The Banach algebra of functions of bounded variation and the pointwise Helly selection theorem

Jordan Bell
January 22, 2015

1 BV[a,b]

Let a<b. For f:[a,b], we define11 1 In this note we speak about functions that take values in , because this makes it simpler to talk about monotone functions. Once the machinery is established we can then apply it to the real and imaginary parts of a function that takes values in .


and if f< we say that f is bounded. We define B[a,b] to be the set of bounded functions [a,b], which with the norm is a Banach algebra.

A partition of [a,b] is a set P={t0,,tn} such that a=t0<<tn=b. For example, P={a,b} is a partition of [a,b]. If Q is a partition of [a,b] and PQ, we say that Q is a refinement of P. For f:[a,b], we define


It is straightforward to show using the triangle inequality that if Q is a refinement of P then


In particular, any partition P is a refinement of {a,b}, so


The total variation of f:[a,b] is

Vabf=sup{V(f,P):P is a partition of [a,b]},

and if Vabf< we say that f is of bounded variation. We denote by BV[a,b] the set of functions [a,b] of bounded variation. For a function fBV[a,b], we define v:[a,b] by v(x)=Vaxf for x[a,b], called the variation of f.

If f:[a,b] is monotone, it is straightforward to check that Vabf=|f(b)-f(a)|, hence that f is of bounded variation.

We first show that BV[a,b]B[a,b].

Lemma 1.

If f:[a,b]R is of bounded variation, then


Let x[a,b] If x=a the result is immediate. If x=b, then


Otherwise, P={a,x,b} is a partition of [a,b] and


The total variation of functions has several properties. The following lemma and that fact that functions of bounded variation are bounded imply that BV[a,b] is an algebra.22 2 N. L. Carothers, Real Analysis, p. 204, Lemma 13.3.

Lemma 2.

If f,gBV[a,b] and cR, then the following statements are true.

  1. 1.

    Vabf=0 if and only if f is constant.

  2. 2.


  3. 3.


  4. 4.


  5. 5.


  6. 6.

    Vabf=Vaxf+Vxb for axb.

Lemma 3.

If f:[a,b]R is differentiable on (a,b) and f<, then


Suppose that P={a=t0<<tn=b} is a partition of [a,b]. By the mean value theorem, for each j=1,,n there is some xj(tj-1,tj) at which



V(f,P) =j=1n|f(tj)-f(tj-1)|

Lemma 4.

If fC1[a,b], then


Let P={t0,,tn} be a partition of [a,b]. Then, by the fundamental theorem of calculus,

V(f,P) =j=1n|f(tj)-f(tj-1)|



Lemma 5.

If f:[a,b]R is a polynomial, then


Because f is a polynomial, f is also, so f is piecewise monotone, say f=cj|f| on (tj-1,tj) for j=1,,n, for some cj{+1,-1} and a=t0<<tn=b. Then


giving, because t0<<tn is a partition of [a,b],

ab|f(t)|𝑑t =j=1ntj-1tj|f(t)|𝑑t

Lemma 6.

If fm is a sequence of functions [a,b]R that converges pointwise to some f:[a,b]R and P is some partition of [a,b], then


If fm is a sequence in BV[a,b] that converges pointwise to some f:[a,b]R, then

Vabflim infmVabfm.

Say P={t0,,tn}. Then, because taking the limit of convergent sequences is linear,

limmV(fm,P) =limmj=1n|fm(tj)-fm(tj-1)|

Let P={t0,,tn} be a partition of [a,b]. Then

V(f,P) =j=1n|f(tj)-f(tj-1)|
lim infmVabfm.

This is true for any partition P of [a,b], which yields

Vabflim infmVabfm.

We now prove that BV[a,b] is a Banach space.33 3 N. L. Carothers, Real Analysis, p. 206, Theorem 13.4.

Theorem 7.

With the norm


BV[a,b] is a Banach space.


Using Lemma 2, it is straightforward to check that BV[a,b] is a normed linear space. Suppose that fm is a Cauchy sequence in BV[a,b]. By Lemma 1 it follows that fm is a Cauchy sequence in B[a,b], and thus converges in B[a,b] to some fB[a,b].

Let P be a partition of [a,b] and let ϵ>0. Because fn is a Cauchy sequence in BV[a,b], there is some N such that if n,mN then fm-fnBV<ϵ. For nN, Lemma 6 yields

f-fnBV |f(a)-fn(a)|+V(f-fn,P)

Because f-fNBV[a,b] and fNBV[a,b] and BV[a,b] is an algebra, f=(f-fN)+fNBV[a,b]. That is, the Cauchy sequence fn converges in BV[a,b] to fBV[a,b], showing that BV[a,b] is a complete metric space and thus a Banach space. ∎

The following theorem shows that a function of bounded of variation can be written as the difference of nondecreasing functions.44 4 N. L. Carothers, Real Analysis, p. 207, Theorem 13.5.

