Unbounded operators in a Hilbert space and the Trotter product formula

Jordan Bell
August 25, 2015

1 Unbounded operators

Let H be a Hilbert space with inner product ,. We do not assume that H is separable. By an operator in H we mean a linear subspace 𝒟(T) of H and a linear map T:𝒟(T)H. We define


If 𝒟(T) is dense in H we say that T is densely defined.



When 𝒢(T)𝒢(S), we write


and say that S is an extension of T. If 𝒢(T) is a closed linear subspace of H×H, we say that T is closed.

We say that an operator T in H is closable if there is a closed operator S in H such that TS. If T is closable, one proves that there is a unique closed operator T¯ in H with TT¯ and such that if S is a closed operator satisfying TS then T¯S.

Suppose that T is a densely defined operator in H. We define 𝒟(T*) to be the set of those yH for which


is continuous. For y𝒟(T*), by the Hahn-Banach theorem there is some λyH* such that


Next, by the Riesz representation theorem, there is a unique xyH such that


and hence


If vH satisfies




and because 𝒟(T) is dense in H this implies that v=xy. We define T*:𝒟(T*)H by T*y=xy, which satisfies


T* is called the adjoint of T. One checks that 𝒟(T*) is a linear subspace of H and that T*:𝒟(T*)H is a linear map. We say that T is self-adjoint when T=T*.

For operators S and T in H we define




One checks that




We now determine the adjoint of products of densely defined operators.11 1 Walter Rudin, Functional Analysis, second ed., p. 348, Theorem 13.2.

Theorem 1.

If S, T, and ST are densely defined operators in H, then


If SB(H), then


Let y𝒟(T*S*) and let x𝒟(ST). Then S*y𝒟(T*) and x𝒟(T), so


On the other hand, y𝒟(S*), so




which implies that (ST)*y=T*S*y for each y𝒟(T*S*), that is, T*S*(ST)*.

Suppose that S(H), hence S*(H), for which 𝒟(S*)=H. Let y𝒟((ST)*). For x𝒟(ST),


This implies that S*y𝒟(T*) and hence y𝒟(T*S*), showing


If T is an operator in H, we say that T is symmetric if

Theorem 2.

Let T be a densely defined operator in H. T is symmetric if and only if TT*.


Suppose that T is symmetric and let (y,Ty)𝒢(T). For x𝒟(T),


hence xTx,y is continuous on 𝒟(T), i.e. y𝒟(T*). For x𝒟(T), on the one hand,


and on the other hand,


Therefore x,T*y=x,Ty for all x𝒟(T), and because 𝒟(T) is dense in H we get that T*y=Ty, i.e. (y,Ty)𝒢(T*). Therefore 𝒢(T)𝒢(T*).

Suppose that 𝒢(T)𝒢(T*). Let x,y𝒟(T). We have (y,Ty)𝒢(T*), i.e. y𝒟(T*) and T*y=Ty. Hence


showing that T is symmetric. ∎

One proves that if T is a symmetric operator in H then T is closable and T¯ is symmetric. An operator T in H is said to be essentially self-adjoint when T is densely defined, symmetric, and T¯ (which is densely defined) is self-adjoint.

2 Graphs

For (a,b),(c,d)H×H, we define


This is an inner product on H×H with which H×H is a Hilbert space. We define V:H×HH×H by


which belongs to (H×H). It is immediate that VV*=I and V*V=I, namely, V is unitary. As well, V2=-I, whence if M is a linear subspace of H×H then V2M=M. The following theorem relates the graphs of a densely defined operator and its adjoint.22 2 Walter Rudin, Functional Analysis, second ed., p. 352, Theorem 13.8.

Theorem 3.

Suppose that T is a densely defined operator in H. It holds that

Theorem 4.

If T is a densely defined operator in H, then T* is a closed operator.


V𝒢(T) is a linear subspace of H×H. The orthogonal complement of a linear subspace of a Hilbert space is a closed linear subspace of the Hilbert space, and thus Theorem 3 tells us that 𝒢(T*) is a closed linear subspace of H×H, namely, T* is a closed operator. ∎

Let T be a densely defined operator in H. If T is self-adjoint, then the above theorem tells us that T is itself a closed operator.

Theorem 5.

Suppose that T is a closed densely defined operator in H. Then


is an orthogonal direct sum.


Generally, if M is a linear subspace of H×H,


is an orthogonal direct sum. For M=V𝒢(T), because 𝒢(T) is a closed linear subspace of H×H, so is M. Thus


By Theorem 3, this is


proving the claim. ∎

If T is an operator in H that is one-to-one, we define 𝒟(T-1)=(T), and T-1 is a densely defined operator with domain 𝒟(T-1).

