Hausdorff measure

Jordan Bell
October 29, 2014

1 Outer measures and metric outer measures

Suppose that X is a set. A function ν:𝒫(X)[0,] is said to be an outer measure if (i) ν()=0, (ii) ν(A)ν(B) when AB, and, (iii) for any countable collection {Aj}𝒫(X),


We say that a subset A of X is ν-measurable if

ν(E)=ν(EA)+ν(EAc),E𝒫(X). (1)

Here, instead of taking a σ-algebra as given and then defining a measure on this σ-algebra (namely, on the measurable sets), we take an outer measure as given and then define measurable sets using this outer measure. Carathéodory’s theorem11 1 Gerald B. Folland, Real Analysis, second ed., p. 29, Theorem 1.11. states that the collection of ν-measurable sets is a σ-algebra and that the restriction of ν to is a complete measure.

Suppose that (X,ρ) is a metric space. An outer measure ν on X is said to be a metric outer measure if


implies that


We prove that the Borel sets are ν-measurable.22 2 Gerald B. Folland, Real Analysis, second ed., p. 349, Proposition 11.16. That is, we prove that the Borel σ-algebra is contained in the σ-algebra of ν-measurable sets.

Theorem 1.

If ν is a metric outer measure on a metric space (X,ρ), then every Borel set is ν-measurable.


Because ν is an outer measure, by Carathéodory’s theorem the collection of ν-measurable sets is a σ-algebra, and hence to prove that contains the Borel σ-algebra it suffices to prove that contains all the closed sets. Let F be a closed set in X, and let E be a subset of X. Because ν is an outer measure,


In the case ν(E)=, certainly ν(E)ν(EF)+ν(EFc). In the case ν(E)<, for each n let


which satisfies ρ(En,F)n-1. Because ρ(En,EF)ρ(En,F)n-1, the fact that ν is a metric outer measure tells us that

ν((EF)En)=ν(EF)+ν(En). (2)

Because F is closed, for any xEF we have ρ(x,F)>0, and hence

EF=n=1En. (3)



hence for each n, using this and (2) we have


To prove that ν(E)ν(EF)+ν(EFc), it now suffices to prove that


Let Dn=En+1En. For xDn+1 and yX satisfying ρ(x,y)<((n+1)n)-1, we have


which implies that yEn. Thus,

ρ(Dn+1,En)1n(n+1). (4)

For any n, using (4) and the fact that ν is a metric outer measure,

ν(E2n+1) = ν(D2nE2n)
= ν(D2n)+ν(E2n-1)
= ν(D2n)+ν(D2n-2)++ν(D2)+ν(E1)


ν(E2n) = ν(D2n-1E2n-1)
= ν(D2n-1)+ν(E2n-2)
= ν(D2n-1)+ν(D2n-3)++ν(D3)+ν(D1)+ν(E0)
= j=1nν(D2j-1).

But EnE so ν(En)ν(E), and hence each of the series j=1ν(D2j) and j=1ν(D2j-1) converges to a value ν(E). Thus the series j=1ν(Dj) converges to a value 2ν(E). But for any n,


Because the series j=1ν(Dj) converges, the sum on the right-hand side of the above tends to 0 as n, so

ν(EF)lim infnν(En)lim supnν(En)ν(EF);

the last inequality is due to (3), which tells us ν(En)ν(EF). Therefore,


which completes the proof. ∎

We shall use the following.33 3 Gerald B. Folland, Real Analysis, second ed., p. 29, Proposition 1.10.

Lemma 2.

Let (X,ρ) be a metric space. Suppose that 𝒫(X) satisfies ,X and that d:[0,] satisfies d()=0. Then the function ν:𝒫(X)[0,] defined by

ν(A)=inf{j=1d(Ej):Ej and Aj=1Ej},A𝒫(X)

is an outer measure.

We remark that if there is no covering of a set A by countably many elements of then ν(A) is an infinimum of an empty set and is thus equal to .

2 Hausdorff measure

Suppose that (X,ρ) is a metric space and let p0, δ>0. Let be the collection of those subsets of X with diameter δ together with the set X, and define d(A)=(diamA)p. By Lemma 2, the function Hp,δ:𝒫(X)[0,] defined by

Hp,δ(A)=inf{j=1d(Ej):Ej and Aj=1Ej},A𝒫(X)

is an outer measure. If δ1δ2 then Hp,δ1(A)Hp,δ2(A), from which it follows that for each A𝒫(X), as δ tends to 0, Hp,δ(A) tends to some element of [0,]. We define Hp=limδ0Hp,δ and show that this is a metric outer measure.44 4 Gerald B. Folland, Real Analysis, second ed., p. 350, Proposition 11.17.

Theorem 3.

Suppose that (X,ρ) is a metric space and let p0. Then Hp:𝒫(X)[0,] defined by


is a metric outer measure.


First we establish that Hp is an outer measure. It is apparent that Hp()=0. If AB, then, using that Hp,δ is a metric outer measure,


If {Aj}𝒫(X) is countable then, using that Hp,δ is a metric outer measure,

Hp(j=1Aj) =limδ0Hp,δ(j=1Aj)

Hence Hp is an outer measure.