Theorem 8.

Let fBV[a,b] and let v be the variation of f. Then v-f and v are nondecreasing.


If x,y[a,b], x<y, then, using Lemma 2,

v(y)-v(x) =Vayf-Vaxf

That is, v(y)-f(y)v(x)-f(x), showing that v-f is nondecreasing, and because f is nondecreasing we have f(y)-f(x)0 and so v(y)-v(x)0. ∎

The following theorem tells us that a function of bounded variation is right or left continuous at a point if and only if its variation is respectively right or left continuous at the point.55 5 N. L. Carothers, Real Analysis, p. 207, Theorem 13.9.

Theorem 9.

Let fBV[a,b] and let v be the variation of f. For x[a,b], f is right (respectively left) continuous at x if and only if v is right (respectively left) continuous at x.


Assume that v is right continuous at x. If ϵ>0, there is some δ>0 such that xy<x+δ implies that v(y)-v(x)=|v(y)-v(x)|<ϵ. If xy<x+δ, then


showing that f is right continuous at x.

Assume that f is right continuous at x, with ax<b. Let ϵ>0. There is some δ>0 such that xy<x+δ implies that |f(y)-f(x)|<ϵ2. Because Vxbf is a supremum over partitions of [x,b], there is some partition P={t0,t1,,tn} of [x,b] such that Vxbf-ϵ2V(f,P). Let xy<min{δ,t1-x}. Then Q={t0,y,t1,,tn} is a refinement of P, so

Vxbf-ϵ2 V(f,P)



showing that v is right continuous at x. ∎

For fBV[a,b] and for v the variation of f, we define the positive variation of f as


and the negative variation of f as


We can write the variation as v=p+n. We now establish properties of the positive and negative variations.66 6 N. L. Carothers, Real Analysis, p. 209, Proposition 13.11.

Theorem 10.

Let fBV[a,b], let v be its variation, let p be its positive variation, and let n be its negative variation. Then 0pv and 0nv, and p and n are nondecreasing.


For x[a,b], v(x)=Vaxf|f(x)-f(a)|. Because v(x)-(f(x)-f(a)), we have p(x)0, and because v(x)f(x)-f(a) we have n(x)0. And then v=p+n implies that pv and nv.

For x<y,

p(y)-p(x) =v(y)+f(y)-v(x)-f(x)2


n(y)-n(x) =v(y)-f(y)-v(x)+f(x)2

We now prove that BV[a,b] is a Banach algebra.77 7 N. L. Carothers, Real Analysis, p. 209, Proposition 13.12.

Theorem 11.

BV[a,b] is a Banach algebra.


For f1,f2BV[a,b], let v1,v2, p1,p2, n1,n2 be their variations, positive variations, and negative variations, respectively. Then

f1f2 =(f1(a)+p1-n1)(f2(a)+p2-n2)

Using this and the fact that if f is nondecreasing then Vabf=f(b)-f(a),

f1f2BV =|f1(a)||f2(a)|+Vab(f1f2)

which shows that BV[a,b] is a normed algebra. And BV[a,b] is a Banach space, so BV[a,b] is a Banach algebra. ∎

Theorem 12.

If fC1[a,b], then


Let (f)+ and (f)- be the positive and negative parts of f and let p and n be the positive and negative variations of f. Then, for x[a,b],


Lemma 4 states that Vabab|f(t)|𝑑t. Because f is continuous it is Riemann integrable, hence for any ϵ>0 there is some partition P={t0,,tn} of [a,b] such that if xj[tj-1,tj] for j=1,,n then


By the mean value theorem, for each j=1,,n there is some xj(tj-1,tj) such that f(xj)=f(tj)-f(tj-1)tj-tj-1. Then




and thus


This is true for all ϵ>0, therefore


which is what we wanted to show.



These satisfy g+h=|f| and g-h=f. Using the fundamental theorem of calculus,

p(x) =12(v(x)+f(x)-f(a))


n(x) =12(v(x)-f(x)+f(a))

2 Helly’s selection theorem

We will use the following lemmas in the proof of the Helly selection theorem.88 8 N. L. Carothers, Real Analysis, p. 210, Theorem 13.13; p. 211, Lemma 13.14; p. 211, Lemma 13.15.

Lemma 13.

Suppose that X is a set, that fn:XR is a sequence of functions, and that there is some K such that fnK for all n. If D is a countable subset of X, then there is a subsequence of fn that converges pointwise on D to some ϕ:DR, which satisfies ϕK.


