Convolution semigroups, canonical processes, and Brownian motion

Jordan Bell
June 16, 2015

1 Convolution semigroups, projective families, and canonical processes



and let =d, the Borel σ-algebra of d, and let 𝒫(E) be the collection of Borel probability measures on d. With the narrow topology, 𝒫(E) is a Polish space. For a nonempty set J, we write


the product σ-algebra.

Let A:E×EE be A(x1,x2)=x1+x2. For ν1,ν2𝒫(E), the convolution of ν1 and ν2 is the pushforward of the product measure ν1×ν2 by A:


The convolution ν1*ν2 is an element of 𝒫(E).



A convolution semigroup is a family (νt)tI of elements of 𝒫(E) such that for s,tI,


From this, it turns out that μ0=δ0. A convolution semigroup is called continuous when the map tνt is continuous I𝒫(E).

For ν𝒫(E) and xE, and for B,


and we define νx𝒫(E) by


For ν𝒫(E) and for a Borel measurable function f:E[0,], write


For xE, using the change of variables formula11 1 Charalambos D. Aliprantis and Kim C. Border, Infinite Dimensional Analysis: A Hitchhiker’s Guide, third ed., p. 484, Theorem 13.46. and Fubini’s theorem,

νxf =Efd(ν*δx)

That is, for ν𝒫(E), for f:E[0,] Borel measurable, and for xE,

νxf=Ef𝑑νx=Ef(x+y)𝑑ν(y). (1)

For nonempty subsets J and K of I with JK, let


be the projection map. Let 𝒦=𝒦(I) be the collection of finite nonempty subsets of I. Let (Ω,,P,(Xt)tI) be a stochastic process with state space E. For J𝒦, with elements t1<<tn, we define


which is measurable J. The joint distribution PJ of the family of random variables (Xt)tJ is the distribution of XJ, i.e.


The family of finite-dimensional distributions of X is the family (PJ)J𝒦. For J,K𝒦 with JK,


from which

(πK,J)*PK=PJ. (2)

Forgetting the stochastic process X, a family of probability measures PJ on J, for J𝒦, is called a projective family when (2) is true. The Kolmogorov extension theorem tells us that if (PJ)J𝒦 is a projective family, then there is a unique probability measure PI on I such that for any J𝒦,

(πI,J)*PI=PJ. (3)

Then for Ω=EI and =I, (Ω,,PI) is a probability space, and for tI we define Xt:ΩE by

Xt(ω)=πI,{t}(ω)=ω(t), (4)

which is measurable , and thus the family (Xt)tI is a stochastic process with state space E. For J𝒦 it is immediate that


For BJ, applying (3) gives


which means that XJ*PI=PJ, namely, (PJ)J𝒦 is the family of finite-dimensional distributions of the stochastic process (Xt)tI. We call the stochastic process (4) the canonical process associated with the projective family (PJ)JK.

Let (νt)tI be a convolution semigroup and let μ𝒫(E). For J𝒦, with elements t1<<tn, and for BJ, define

PJ(B)=EEE1B(x1,,xn)𝑑νtn-tn-1xn-1(xn)𝑑νt1x0(x1)𝑑μ(x0). (5)

We say that (PJ)J𝒦 is the family of measures induced by the convolution semigroup (νt)tI. It is proved that (PJ)J𝒦 is a projective family. Therefore, from the Kolmogorov extension theorem it follows that there is a unique probability measure Pμ on I such that

(πI,J)*Pμ=PJ. (6)

For Ω=EI and =I, (Ω,,Pμ) is a probability space. For tI define Xt:ΩE by


(Xt)tI is a stochastic processes whose family of finite-dimensional distributions is (PJ)J𝒦, i.e. for J𝒦 with elements t1<<tn and for BJ,


Applying this with μ=δx yields


and thus, for any μ𝒫(E),


That is, for μ𝒫(E), for J𝒦, and BJ,

(XJ*Pμ)(B)=E(XJ*Pδx)(B)𝑑μ(x). (7)

For J𝒦, At for tJ, and A=tJAt×tIJE=I, namely A is a cylinder set, let B=πI,J(A)=tJAtJ,


so by (7),

Pμ(A)=EPδx(A)𝑑μ(x). (8)

Because this is true for all cylinder sets in the product σ-algebra I and I is generated by the collection of cylinder sets, (8) is true for all A.

Let J𝒦, with elements t1<<tn, and let σn:En+1En be


For Bn using (1) we obtain by induction


Thus, with PJ the probability measure on J defined in (5),


For f:En[0,] a Borel measurable function, there is a sequence of measurable simple functions pointwise increasing to f, and applying the monotone convergence theorem yields

Enf𝑑PJ=EEEfσn𝑑νtn-tn-1(xn)𝑑νt1(x1)𝑑μ(x0). (9)

2 Increments

Let (Ω,,P,(Xt)tI) be a stochastic process with state space E. X is said to have stationary increments if there is a family (νt)tI of probability measures on such that for all s,tI with st,


In particular, for s=t this implies that P*(0)=ν0, hence ν0=δ0.

