Gaussian measures, Hermite polynomials, and the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck semigroup

Jordan Bell
June 27, 2015

1 Definitions

For a topological space X, we denote by X the Borel σ-algebra of X.

We write ¯={-,}. With the order topology, ¯ is a compact metrizable space, and has the subspace topology inherited from ¯, namely the inclusion map is an embedding ¯. It follows that11 1 Charalambos D. Aliprantis and Kim C. Border, Infinite Dimensional Analysis: A Hitchhiker’s Guide, third ed., p. 138, Lemma 4.20.


If is a collection of functions X¯ on a set X, we define :X¯ and :X¯ by




If X is a measurable space and is a countable collection of measurable functions X¯, it is a fact that and are measurable X¯.

2 Kolmogorov’s inequality

Kolmogorov’s inequality is the following.22 2 Gerald B. Folland, Real Analysis: Modern Techniques and Their Applications, second ed., p. 322, Theorem 10.11.

Theorem 1 (Kolmogorov’s inequality).

Suppose that (Ω,𝒮,P) is a probability space, that X1,,XnL2(P), that E(X1)=0,,E(Xn)=0, and that X1,,Xn are independent. Let


for 1kn. Then for any λ>0,


3 Gaussian measures on R

For real a and σ>0, one computes that

1σ2πexp(-(t-a)22σ2)𝑑t=1. (1)

Suppose that γ is a Borel probability measure on . If


for some a or has density


for some a and some σ>0, with respect to Lebesgue measure on , we say that γ is a Gaussian measure. We say that δa is a Gaussian measure with mean a and variance 0, and that a Gaussian measure with density p(,a,σ2) has mean a and variance σ2. A Gaussian measure with mean 0 and variance 1 is said to be standard.

One calculates that the characteristic function of a Gaussian measure γ with density p(,a,σ2) is

γ~(y)=exp(iyx)𝑑γ(x)=exp(iay-12σ2y2),y. (2)

The cumulative distribution function of a standard Gaussian measure γ is, for t,


We define Φ(-)=0 and also define


using (1).

Φ:¯[0,1] is strictly increasing, thus Φ-1:[0,1]¯ makes sense, and is itself strictly increasing. Then 1-Φ is strictly decreasing. By (1),

1-Φ(t) =-12πexp(-s22)𝑑s--t12πexp(-s22)𝑑s

The following lemma gives an estimate for 1-Φ(t) that tells us something substantial as t+, beyond the immediate fact that (1-Φ)()=1-Φ()=0.33 3 Vladimir I. Bogachev, Gaussian Measures, p. 2, Lemma 1.1.3.

Lemma 2.

For t>0,


Integrating by parts,

1-Φ(t) =t12πexp(-s22)𝑑s

On the other hand, using the above work and again integrating by parts,

1-Φ(t) =1t2πexp(-t22)-t1s32πsexp(-s22)𝑑s

The following theorem shows that if the variances of a sequence of independent centered random variables are summable then the sequence of random variables is summable almost surely.44 4 Karl R. Stromberg, Probability for Analysts, p. 58, Theorem 4.6.

Theorem 3.

Suppose that ξjL2(Ω,𝒮,P), j1, are independent random variables each with mean 0. If j=1V(ξj)<, then j=1ξj converges almost surely.


Define Sn:Ω by


define Zn:Ω[0,] by


and define Z:Ω[0,] by


If Sn(ω) converges and ϵ>0, there is some n such that for all j1, |Sn+j(ω)-Sn(ω)|<ϵ and so Zn(ω)ϵ and Z(ω)ϵ. Therefore, if Sn(ω) converges then Z(ω)=0. On the other hand, if Z(ω)=0 and ϵ>0, there is some n such that Zn(ω)<ϵ, hence |Sn+j(ω)-Sn(ω)|<ϵ for all j1. That is, Sn(ω) is a Cauchy sequence in , and hence converges. Therefore

{ωΩ:Sn(ω) converges}={ωΩ:Z(ω)=0}. (3)

Let ϵ>0. For any n and k, using Kolmogorov’s inequality with Xj=ξn+j for j=1,,k,


Because this is true for each k, it follows that


hence, for each n,


Because j=1V(ξj)<, j=n+1V(ξj)0 as n, so


Because this is true for all ϵ>0, we get P(Z>0)=0, i.e. P(Z=0)=1. By (3), this means that Sn converges almost surely. ∎

The following theorem gives conditions under which the converse of the above theorem holds.55 5 Karl R. Stromberg, Probability for Analysts, p. 59, Theorem 4.7.