The following theorem establishes several properties of symmetric densely defined operators.33 3 Walter Rudin, Functional Analysis, second ed., p. 353, Theorem 13.11. We remind ourselves that if T is an operator in H, the statement 𝒟(T)=H means that T is a linear map HH, from which it does not follow that T is continuous.

Theorem 6.

Suppose that T is a densely defined symmetric operator in H. Then the following statements are true:

  1. 1.

    If 𝒟(T)=H then T is self-adjoint and T(H).

  2. 2.

    If T is self-adjoint and one-to-one, then (T) is dense in H and T-1 is densely defined and self-adjoint.

  3. 3.

    If (T) is dense in H, then T is one-to-one.

  4. 4.

    If (T)=H, then T is self-adjoint and T-1(H).

If T(H) then T**=T. The following theorem says that this is true for closed densely defined operators.44 4 Walter Rudin, Functional Analysis, second ed., p. 354, Theorem 13.12.

Theorem 7.

If T is a closed densely defined operator in H, then D(T*) is dense in H and T**=T.

The following theorem gives statements about I+T*T when T is a closed densely defined operator.55 5 Walter Rudin, Functional Analysis, second ed., p. 354, Theorem 13.13.

Theorem 8.

Suppose that T is a closed densely defined operator in H and let Q=I+T*T, with


The following statements are true:

  1. 1.

    Q:𝒟(Q)H is a bijection, and there are B,C(H) with B1, B0, C1, C=TB, and


    T*T is self-adjoint.

  2. 2.

    Let T0 be the restriction of T to 𝒟(T*T). Then 𝒢(T0) is dense in 𝒢(T).

Let T be a symmetric operator in H. We say that T is maximally symmetric if TS and S being symmetric imply that S=T. One proves that a self-adjoint operator is maximally symmetric.66 6 Walter Rudin, Functional Analysis, second ed., p. 356, Theorem 13.15.

The following theorem is about T+iI when T is a symmetric operator in H.77 7 Walter Rudin, Functional Analysis, second ed., p. 356, Theorem 13.16.

Theorem 9.

Suppose that T is a symmetric operator in H and let j be i or -i. Then:

  1. 1.

    Tx+jx2=x2+Tx2 for x𝒟(T).

  2. 2.

    T is closed if and only if (T+jI) is a closed subset of H.

  3. 3.

    T+jI is one-to-one.

  4. 4.

    If (T+jI)=H then T is maximally symmetric.

3 The Cayley transform

Let T be a symmetric operator in H and define


Theorem 9 tells us that T+iI is one-to-one. Because


and 𝒟((T+iI)-1)=(T+iI),

𝒟((T-iI)(T+iI)-1) ={x(T+iI):(T+iI)-1x𝒟(T)}

We define


U is called the Cayley transform of T.

We have


and 𝒟(T+iI)=𝒟(T)=𝒟(T-iI) so


Also, for x𝒟(T), Theorem 9 tells us


hence for x𝒟(U), for which (T+iI)-1x𝒟(T+iI)=𝒟(T),


showing that U is an isometry in H.

The Cayley transform of a symmetric operator in H (which we do not presume to be densely defined) has the following properties.88 8 Walter Rudin, Functional Analysis, second ed., p. 385, Theorem 13.19.

Theorem 10.

Suppose that T is a symmetric operator in H. Then:

  1. 1.

    U is closed if and only if T is closed.

  2. 2.

    (I-U)=𝒟(T), I-U is one-to-one, and

  3. 3.

    U is unitary if and only if T is self-adjoint.

If V is an operator in H that is an isometry and I-V is one-to-one, then there is a symmetric operator S in H such that V is the Cayley transform of S.

4 Resolvents

Let T be an operator in H. The resolvent set of T, denoted ρ(T), is the set of those λ such that T-λI:𝒟(T)H is a bijection and (T-λI)-1(H). That is, λρ(T) if and only if there is some S(H) such that


We call R:ρ(T)(H) defined by


the resolvent of T. The spectrum of T is σ(T)=ρ(T). It is a fact that ρ(T) is open, that σ(T) is closed, and that if σ(T) then T is a closed operator, that




If T is a self-adjoint operator in H, one proves that σ(T).

5 Resolutions of the identity

Let (Ω,𝒮) be a measurable space. A resolution of the identity is a function



  1. 1.

    E()=0, E(Ω)=I.

  2. 2.

    For each a𝒮, E(a) is a self-adjoint projection.

  3. 3.


  4. 4.

    If ab=, then E(ab)=E(a)+E(b).

  5. 5.

    For each x,yH, the function Ex,y:𝒮 defined by


    is a complex measure on 𝒮.

We check that if an𝒮 and E(an)=0 for each n=1,2,, then for a=n=1an, E(a)=0.