A stochastic process is said to have independent increments if for any J𝒦, with elements 0=t0<t1<<tn, the random variables


are independent.

We now prove that the canonical process associated with the projective family of probability measures induced by a convolution semigroup and any initial distribution has stationary and independent increments.22 2 Heinz Bauer, Probability Theory, p. 321, Theorem 37.2.

Theorem 1.

Let (νt)tI be a convolution semigroup, let (PJ)J𝒦 be the family of measures induced by this convolution semigroup, let μ𝒫(E), and let (Ω,,Pμ,(Xt)tI), Ω=EI and =I, be the associated canonical process. X has stationary increments,

(Xt-Xs)*Pμ=νt-s,st, (10)

and has independent increments.


ν0=δ0, so (10) is immediate when s=t. When s<t, let


which is measurable , and let q:E×EE be (x1,x2)x2-x1, which is continuous and hence Borel measurable. Then qY is measurable , and for B,

(qY)-1(B) ={ωΩ:(qY)(ω)B}

and thus

(qY)*Pμ=(Xt-Xs)*Pμ. (11)

Now, according to (6),


Therefore, using that x2-x1B if and only if x2x1+B and also using νt-sx1(x1+B)=νt-s(B),

(Xt-Xs)*Pμ(B) =(qY)*Pμ(B)

which shows that


and thus that X has stationary increments.

Let 0=t0<t1<<tn, let J={t0,t1,,tn}𝒦, write Xt-1=0, and let


For the random variables Y0,,Yn to be independent means for their joint distribution to be equal to the product of the distributions of each, i.e. to prove that X has independent increments, writing


with τn:En+1En defined by


we have to prove that


To prove this, it suffices (because the collection of cylinder sets generates the product σ-algebra) to prove that for any A0,,An and for A=j=0nAjn+1,


i.e. that


We now prove this. Using the change of variables theorem and (6),

(Z*Pμ)(A) =En+11Ad(Z*Pμ)

Then applying (9) with f=1Aτn,


and because t0=0 and ν0=δ0,

EE1A0(x-1+x0)𝑑νt0(x0)𝑑μ(x-1) =EE1A0(x-1+x0)𝑑δ0(x0)𝑑μ(x-1)

and therefore


But we have already proved that (10), which tells us that for each j,


and thus


But Y0*Pμ=X0*Pμ and from (7) we have


and, from (5),

(π0*Pδx)(A0) =EE1A0(x0)𝑑ν0y(x0)𝑑δx(y)





which completes the proof that X has independent increments. ∎

3 The Brownian convolution semigroup and Brownian motion

For a and σ>0, let γa,σ2 be the Gaussian measure on , the probability measure on whose density with respect to Lebesgue measure is


For σ=0, let


Define for tI,


which is an element of 𝒫(E). For s,tI, we calculate


showing that (νt)tI is a convolution semigroup. It is proved using Lévy’s continuity theorem that tνt is continuous I𝒫(E), showing that (νt)tI is a continuous convolution semigroup.

We first prove a lemma (which is made explicit in Isserlis’s theorem) about the moments of random variables with Gaussian distributions.33 3 Heinz Bauer, Probability Theory, p. 341, Lemma 40.2.

Lemma 2.

If Z:ΩE is a random variable with Gaussian distribution ντ, τ>0, then for each n there is some Cn>0 such that


In particular, C2=d and C4=d(d+2).


That Z has distribution ντ means that


Write Z=Z1Zd, each of which has distribution γ0,τ, and Z*P=j=1dZj*P, which means that Z1,,Zd independent. Let Uj=τ-1/2Zj for j=1,,d, and then U1,,Ud are independent random variables each with distribution γ0,1. Then using the multinomial formula,

E(|Z|2n) =E((Z12++Zd2)n)

For n=2, since E(UiUj)=E(Ui)E(Uj)=0 for ij,


showing that C2=d. ∎

A stochastic process (Ω,,P,(Xt)tI) with state space E is called a d-dimensional Brownian motion when:

  1. 1.

    For st,


    and thus X has stationary increments.

  2. 2.

    X has independent increments.

  3. 3.

    For almost all ωΩ, the path tXt(ω) is continuous IE.

We call X0*P the initial distribution of the Brownian motion. When X0*P=δx for some xE, we say that x is the starting point of the Brownian motion. We now prove that for any Borel probability measure on , in particular δx, there is a d-dimensional Brownian motion which has this as its initial distribution.44 4 Heinz Bauer, Probability Theory, p. 342, Theorem 40.3.

Theorem 3 (Brownian motion).

For any μ𝒫(E), there is a d-dimensional Brownian motion with initial distribution μ.