Theorem 4.

Suppose that ξjL2(Ω,𝒮,P), j1, are independent random variables each with mean 0, and let Sn=j=1nξj. If

P(n=1|Sn|<)>0 (4)

and there is some β[0,) such that j=1|ξj|β almost surely, then


By (4), there is some α[0,) such that P(A)>0, for


For p1, let


which satisfies ApA as p. For each p, the random variables χApSp and ξp+1 are independent and the random variables χAp and ξp+12 are independent, whence

E(χApSp+12) =E(χAp(Sp+ξp+1)(Sp+ξp+1))

Set Bp=ApAp+1. For ωAp, |Sp(ω)|α, and for almost all ωΩ, |ξp+1(ω)|β, so for almost all ωBp,



P(A)V(ξp+1) E((χBp+χAp+1)Sp+12)-E(χApSp2)

Adding the inequalities for p=1,2,,n-1, because Bp are pairwise disjoint,

P(A)p=1n-1V(ξp+1) =(α+β)2p=1n-1P(Bp)+E(χAnSn2)-E(χA1S12)

Because this is true for all n and P(A)>0,


and with V(ξ1)< this completes the proof. ∎

4 Rn

If μ is a finite Borel measure on n, we define the characteristic function of μ by


A Borel probability measure γ on n is said to be Gaussian if for each f(n)*, the pushforward measure f*γ on is a Gaussian measure on , where


for E a Borel set in .

We now give a characterization of Gaussian measures on n and their densities.66 6 Vladimir I. Bogachev, Gaussian Measures, p. 3, Proposition 1.2.2; Michel Simonnet, Measures and Probabilities, p. 303, Theorem 14.5. In the following theorem, the vector an is called the mean of γ and the linear transformation K(n) is called the covariance operator of γ. When a=0n and K=idn, we say that γ is standard.

Theorem 5.

A Borel probability measure γ on n is Gaussian if and only if there is some an and some positive semidefinite K(n) such that

γ~(y)=exp(iy,a-12Ky,y),yn. (5)

If γ is a Gaussian measure whose covariance operator K is positive definite, then the density of γ with respect to Lebesgue measure on n is


Suppose that (5) is satisfied. Let f(n)*, i.e. a linear map n, and put ν=f*γ. Using the change of variables formula, the characteristic function of ν is


Let v be the unique element of n such that f(x)=v,x for all xn. Then


so by (5),


This implies that ν is a Gaussian measure on with mean f(a) and variance Kv,v: if Kv,v=0 then ν=δf(a), and if Kv,v>0 then ν has density


with respect to Lebesgue measure on . That is, for any f(n)*, the pushforward measure f*γ is a Gaussian measure on , which is what it means for γ to be a Gaussian measure on n.

Suppose that γ is Gaussian and let f(n)*. Then the pushforward measure f*γ is a Gaussian measure on . Let a(f) be the mean of f*γ and let σ2(f) be the variance of f*γ, and let vf be the unique element of n such that f(x)=x,vf for all xn. Using the change of variables formula,



σ2(f) =(t-a(f))2d(f*γ)(t)

Because fa(f) is linear (n)*, there is a unique an=(n)** such that


For f,g(n)*,

σ2(f+g) =n(f(x)2+2f(x)g(x)+g(x)2


σ2(f+g)-σ2(f)-σ2(g) =n(2f(x)g(x)-2f(x)a(g)-2g(x)a(f)

B(f,g)=12(σ2(f+g)-σ2(f)-σ2(g)) is a symmetric bilinear form on n, and


namely, B is positive semidefinite. It follows that there is a unique positive semidefinite K(n) such that B(f,g)=Kvf,vg for all f,g(n)*. For yn and for vf=y, using the change of variables formula, using the fact that f*γ is a Gaussian measure on with mean


and variance


and using (2),

γ~(y) =neif(x)𝑑γ(x)

which shows that (5) is satisfied.