Let {Di} be a countable collection of open discs that is a base for the topology of , i.e., Di= and for each i,j and for zDiDj, there is some k such that xDkDiDj. Let f:(Ω,𝒮)(,) be a measurable function and let V be the union of those Di for which E(f-1(Di))=0. Then E(f-1(V))=0. The essential range of f is V, and we say that f is essentially bounded if the essential range of f is a bounded subset of . We define the essential supremum of f to be


Now define B to be the collection of bounded measurable functions (Ω,𝒮)(,), which is a Banach algebra with the norm


for which


is a closed ideal. Then B/N is a Banach algebra, denoted L(E), with the norm


The unity of L(E) is 1+N. Because L(E) is a Banach algebra, it makes sense to speak about the spectrum of an element of L(E). For f+NL(E), the spectrum of f+N is the set of those λ for which there is no g+NL(E) satisfying (g+N)(f+N-λ(1+N))=1+N. Check that the spectrum of f+N is equal to the essential range of g, for any gf+N.

A subset A of (H) is said to be normal when ST=TS for all S,TA and TA implies that T*A.99 9 Walter Rudin, Functional Analysis, second ed., p. 319, Theorem 12.21. (To say that T(H) is normal means that TT*=T*T, and this is equivalent to the statement that the set {T,T*} is normal.)

Theorem 11.

If (Ω,S) is a measurable space and E:SH is a resolution of the identity, then there is a closed normal subalgebra A of B(H) and a unique isometric *-isomorphism Ψ:L(E)A such that




For fL(E), we define


For L(E), σ(Ψ(f)) is equal to the essential range of f.1010 10 Walter Rudin, Functional Analysis, second ed., p. 366, Theorem 13.27.

6 The spectral theorem

The following is the spectral theorem for self-adjoint operators.1111 11 Walter Rudin, Functional Analysis, second ed., p. 368, Theorem 13.30.

Theorem 12.

If T is a self-adjoint operator in H, then there is a unique resolution of the identity


such that


This resolution of the identity satisfies E(σ(T))=I.

If T is a self-adjoint operator in H applying the spectral theorem and then Theorem 11, we get that there is a closed normal subalgebra A of (H) and a unique isometric *-isomorphism Ψ:L(E)A such that


For t and ft:σ(T) defined by ft(λ)=eitλ, this defines


Because Ψ is a *-homomorphism, for t we have


and likewise Ψ(ft)Ψ(ft)*=I, showing that eitT=Ψ(ft) is unitary. We denote by 𝒰(H) the collection of unitary elements of (H). 𝒰(H) is a subgroup of the group of invertible elements of (H).

Furthermore, because Ψ is a *-homomorphism, for t we have


and for s,t we have


showing that teitT is a one-parameter group (H).

For t and xH, by Theorem 11 we have


For each λσ(T), |eitλ-1|20 as t0, and thus we get by the dominated convergence theorem


That is, for each xH,


as t0, showing that teitT is strongly continuous, i.e. teitT is continuous (H) where (H) has the strong operator topology.

Conversely, Stone’s theorem on one-parameter unitary groups1212 12 cf. Walter Rudin, Functional Analysis, second ed., p. 382, Theorem 38. states that if {Ut:t} is a strongly continuous one-parameter group of bounded unitary operators on H, then there is a unique self-adjoint operator A in H such that Ut=eitA for each t.

For t0, define gt:σ(T) by gt(λ)=eitλ-1t. By Theorem 12, for x𝒟(T) and yH,


and by Theorem 11,




For each λσ(T), eitλ-1t-iλ0 as t0, and for each t,


and as x𝒟(T), by Theorem 12 we have that λ|λ| belongs to L1(Ex,y). Thus by the dominated convergence theorem,


as t0. In particular,


as t0. That is, for each x𝒟(T),


as t0. In other words, iT is the infinitesimal generator of the one-parameter group eitT.1313 13 cf. Walter Rudin, Functional Analysis, second ed., p. 376, Theorem 13.35. We remark that because T*=T, the adjoint of iT is (iT)*=i¯T*=-iT*=-iT=-(iT).

7 Trotter product formula

We remind ourselves that for an operator T in H to be closed means that 𝒢(T) is a closed linear subspace of H×H.

Theorem 13.

Let T be an operator in H. T is closed if and only if the linear space D(T) with the norm


is a Banach space.

The following is the Trotter product formula, which shows that if A, B, and A+B are self-adjoint operators in a Hilbert space, then for each t, (eitA/neitB/n)n converges strongly to eit(A+B) as n.1414 14 Barry Simon, Functional Integration and Quantum Physics, p. 4, Theorem 1.1; Konrad Schmüdgen, Unbounded Self-adjoint Operators on Hilbert Space, p. 122, Theorem 6.4.

Theorem 14.