Let (PJ)J𝒦 be the family of measures induced by the Brownian convolution semigroup


and let (Ω,,Pμ,(Xt)tI), Ω=EI and =I, be the associated canonical process. Theorem 10 tells us that X has stationary increments,

(Xt-Xs)*Pμ=νt-s,st, (12)

and has independent increments. For τ=t-s>0, by (12) and Lemma 2,


Because E(|Xt-Xt|4)=E(0)=0, we have that for any s,tI,


The initial distribution of X is X0*Pμ=μ. For α=4,β=1,c=d(d+2), the Kolmogorov continuity theorem tells us that there is a continuous modification B of X. That is, there is a stochastic process (Bt)tI such that for each ωΩ, the path tBt(ω) is continuous IE, namely, B is a continuous stochastic process, and for each tI,


namely, B is a modification of X. Because B is a modification of X, B has the same finite-dimensional distributions as X, from which it follows that B satisfies (12) and has independent increments. For A, because B is a modification of X,


thus B0*Pμ=X0*Pμ=μ, namely, B has initial distribution μ. Therefore, B is a Brownian motion (indeed, all the paths of B are continuous, not merely almost all of them) that has initial distribution μ, proving the claim. ∎

For μ𝒫(E), let (Ω,,Pμ,(Bt)tI) be the d-dimensional Brownian motion with initial distribution μ constructed in Theorem 3; we are not merely speaking about some d-dimensional Brownian motion but about this construction, for which Ω=EI, all whose paths are continuous rather than merely almost all whose paths are continuous. For a measurable space (A,𝒜) and topological spaces X and Y, a function f:X×AY is called a Carathéodory function if for each xX, the map af(x,a) is measurable 𝒜Y, and for each aA, the map xf(x,a) is continuous XY. It is a fact55 5 Charalambos D. Aliprantis and Kim C. Border, Infinite Dimensional Analysis: A Hitchhiker’s Guide, third ed., p. 153, Lemma 4.51. that if X is a separable metrizable space and Y is a metrizable space, then any Carathéodory function f:X×AY is measurable X𝒜Y, namely it is jointly measurable. B:I×ΩE is a Carathéodory function. I=0, with the subspace topology inherited from , is a separable metrizable space, and E=d is a metrizable space, and therefore the d-dimensional Brownian motion B is jointly measurable.

The Kolmogorov-Chentsov theorem says that if a stochastic process (Xt)tI with state space E satisfies, for α,β,c>0,


and almost every path of X is continuous, then for almost every ωΩ, for every 0<γ<βα the map tXt(ω) is locally γ-Hölder continuous: for each t0I there is some 0<ϵt0<1 and some Ct0 such that


For μ𝒫(E), let (Ω,,Pμ,(Bt)tI) be the d-dimensional Brownian motion with initial distribution μ formed in Theorem 3. For st, (Bt-Bs)*Pμ=νt-s, and thus Lemma 2 tells us that for each n1 there is some Cn with which E(|Bt-Bs|2n)=Cn(t-s)n for all s<t. Then E(|Bt-Bs|2n)Cn|t-s|n for all s,tI. For n>1 and for αn=2n and βn=n-1,


and for n>2, take some βn-1αn-1<γn<βnαn. Let Nn be the set of those ωΩ for which tBt(ω) is not locally γn-Hölder continuous. Then the Kolmogorov-Chentsov theorem yields Pμ(Nn)=0. Let N=n>2Nn, which is a Pμ-null set. For ωΩN and for any 0<γ<12, there is some γn satisfying γγn<12, and hence the map tBt(ω) is locally γn-Hölder continuous, which implies that this map is locally γ-Hölder continuous. We summarize what we have just said in the following theorem.

Theorem 4.

Let μ𝒫(E) and let (Ω,,Pμ,(Bt)tI) be the d-dimensional Brownian motion with initial distribution μ formed in Theorem 3. For almost all ωΩ, for all 0<γ<12, the map tBt(ω) is locally γ-Hölder continuous.

4 Lévy processes

A stochastic process (Xt)tI with state space E is called a Lévy process66 6 See David Applebaum, Lévy Processes and Stochastic Calculus, p. 39, §1.3. if (i) X0=0 almost surely, (ii) X has stationary and independent increments, and (iii) for any a>0,


Because X0=0 almost surely and X has stationary increments, (iii) yields for any tI,

limstP(|Xs-Xs|ϵ)=0. (13)

In any case, (13) is sufficient for (iii) to be true. Moreover, (iii) means that XsXt in the topology of convergence in probability as st, and if XsXt almost surely then XsXt in the topology of convergence in probability; this is proved using Egorov’s theorem. Thus, a d-dimensioanl Brownian motion with starting point 0 is a Lévy process; we do not merely assert that the Brownian motion formed in Theorem 3 is a Lévy process. There is much that can be said generally about Lévy processes, and thus the fact that any d-dimensional Brownian motion with starting point 0 is a Lévy process lets us work in a more general setting in which some results may be more naturally proved: if we work merely with a Lévy process we know less about the process and thus have less open moves.