Suppose that γ is a Gaussian measure and further that the covariance operator K is positive definite. By the spectral theorem, there is an orthonormal basis {e1,,en} for n such that Kej,ej>0 for each 1jn. Write Kej,ej=σj2, and for yn set yj=y,ej, with which y=y1e1++ynen and then

Ky,y =y1Ke1++ynKen,y1e1++ynen



Let γj be the Gaussian measure on with mean aj and variance σj2. Because σj2>0, the measure γj has density p(,aj,σj2) with respect to Lebesgue measure on , and thus

γ~(y) =exp(iy,a-12Ky,y)

This implies that γ has density


with respect to Lebesgue measure on n. Moreover,

K-1(x-a),x-a =j=1nσj-2(xj-aj)ej,j=1n(xj-aj)ej

so we have, as detK=j=1nσj2,

j=1np(xj,aj,σj2) =j=1n1σj2πexp(-(xj-aj)22σj2)

Because is a second-countable topological space, the Borel σ-algebra n is equal to the product σ-algebra j=1n. The density of the standard Gaussian measure γn with respect to Lebesgue measure on n is, by Theorem 5,


It follows that γn is equal to the product measure j=1nγ1, and thus that the probability space (n,n,γn) is equal to the product j=1n(,,γ1).

For f1,,fnL2(γ1), we define f1fnL2(γn), called the tensor product of f1,,fn, by


It is straightforward to check that for f1,,fn,g1,,gnL2(γ1),


One proves that the linear span of the collection of all tensor products is dense in L2(γn), and that {vk:k0} is an orthonormal basis for L2(γ1), then

{vk1vkn:(k1,,kn)0n} (6)

is an orthonormal basis for L2(γn).

We will later use the following statement about centered Gaussian measures.77 7 Vladimir I. Bogachev, Gaussian Measures, p. 5, Lemma 1.2.5.

Theorem 6.

Let γ be a Gaussian measure on n with mean 0 and let θ. Then the pushforward of the product measure γ×γ on n×n under the mapping (u,v)usinθ+vcosθ, n×nn, is equal to γ.


Let μ be the pushforward of γ×γ under the above mapping. and let K(n) be the covariance operator of γ. For yn, using the change of variables formula,

nexp(iy,x)𝑑μ(x) =n×nexp(iy,usinθ+vcosθ)d(γ×γ)(u,v)

By Theorem 5,

γ~(ysinθ)γ~(ycosθ) =exp(-12Kysinθ,ysinθ)exp(-12Kycosθ,ycosθ)

Thus, the characteristic function of μ is


which implies that μ is equal to the Gaussian measure with mean 0 and covariance operator K, i.e., μ=γ. ∎

5 Hermite polynomials

For k0, we define the Hermite polynomial Hk by


It is apparent that Hk(t) is a polynomial of degree k.

Theorem 7.

For real λ and t,


For u, let g(u)=exp(-12u2). For t,

g(u) =k=0g(k)(t)k!(u-t)k

Therefore, for real λ and t,

exp(λt-12λ2) =exp(12t2-12(λ-t)2)

Theorem 8.

Let γ1 be the standard Gaussian measure on , with density p(t,0,1)=12πexp(-t22). Then


is an orthonormal basis for L2(γ1).


For λ,μ, on the one hand, using (1) with a=λ+μ and σ=1,


On the other hand, using Theorem 7,




From this, we get that if kl then 1k!l!Hk,HlL2(γ1)=0, i.e.


If k=l, then 1k!l!Hk,HlL2(γ1)=1k!, i.e.


Therefore, {Hk:k0} is an orthonormal set in L2(γ1).

Suppose that fL2(γ1) satisfies f,HkL2(γ1)=0 for each k0. Because Hk(t) is a polynomial of degree k, for each k0 we have


Hence for each k0, f,tkL2(γ1)=0. One then proves that span{1,t,t2,} is dense in L2(γ1), from which it follows that the linear span of the Hermite polynomials is dense in L2(γ1) and thus that they are an orthonormal basis. ∎

Lemma 9.

For k1,


Theorem 7 says


On the one hand,

ddtexp(λt-12λ2) =λexp(λt-12λ2)

On the other hand,


Therefore, H0(t)=0, and for k1,




For α=(k1,,kn)0n, we define the Hermite polynomial Hα by


Because the collection of all Hermite polynomials Hk is an orthonormal basis for the Hilbert space L2(γ1), following (6) we have that the collection of all Hermite polynomials Hα is an orthonormal basis for the Hilbert space L2(γn).

Theorem 10.

For γn the standard Gaussian measure on n, with mean 0n and covariance operator idn, the collection


is an orthonormal basis for L2(γn).

For α=(k1,,kn)0n, write |α|=k1++kn. For k0, we define


which is a subspace of L2(γn) of dimension


As 𝒳k is a finite dimensional subspace of L2(γn), it is closed. L2(γn) is equal to the orthogonal direct sum of the 𝒳k:




be the orthogonal projection onto 𝒳k.

