Unordered sums in Hilbert spaces

Jordan Bell
April 3, 2014

1 Preliminaries

Let be the set of positive integers. We say that a set is countable if it is bijective with a subset of ; thus a finite set is countable. In this note I do not presume unless I say so that any set is countable or that any topological space is separable. A neighborhood of a point in a topological space is a set that contains an open set that contains the point; one reason why it can be handy to speak about neighborhoods of a point rather than just open sets that contain the point is that the set of all neighborhoods of a point is a filter, whereas it is unlikely that the set of all open sets that contain a point is a filter.

2 Unordered sums in normed spaces

A partially ordered set is a set J and a binary relation on J that is reflexive (αα), antisymmetric (if both αβ and βα then α=β), and transitive (if both αβ and βγ then αγ).11 1 Paul R. Halmos, Naive Set Theory, §14. A directed set is a partially ordered set (J,) such that if α,βJ then there is some γJ such that αγ and βγ. If X is a topological space, a net in X is a function from some directed set to X. If z:JX is a net in X and N is a subset of X, we say that z is eventually in N if there is some αJ such that αβ implies z(β)N. We say that the net z converges to xX if for every neighborhood of x the net is eventually in that neighborhood. The importance of the notion of a net is that if X and Y are topological spaces and f is a function XY then f is continuous if and only if for every xX and for every net z:JX that converges to x, the net fz:JY converges to f(x).22 2 James R. Munkres, Topology, second ed., p. 188.

Let X be a normed space, let I be a set, and let be the set of all finite subsets of I. is a directed set ordered by set inclusion. Define S:X by


S is a net in X, and if the net S converges to xX, we say that the sum iIf(i) converges to x, and write iIf(i)=x.

Theorem 1.

If X is a normed space, f:IX is a function, xX, and I0 is a subset of I such that if iII0 then f(i)=0, then iIf(i) converges to x if and only if iI0f(i) converges to x.


Let be the set of all finite subsets of I, let 0 be the set of all finite subsets of I0, define S:X by S(F)=iFf(i), and let S0 be the restriction of S to 0. Suppose that iIf(i) converges to x, and let ϵ>0. There is some Fϵ such that if FϵF then S(F)-x<ϵ. Let Gϵ=FϵI0. If GϵG0, then


giving S0(G)-x=S(F)-x. Hence GϵG0 implies that S0(G)-x<ϵ, showing that the net S0 converges to x, i.e. that iI0f(i) converges to x.

Suppose that iI0f(i) converges to x, and let ϵ>0. There is some Gϵ0 such that if GϵG0 then S0(G)-x<ϵ. If GϵF, then, with G=FI0,


so GϵF implies that S(F)-x<ϵ. This shows that S converges to x, that is, that iIf(i) converges to x. ∎

Theorem 2.

If X is a normed space, f:IX is a function, and iIf(i) converges, then {iI:f(i)0} is countable.


Suppose that iIf(i) converges to x, let be the set of all finite subsets of I, and let S(F)=iIf(i), F. For each n, let Fn be such that if FnF then


If G and GFn=, then


Let J=nFn. If iIJ, then for each n, we have {i}Fn=, whence S({i})<2n. That is, if iIJ then for each n we have f(i)<2n, which implies that if iIJ then f(i)=0. Therefore {iI:f(i)0}J, and as J is countable, the set {iI:f(i)0} is countable. ∎

However, we already have a notion of infinite sums: a series is the limit of a sequence of partial sums.

Theorem 3.

If X is a normed space, xnX, and nNxn converges to x, then n=1Nxnx as N.


Let ϵ>0, let be the set of all finite subsets of , and let S:X be S(F)=nFxn. The net S converges to x, so there is some Fϵ such that if FϵF then S(F)-x<ϵ. Let Nϵ=maxFϵ. If NNϵ, then for F={1,,N} we have FϵF and so


showing that n=1Nxnx as N. ∎

When we talk about the sum iIf(i), the set of all finite subsets of I is ordered by set inclusion, but we don’t care about any ordering of the set I itself. If the sum nxn converges then for any bijection σ:, n=1xσ(n)=nxn. If xn is a sequence in a normed space and for every bijection σ: the series n=1xσ(n) converges, we say that the sequence xn is unconditionally summable. If an unordered sum converges, then it is unconditionally summable, and if a countable unordered sum is unconditionally summable the unordered sum converges.

Theorem 4.