Let H be a Hilbert space, not necessarily separable. If A and B are self-adjoint operators in H such that A+B is a self-adjoint operator in H, then for each tR and for each ψH,


The claim is immediate for t=0, and we prove the claim for t>0; it is straightforward to obtain the claim for t<0 using the truth of the claim for t>0. Let D=𝒟(A+B)=𝒟(A)𝒟(B). Because A+B is self-adjoint, A+B is closed (Theorem 4), so by Theorem 13, the linear space D with the norm ϕA+B=ϕ+(A+B)ϕ is a Banach space. Because D is a Banach space, the uniform boundedness principle1515 15 Walter Rudin, Functional Analysis, second ed., p. 45, Theorem 2.6. tells us that if Γ is a collection of bounded linear maps DH and if for each ϕD the set {γϕ:γΓ} is bounded in H, then the set {γ:γΓ} is bounded, i.e. there is some C such that γϕCϕA+B for all γΓ and all ϕD.

For s, let Ss=eis(A+B), Vs=eisA, Ws=eisB, Us=VsWs, which each belong to (H). For n1,


so, because a product of unitary operators is a unitary operator and a unitary operator has operator norm 1 and also using the fact that St/nn-j-1=St-j+1n, for ξH we have

(St-Ut/nn)ξ =j=0n-1Ut/nj(St/n-Ut/n)St/nn-j-1ξ

That is,

(St-Ut/nn)ξnsup0st(St/n-Ut/n)Ssξ,ξH,n1. (1)

Let ϕD. On the one hand, because i(A+B) is the infinitesimal generator of {Ss:s}, we have

Ss-Isϕi(A+B)ϕ,s0. (2)

On the other hand, for s0 we have, because an infinitesimal generator of a one-parameter group commutes with each element of the one-parameter group,


and as Vs converges strongly to I as s0 and as iB is the infinitesimal generator of the one-parameter group {Ws:s} and iA is the infinitesimal generator of the one-parameter group {Vs:s},


as s0, i.e.

Us-Isϕi(A+B)ϕ,s0. (3)

Using (2) and (3), we get that for each ϕD,


Therefore, for each ϕD, with s=t/n we have


equivalently (t is fixed for this whole theorem),

limnn(St/n-Ut/n)ϕ=0,ϕD. (4)

For each n1, define γn:DH by γn=n(St/n-Ut/n). Each γn is a linear map, and for ϕD,


showing that each γn is a bounded linear map DH, where D is a Banach space with the norm ϕA+B=ϕ+(A+B)ϕ. Moreover, (4) shows that for each ϕD, there is some Cϕ such that


Then applying the uniform boundedness principle, we get that there is some C>0 such that for all n1 and for all ϕD,



n(St/n-Ut/n)ϕCϕA+B,n1,ϕD. (5)

Let K be a compact subset of D, where D is a Banach space with the norm ϕA+B=ϕ+(A+B)ϕ. Then K is totally bounded, so for any ϵ>0, there are ϕ1,,ϕMK such that Km=1MBϵ/C(ϕm). By (4), for each m, 1mM, there is some nm such that when nnm,


Let N=max{n1,,nM}. For nN and for ϕD, there is some m for which ϕ-ϕmA+B<ϵC, and using (5), as ϕ-ϕmD, we get

n(St/n-Ut/n)ϕ n(St/n-Ut/n)(ϕ-ϕm)+n(St/n-Ut/n)ϕm

This shows that any compact subset K of D and ϵ>0, there is some nϵ such that if nnϵ and ϕK, then

n(St/n-Ut/n)ϕ<ϵ. (6)

Let ϕD, let s0, and let ϵ>0. Because sSs is strongly continuous (H), there is some δ1>0 such that when |s-s0|<δ1, Ssϕ-Ss0ϕ<ϵ, and there is some δ2>0 such that when |s-s0|<δ2, Ss(A+B)ϕ-Ss0(A+B)ϕ<ϵ, and hence with δ=min{δ1,δ2}, when |s-s0|<δ we have

Ssϕ-Ss0ϕA+B =Ssϕ-Ss0ϕ+(A+B)(Ssϕ-Ss0ϕ)

showing that sSsϕ is continuous D. Therefore {Ssϕ:0st} is a compact subset of D, so applying (6) we get that for any ϵ>0, there is some nϵ such that if nnϵ and 0st, then


and therefore if nnϵ then

sup0stn(St/n-Ut/n)Ssϕϵ. (7)

Finally, let ϵ>0. The statement that A+B is self-adjoint in H entails the statement that D is dense in H, so there is some ϕD such that ϕ-ψ<ϵ. For n1,

(St-Ut/nn)ψ (St-Ut/nn)(ψ-ϕ)+(St-Ut/nn)ϕ

Using (1) with ξ=ϕ and then using (7), there is some nϵ such that when nnϵ,


Therefore for nnϵ,


proving the claim. ∎