Say D={xk:k1}. Write fn0=fn. The sequence of real numbers fn0(x1) satisfies fn0(x1)[-K,K] for all n, and since the set [-K,K] is compact there is a subsequence fn1(x1) of fn0(x1) that converges, say to ϕ(x1)[-K,K]. Suppose that fnm(xm) is a subsequence of fnm-1(xm) that converges to ϕ(xm)[-K,K]. Then the sequence of real numbers fnm(xm+1) satisfies fnm(xm+1)[-K,K] for all n, and so there is a subsequence fnm+1(xm+1) of fnm(xm+1) that converges, say to ϕ(xm+1)[-K,K]. Let k1. Then one checks that fnn(xk)ϕ(xk) as n, namely, fnn is a subsequence of fn that converges pointwise on D to ϕ, and for each k we have ϕ(xk)[-K,K]. ∎

Lemma 14.

Let D[a,b] with aD and b=supD. If ϕ:DR is nondecreasing, then Φ:[a,b]R defined by


is nondecreasing and the restriction of Φ to D is equal to ϕ.

Lemma 15.

If fn:[a,b]R is a sequence of nondecreasing functions and there is some K such that fnK for all n, then there is a nondecreasing function f:[a,b]R, satisfying fK, and a subsequence of fn that converges pointwise to f.


Let D=([a,b]){a}. By Lemma 13, there is a function ϕ:D and a subsequence fan of fn that converges pointwise on D to ϕ, and ϕK. Because each fn is nondecreasing, if x,yD and x<y then


namely, ϕ is nondecreasing. D is a dense subset of [a,b] and aD, so applying Lemma 14, there is a nondecreasing function Φ:[a,b] such that for xD,


Suppose that Φ is continuous at x[a,b] and let ϵ>0. Using the fact that Φ is continuous at x, there are p,q[a,b] such that p<x<q and Φ(q)-Φ(p)=|Φ(q)-Φ(p)|<ϵ2. Because p,qD, fan(p)Φ(p) and fan(q)Φ(q), so there is some N such that nN implies that both |fan(p)-Φ(p)|<ϵ2 and |fan(q)-Φ(q)|<ϵ2. Then for nN, because each function fan is nondecreasing,

fan(x) fan(p)

Likewise, for nN,

fan(x) fan(q)

This shows that if Φ is continuous at x[a,b] then fan(x)Φ(x).

Let D(Φ) be the collection of those x[a,b] such that Φ is not continuous at x. Because Φ is monotone, D(Φ) is countable. So we have established that if x[a,b]D(Φ) then fan(x)Φ(x). Because fan:[a,b] satisfies fanK and D(Φ) is countable, Lemma 13 tells us that there is a function F:D and a subsequence fbn of fan such that fbn converges pointwise on D to F, and FK. We define f:[a,b] by f(x)=Φ(x) for xD(Φ) and f(x)=F(x) for xD(Φ). fK. For xD(Φ), fan(x) converges to Φ(x)=f(x), and fbn(x) is a subsequence of fan(x) so fbn(x) converges to f(x). For xD(Φ), fbn(x) converges to F(x)=f(x). Therefore, for any x[a,b] we have that fbn(x)f(x), namely, fbn converges pointwise to f. Because each function fbn is nondecreasing, it follows that f is nondecreasing. ∎

Finally we prove the pointwise Helly selection theorem.99 9 N. L. Carothers, Real Analysis, p. 212, Theorem 13.16.

Theorem 16.

Let fn be a sequence in BV[a,b] and suppose there is some K with fnBVK for all n. There is some subsequence of fn that converges pointwise to some fBV[a,b], satisfying fBVK.


Let vn be the variation of fn. This satisfies, for any n,




Theorem 8 tells us that vn-fn and vn are nondecreasing, so we can apply Lemma 15 to get that there is a nondecreasing function g:[a,b] and a subsequence van-fan of vn-fn that converges pointwise to g. Then we use Lemma 15 again to get that there is a nondecreasing function h:[a,b] and a subsequence vbn of van that converges pointwise to h. Because g and h are pointwise limits of nondecreasing functions, they are each nondecreasing and so belong to BV[a,b]. We define f=h-gBV[a,b]. For x[a,b],

limnfbn(x) =limnvbn(x)-limn(vbn(x)-fbn(x))

namely the subsequence fbn of fn converges pointwise to f. By Lemma 6, because fbn is a sequence in BV[a,b] that converges pointwise to f we have

fBV =|f(a)|+Vabf
|f(a)|+lim infnVabfbn
=lim infn(|fbn(a)|+Vabfbn)
=lim infnfbnBV

completing the proof. ∎