To obtain that Hp is a metric outer measure, we must show that if ρ(A,B)>0 then Hp(AB)Hp(A)+Hp(B). Let 0<δ<ρ(A,B) and let be the collection of those subsets of X with diameter δ together with the set X. If there is no covering of AB by countably many elements of , then Hp(AB)Hp,δ(AB)=. Otherwise, let {Ej} be a covering of AB. For each j, because diamEjδ<ρ(A,B), it follows that Ej does not intersect both A and B. Write


where EajB= and EbjA=. Then AEaj and BEbj, so


This is true for any covering of AB by countably many element of , so


The above inequality is true for any 0<δ<ρ(A,B), and taking δ0 yields


completing the proof. ∎

We call the metric outer measure Hp:𝒫(X)[0,] in the above theorem the p-dimensional Hausdorff outer measure. From Theorem 1 it follows that the restriction of Hp to the Borel σ-algebra X of a metric space is a meausure. We call this restriction the p-dimensional Hausdorff measure, and denote it also by Hp.

It is straightforward to verify that if T:XX is an isometric isomorphism then HpT=Hp. In particular, for X=n, Hp is invariant under translations.

We will use the following inequality when talking about Hausdorff measure on n.55 5 Gerald B. Folland, Real Analysis, second ed., p. 350, Proposition 11.18.

Lemma 4.

Let Y be a set and (X,ρ) be a metric space. If f,g:YX satisfy


then for any A𝒫(Y),


Take δ>0 and ϵ>0. There are countably many sets Ej that cover g(A) each with diameter C-1δ and such that


Let aA. There is some j with g(a)Ej, so ag-1(Ej) and then f(a)f(g-1(Ej)). Therefore the sets f(g-1(Ej)) cover f(A). For u,vf(g-1(Ej)), there are y,zg-1(Ej) with u=f(y),v=f(z). Because g(y),g(z)Ej,




Since the sets f(g-1(Ej)) cover f(A) and each has diameter CdiamEjδ,


This is true for all δ>0, so taking δ0,


This is true for all ϵ>0, so taking ϵ0,


3 Hausdorff dimension

Theorem 5.

If Hp(A)< then Hq(A)=0 for all q>p.


Let δ>0. Then Hp,δ(A)Hp(A)< Let {Ej} be countably many sets each with diameter δ such that AEj and


This gives us

Hq.δ(A)(diamEj)q =(diamEj)q-p(diamEj)p

This is true for any δ>0 and q-p>0, so taking δ0 we obtain Hq(A)=0. ∎

For A𝒫(X), we define the Hausdorff dimension of A to be


If the set whose infimum we are taking is empty, then the Hausdorff dimension of A is .

4 Radon measures and Haar measures

Before speaking about Hausdorff measure on n, we remind ourselves of some material about Radon measures and Haar measures. Let X be a locally compact Hausdorff space. A Borel measure μ on X is said to be a Radon measure if (i) it is finite on each compact set, (ii) for any Borel set E,

μ(E)=inf{μ(U):U open and EU},

and (iii) for any open set E,

μ(E)=sup{μ(K):K compact and KE}.

It is a fact that if X is a locally compact Hausdorff space in which every open set is σ-compact, then every Borel measure on X that is finite on compact sets is a Radon measure.66 6 Gerald B. Folland, Real Analysis, second ed., p. 217, Theorem 7.8.

Suppose that G is a locally compact group. A Borel measure μ on G is said to be left-invariant if for all xG and EG,


A left Haar measure on G is a nonzero left-invariant Radon measure on G. It is a fact that if μ and ν are left Haar measures on G then there is some c>0 such that μ=cν.77 7 Gerald B. Folland, Real Analysis, second ed., p. 344, Theorem 11.9.

5 Hausdorff measure in Rn

Let mn denote Lebesgue measure on n.

Lemma 6.

If E is a Borel set in n, then


Let ϵ>0 and let {Ej} be countably many closed sets that cover E and such that


The isodiametric inequality (which one proves using the Brunn-Minkowski inequality) states that if A is a Borel set in n, then


Using this gives


But because the sets Ej cover E we have mn(E)mn(Ej)mn(Ej), so we get


This expression does not involve the sets Ej (which depend on ϵ), and since this expression is true for any ϵ>0, taking ϵ0 yields



Lemma 7.



For any m1, the cube Q can be covered by mn cubes q1,,qmn of side length 1m. Let 0<δ<1 and let m>1δ. The distance from the center of qj to one of the vertices of qj is


Inscribe qj in a closed ball bj with the same center as qj and radius r. These balls cover Q. Hence


Taking δ0 gives Hp(Q)nn/2<.

On the other hand, by Lemma 6,


Theorem 8.

There is some constant cn>0 such that


n is a locally compact Hausdorff space in which every open set in n is σ-compact. Therefore, to show that Hn is a Radon measure it suffices to show that Hn is finite on every compact set. If K is a compact subset of n, there is some r>0 such that KrQ. By Lemma 4 and Lemma 7 we get Hn(rQ)<, so Hn(K)<. Therefore Hn is a Radon measure.

Because Hn(Q)>0, Hn is not the zero measure. Any translation is an isometric isomorphism nn, so Hn is invariant under translations. Thus Hn is a left Haar measure on n. But Lebesgue measure mn is also a left Haar measure on n, so there is some cn>0 such that


proving the claim. ∎