If X is a Banach space, xnX, and n=1xn<, then nNxn converges.


For each k there is some K(k) such that


suppose that if j<k then K(j)<K(k). Define


For ϵ>0, let N>1ϵ. If k>jN, then


hence if k>jN, then vk-vj<1j1N. This shows that vk is a Cauchy sequence, and hence vk converges to some xX.

Let be the set of all finite subsets of and define S:X by S(F)=nFxn. Let ϵ>0, and as vkx there is some N1 such that if kN1 then vk-x<ϵ. Let N2>1ϵ, put N=max{N1,N2}, and put Fϵ={1,,K(N)}. If FϵF, then

S(F)-x = nFxn-x
= nFFϵxn+vN-x
< nFFϵxn+ϵ
< 1N+ϵ
< 2ϵ.

Therefore the net S converges to x, i.e. nxn converges to x. ∎

The following theorem shows us in particular that the converse of Theorem 3 is false. One direction of the following theorem is Theorem 4 with X=. The other direction follows from the Riemann rearrangement theorem.33 3 Walter Rudin, Principles of Mathematical Analysis, third ed., p. 76, Theorem 3.54.

Theorem 5.

If αnC, then nNαn converges if and only if n=1|αn|<.

Let X be a normed space and z:JX a net. We say that z is Cauchy if for every ϵ>0 there is some αJ such that αβ and αγ together imply that z(β)-z(γ)<ϵ.44 4 Ronald G. Douglas, Banach Algebra Techniques in Operator Theory, second ed., p. 3, Proposition 1.7.

Theorem 6.

If X is a Banach space and z:JX is a Cauchy net, then there is some xX such that z converges to x.


Let α1J such that if α1α then z(α)-z(α1)<1, and for n>1 let αnJ be such that if αnα then z(α)-z(αn)<1n and such that αn-1αn. Define xn=z(αn). For ϵ>0, let N>1ϵ. If nmN, then, as αnαm,


showing that xn is a Cauchy sequence in X. Hence there is some xX such that xnx.

Let ϵ>0, let N1>1ϵ, let N2 be such that if nN2 then xN2-x<ϵ, and set N=max{N1,N2}. If αNα, then, by construction of the sequence αn,

z(α)-x z(α)-z(αN)+z(αN)-x
= z(α)-z(αN)+xN-x
< 1N+ϵ
< 2ϵ,

showing that the net z converges to x. ∎

Theorem 7.

If H is an infinite dimensional Hilbert space and {en:nN} is an orthonormal set in H, then nN1nen converges.


Let be the set of finite subsets of and let S(F)=nF1nen, F. Define vN=n=1N1nen. If N1>N2N, then, as en are orthonormal,


so vN is a Cauchy sequence in H and hence converges to some hH. For ϵ>0, let N1>1ϵ, let vN2-h2<ϵ, put N=max{N1,N2}, and put Fϵ={1,,N}. If FϵF, then, using that en are orthonormal and 0(a-b)2=a2-2ab+b2,

S(F)-h2 (S(F)-S(Fϵ)+S(Fϵ)-h)2
= 2nFFϵ1nen2+2vN-h2
= 2nFFϵ1n2+2vN-h2
< 4ϵ.

This shows that the net S converges to h, that is, that n1nen converges to h. ∎

We have proved that if H is an infinite dimensional Hilbert space and {en:n} is an orthonormal set in H, then n1nen converges, although n=11nen=n=11n=. This shows that the converse of Theorem 4 is false. In fact, the Dvoretsky-Rogers theorem states that if X is an infinite dimensional Banach space then there is some countable subset {xn:n} of X such that nxn converges but nxn=.55 5 Joseph Diestel, Sequences and Series in Banach Spaces, p. 59, chapter VI.

3 Orthogonal projections

If Si,iI, are subsets of a Hilbert space H, we define iISi to be the closure of the span of iISi. If ij implies that SiSj, we say that the sets Si are mutually orthogonal. To say that {ei:iI} is an orthonormal basis for H is to say that {ei:iI} is an orthonormal set and that H=iI{ei}.

If Mn,n, are mutually orthogonal closed subspaces of M, we denote


which we call an orthogonal direct sum.