6 Ornstein-Uhlenbeck semigroup

Let γ be a Gaussian measure on n with mean 0 and covariance operator K. For t0, we define Mt:n×nn by


By Theorem 6, Mt*(γ×γ)=γ. Therefore, for p1 and fLp(γ), using the change of variables formula,


Applying Fubini’s theorem, the function


belongs to L1(γ). We define the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck semigroup {Tt:t0} on Lp(γ), p1, by


for un.

Theorem 11.

Let γ be a Gaussian measure on n with mean 0. If fL1(γ), then


Using Fubini’s theorem, then the change of variables formula, then Theorem 6,

n(Ttf)(u)𝑑γ(u) =n(nf(Mt(u,v))𝑑γ(v))𝑑γ(u)

Theorem 12.

Let γ be a Gaussian measure on n with mean 0. For p1 and t0, Tt is a bounded linear operator Lp(γ)Lp(γ) with operator norm 1.


For fLp(γ), using Jensen’s inequality and then Theorem 11,

TtfLp(γ)p =n|nf(Mt(u,v))𝑑γ(v)|p𝑑γ(u)

i.e. TtfLp(μ)fLp(μ). This shows that the operator norm of Tt is 1. But, as γ is a probability measure,


so Tt has operator norm 1. ∎

For a Banach space E, we denote by (E) the set of bounded linear operators EE. The strong operator topology on E is the coarsest topology on E such that for each xE, the map AAx is continuous (E)𝔼. To say that a map Q:[0,)(E) is strongly continuous means that for each t[0,), Q(s)Qt in the strong operator topology as st, i.e., for each xE, Q(s)xQ(t)x in E.

A one-parameter semigroup in B(E) is a map Q:[0,)(E) such that (i) Q(0)=idE and (ii) for s,t0, Q(s+t)=Q(s)Q(t). For a one-parameter semigroup to be strongly continuous, one proves that it is equivalent that Q(t)idE in the strong operator topology as t0, i.e. for each xE, Q(t)xx.88 8 Walter Rudin, Functional Analysis, second ed., p. 376, Theorem 13.35.

We now establish that the {Tt:t0} is indeed a one-parameter semigroup and that it is strongly continuous.99 9 Vladimir I. Bogachev, Gaussian Measures, p. 10, Theorem 1.4.1.

Theorem 13.

Suppose μ is a Gaussian measure on n with mean 0 and let p1. Then {Tt:t0} is a strongly continuous one-parameter semigroup in (Lp(γ)).


For fLp(γ), because γ is a probability measure,


hence T0=idLp(μ). For s,t0, define P:n×nn by


By Theorem 6, P*(γ×γ)=γ, whence


hence TtTs=Ts+t. This establishes that {Tt:t0} is a semigroup.

For fCb(n), un, and vn, as t0 we have


thus by the dominated convergence theorem, since


and γ is a probability measure, we have


and hence

(Ttf-T0f)(u) =nf(e-tu+1-e-2tv)𝑑γ(v)-nf(u)𝑑γ(v)

Because this is true for each un and


by the dominated convergence theorem we then have

Ttf-T0fLp(γ)0. (7)

Now let fLp(γ). There is a sequence fjCb(n) satisfying fj-fLp(γ)0, with fjLp(γ)2fLp(γ) for all j. For any t0,

Ttf-T0fLp(γ) Ttf-TtfjLp(γ)+Ttfj-T0fjLp(γ)+T0fj-T0fLp(γ)

Let ϵ>0 and let j be so large that f-fjLp(γ)<ϵ. Because fjCb(n), by (7) there is some δ>0 such that when 0<t<δ, Ttfj-fjLp(γ)<ϵ. Then when 0<t<δ,


which shows that for each fLp(γ), Ttf-T0fLp(γ) as t0, which suffices to establish that {Tt:t0} is strongly continuous [0,)(Lp(γ)). ∎

For t>0, we define Lt(Lp(γ)) by


We define 𝒟(L) to be the set of those fLp(γ) such that Ltf converges to some element of Lp(γ) as t0, and we define L:𝒟(L)Lp(γ). This is the infinitesimal generator of the semigroup {Tt:t0}, and the infinitesimal generator L of the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck semigroup is called the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck operator. Because the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck semigroup is strongly continuous, we get the following.1010 10 Walter Rudin, Functional Analysis, second ed., p. 376, Theorem 13.35.

