the family {qr:0<r<1}, and with this topology 𝔄 is a locally convex space. One proves that the above two linear maps are continuous, and hence that H(D) is isomorphic as a locally convex space to 𝔄. Then, one proves that the dual space of 𝔄 are those sequences b such that

lim sup|bn|1/n<1,

and b corresponds to