If H is a Hilbert space and M is a closed subspace of H, then for every hH there is a unique vhM such that


and h-vhM.66 6 John B. Conway, A Course in Functional Analysis, second ed., p. 9, Theorem 2.6. This gives


The orthogonal projection of H onto M is the map P:HH defined by


It is straightforward to check that P is linear, P1 (P=1 if and only if M is nonzero), P2=P, and kerP=M and P(H)=M.77 7 John B. Conway, A Course in Functional Analysis, second ed., p. 10, Theorem 2.7. Rather than specifying a closed subspace of H and talking about the orthogonal projection onto M, we can talk about an orthogonal projection in H, which is the orthogonal projection onto its image.

Bessel’s inequality88 8 John B. Conway, A Course in Functional Analysis, second ed., p. 15, Theorem 4.8. states that if {en:n} is an orthonormal set in a Hilbert space H and hH, then

n=1|h,en|2h2. (1)
Theorem 8.

If H is a Hilbert space, E is an orthonormal set in H, and hH, then there are only countably many eE such that h,e0.




If n were infinite, let {ej:j} be a subset of it, and this gives us a contradiction by (1). Therefore each n is finite. But if h,e0 then there is some n such that |h,e|1n, so


Therefore is countable. ∎

Bessel’s inequality makes sense for an orthonormal set of any cardinality in a Hilbert space, rather than just for a countable orthonormal set.

Theorem 9 (Bessel’s inequality).

If H is a Hilbert space, E is an orthonormal set in H, and hH, then


By Theorem 8, there are only countably many e such that h,e0; let them be {en:n}. {en:n} is an orthonormal set, so by (1) we have


Theorem 4 states that if X is a Banach space, xnX,n, and n=1xn<, then the unordered sum nxn converges. Thus, with X= and xn=|h,en|2, the unordered sum n|h,en|2 converges, say to S. Because n|h,en|2 converges to S, by Theorem 3 the series n=1|h,en|2 converges to S. But we already know that this series is h2, so


By Theorem 1, the unordered sum e|h,e|2 converges if and only if the unordered sum n|h,en|2 converges, and if they converge they have the same value. Therefore, the unordered sum e|h,e|2 indeed converges, and it is h2. ∎

4 Convergence of unordered sums in the strong operator topology

Let H be a Hilbert space and let (H) be the set of bounded linear maps HH. It is straightforward to check that (H) is a normed space with the operator norm T=suph1Th. (In fact it is a Banach space, actually a Banach algebra, actually a C*-algebra; each of these statements implies the previous one.) The strong operator topology on (H) can be characterized in the following way: a net f:I(H) converges to T(H) in the strong operator topology if for all hH the net f(i)h converges to Th in H.99 9 For the strong operator topology see John B. Conway, A Course in Functional Analysis, second ed., p. 256.

If I is a set, is the set of all finite subsets of I, and f:I(H) is a function, define S:(H) by


S is a net in (H), and if the net converges to T(H) in the strong operator topology we say that the unordered sum iIf(i) converges strongly to T. To say that the net S converges to T in the strong operator topology is to say that if hH then iIf(i)h converges to Th in H.

If f,gH, we define fg:HH by


It is apparent that fg is linear, and


so fgfg, giving fg(H). Additionally,


showing that (fg)*=gf.

Theorem 10.

If H is a Hilbert space, E is an orthonormal set in H, and P is the orthogonal projection onto E, then eEee converges strongly to P.


Let hH. By Theorem 8 there are only countably many e such that h,e0, and we denote these by {en:n}. By Bessel’s inequality,

e|h,e|2=n|h,en|2=n=1|h,en|2h2. (2)

Let be the set of all finite subsets of and for F let


If ϵ>0, then by (2) there is some N such that n=N+1|h,en|2<ϵ2. If Fϵ={1,,N} and F,G both contain Fϵ, then, because the en are orthonormal,

S(F)-S(G)2 = nFh,enen-nGh,enen2
= n(FG)(FG)h,enen2
= n(FG)(FG)|h,en|2
< ϵ2.

Therefore, if F,G both contain Fϵ then S(F)-S(G)<ϵ. This means that S is a Cauchy net, and hence, by Theorem 6, has a limit vH. That is, the unordered sum nh,enen converges to v.

As the unordered sum nh,enen converges to v we have


If m then it follows that


which is


Let Q be the orthogonal projection onto n{en}. On the one hand, because h,e=0 for e{en:n}, we check that Ph=Qh. On the other hand, we check that Qh=v. Therefore, v=Ph, i.e.


showing that the unordered sum eee converges strongly to P. ∎

In particular, if is an orthonormal basis for H, then eee converges strongly to idH.