Theorem 14.

Suppose μ is a Gaussian measure on n with mean 0, let p1, and let L be the infinitesimal generator of the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck semigroup {Tt:t0}. Then:

  1. 1.

    𝒟(L) is a dense linear subspace of Lp(γ) and L:𝒟(L)Lp(γ) is a closed operator.

  2. 2.

    For each f𝒟(L) and for each t0,

  3. 3.

    For fLp(γ) and K a compact subset of [0,), (exp(tLϵ)fTtf as ϵ0 uniformly for tK.

  4. 4.

    For λ with Reλ>0, R(λ):Lp(γ)Lp(γ) defined by


    belongs to (Lp(γ)), the range of R(λ) is equal to 𝒟(L), and


    where I is the identity operator on Lp(γ).

We remind ourselves that if H is a Hilbert space with inner product ,, an element A of (H) is said to be a positive operator when Ax,x0 for all xH. We prove that each Tt is a positive operator on the Hilbert space L2(γ).1111 11 Vladimir I. Bogachev, Gaussian Measures, p. 10, Theorem 1.4.1.

Theorem 15.

Suppose μ is a Gaussian measure on n with mean 0. For each t0, Tt(L2(μ)) is a positive operator.


For t0, define Nt:n×nn×n by


whose transpose is the linear operator Nt*:n×nn×n defined by


For (x,y)n×n, we calculate


which shows that Ot*(γ×γ) and γ×γ have equal characteristic functions and hence are themselves equal.

For f,gL2(γ) and t0,

Ttf,gL2(γ) =n(Ttf)(x)g(x)𝑑μ(x)

which establishes that Tt is a self-adjoint operator on L2(γ).

Furthermore, using that Tt=Tt/2Tt/2 and that Tt/2 is self-adjoint,


which is 0, which establishes that Tt is a positive operator on L2(γ). ∎

We now write the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck semigroup using the orthogonal projections Ik:L2(γn)𝒳k, where γn is the standard Gaussian measure on n.1212 12 Vladimir I. Bogachev, Gaussian Measures, p. 11, Theorem 1.4.4.

Theorem 16.

For each t0 and fL2(γn),


Define St:L2(γn)L2(γn) by Stf=k=0e-ktIk(f), which satisfies, using that the subspaces 𝒳k are pairwise orthogonal,


so St(L2(γn)). To prove that Tt=St, it suffices to prove that TtHα=StHα for each Hermite polynomial, which are an orthonormal basis for L2(γn). For α=(k1,,kn) with k=|α|=k1++kn,



(TtHα)(x) =nHα(e-tx+1-e-2ty)𝑑γn(y)

To prove that TtHα=e-ktHα, it thus suffices to prove that for any t, for any kj, and for any xj,

Hkj(e-txj+1-e-2tyj)𝑑γ1(yj)=e-kjtHkj(xj). (8)

For kj=0, as H0=1 and γ1 is a probability measure, (8) is true. Suppose that (8) is true for kj. That is, for each 0hkj, TtHh=e-htHh. For any l, because the Hermite polynomial Hl is a polynomial of degree l, one checks that TtHl(xj) is a polynomial of degree l: using the binomial formula,


is a polynomial in xj of degree l. Hence TtHl a linear combination of H0,H1,,Hl. For 0hkj,


Therefore there is some c such that TtHkj+1=cHkj+1. Then check that c=e-(kj+1)t. ∎

We now give an explicit expression for the domain 𝒟(L) of the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck operator L and for L applied to an element of its domain.1313 13 Vladimir I. Bogachev, Gaussian Measures, p. 12, Proposition 1.4.5.

Theorem 17.

For f𝒟(L),


Let f𝒟(L), i.e. Ttf-ftLf in L2(γn) as t0. For any k0, using Theorem 16,

IkLf =Ik(limt0Ttf-ft)

Using this,

k=0k2IkfL2(γn)2 =k=0IkLfL2(γn)2



Let fL2(γn) satisfy


For t>0,

Ttf-ft+k=0kIkfL2(γn)2 =k=0(e-ktIkf-Ikft+kIkf)L2(γn)2

For t>0 and k0,


and thus


For each k0, as t0,


thus as t0,


and hence


This means that Ttf-ft converges in L2(γn) to -k=0kIkf as t0, and since Ttf-ft converges, f𝒟(L). ∎