The Poincaré-Dulac normal form theorem for formal vector fields

Jordan Bell
April 3, 2014

1 Introduction

In this note we present proofs of the Poincaré normal form theorem and the Poincaré-Dulac normal form theorem for formal vector fields. Other accounts in the literature do not explicitly work out the proofs by induction of these theorems. Our presentation is a more precise and detailed version of the presentation in [5, §§3–5]. These topics are also covered in [1, §I.3], [2, Chapter 5], and [3, §A.5]. The history of the problem of normalization of vector fields is presented by Yakovenko in review 96a:34021 in Mathematical Reviews. The computation of normal forms is discussed in [6] and [7, Chapter 19].

The Poincaré-Dulac normal form has recently been used in [4], which proves the unconditional uniqueness of solutions of the periodic one-dimensional cubic nonlinear Schrödinger equation.

In §6 we give detailed examples where we explicitly compute the leading terms of the formal maps which conjugate formal vector fields to their Poincaré normal form and Poincaré-Dulac normal form.

2 Formal vector fields

Let [[x]]=[[x1,,xn]] be the algebra of formal power series in the variables x1,,xn:


where α=(α1,,αn)0n, |α|=α1++αn, and xα=x1α1xnαn.

A formal vector field is an element of 𝔤=[[x]]n, that is, an n-tuple of formal power series. 𝔤 is a Lie algebra with the vector field commutator as its Lie bracket, defined for F,G𝔤 by


For F𝔤, we define adF:𝔤𝔤 by adF(G)=[F,G] for G𝔤.

Let 𝔪[[x]] be the set of formal power series with constant term 0. An element of 𝔪n (an n-tuple of elements of 𝔪) is said to be a formal map. If H=(h1,,hn) is a formal map and f(x)=|α|0cαxα is a formal power series, then


is a formal power series. We call elements of 𝔪n formal maps because we can compose formal power series with them. On the other hand, f(x)=k=0xk is a formal power series, but for H(x)=1+x (which has nonzero constant coefficient),


is not a formal power series because, for instance, the constant coefficient is infinite (indeed, each coefficient is infinite).

Two formal vector fields F,F are said to be equivalent if there is a formal map H such that


It is clear that if F(0)=0 and F is equivalent to F, then F(0)=0.

Let m[[x]] be the vector space whose elements are homogeneous polynomials of degree m in the variables x1,,xn, and 0, and let 𝒟m=mn𝔤.

For a formal vector field F, the linearization of F is the n×n matrix A defined by Ai,j=Fixj(0), i.e., A=Fx(0). A formal vector field F with F(0)=0 and with linearization A can be written as


for some Vj𝒟j.

The following theorem is the inverse function theorem for formal maps [5, pp. 32–33].

Theorem 1.

If H is a formal map and Hx(0) is invertible, then there is a formal map H-1 such that H(H-1(x))=x and H-1(H(x))=x.

The following theorem shows that any formal vector field is equivalent to a formal vector field whose linearization is in Jordan normal form.

Theorem 2.

If a formal vector field F has linearization A and A=QBQ-1, then F is equivalent to a formal vector field with linearization B.


Let H(x)=Q-1x, and define F by F(x)=Q-1F(Qx). F has linearization




so F is equivalent to F. ∎

A vector λn is said to be resonant if there is some α0n with |α|2 and some 1kn such that λk=α,λ. We define α,λ=j=1nαjλj. An n×n matrix A is said to be resonant if the vector of its eigenvalues is resonant, and a formal vector field is said to be resonant if its linearization is resonant. |α| is the order of the resonance.

3 Poincaré normal form theorem for formal vector fields

The following theorem is the Poincaré normal form theorem, which states that a nonresonant formal vector field with constant term 0 whose linearization is in Jordan normal form is equivalent to its linearization. By Theorem 2 any formal vector field is equivalent to a formal vector field whose linearization is in Jordan normal form, so it follows that any nonresonant formal vector field with constant term 0 can be linearized.

Theorem 3.

If F is a nonresonant formal vector field with constant term 0 and the linearization A of F is in Jordan normal form, then F is equivalent to the formal vector field F defined by Fx=Ax.


We prove the claim by induction. Let F2=F. We can write


where V2j𝒟j. Let H1(x)=x. Then H1xF(x)=F2(H1(x)), and thus F is equivalent to the formal vector field F2. Assume that for some m there are Vmj𝒟j, j=m,, such that F is equivalent to


We want to show that there are Vm+1j𝒟j, j=m+1,, such that Fm is equivalent to

Fm+1(x)=Ax+j=m+1Vm+1j(x). (1)

That is, we want to show that there exists a formal map Hm and Vm+1j𝒟j so that if Fm+1 is defined by (1) then

Hmx(x)Fm(x)=Fm+1(Hm(x)). (2)

If there exists a formal map Hm and Vm+1j𝒟j that satisfy (2) and Hm is of the form Hm(x)=x+Pm(x) for some Pm𝒟m, then

(I+Pmx(x))(Ax+j=mVmj(x))=Ax+APm(x)+j=m+1Vm+1j(Hm(x)). (3)

Comparing terms of degree m we get




This equation is called the homological equation.

By Corollary 5, adA|𝒟m:𝒟m𝒟m is a linear isomorphism, and hence we can define Pm by Pm=(adA)-1(-Vmm). Then the terms Vm+1j, j=m+1, are determined by setting


Therefore if we define Fm+1 by (1), the formal vector fields Fm,Fm+1 are equivalent.

Then H(m)(x)=HmH1(x) is a formal map such that H(m)x(x)F(x)=Fm+1(H(m)(x)). Since H(m+1)=Hm+1H(m) and H(m) have the same terms of degree m, limmH(m)(x) exists in 𝔪n; let H be this limit. Then we can check that H is a formal map such that Hx(x)F(x)=F(H(x)), and so F is equivalent to F. ∎

For any n×n matrix A (resonant or nonresonant) and for P𝒟m, we have adA(P)(x)=Px(x)Ax-AP(x)𝒟m, hence 𝒟m is an invariant subspace of adA.

A basis for 𝒟m consists of Fk,α(x)=xαek, k=1,,n, |α|=m. Let wj=pn-j+1, where pj is the jth prime; these are real numbers w1>>wn>0 that are independent over . Assign the weight wk to xk and the weight -wk to ek. Each element in the basis thus has a weight, and we can check that the only distinct elements with the same weights are xαxjej and xαxkek for jk. If we order the basis decreasing in weight and decree that xαxjej is before xαxj+1ej+1, then the basis is well-ordered. In the second example in §6, we write out the ordered bases for 𝒟2 and 𝒟3.

Lemma 4.

If A is in Jordan normal form, then in the ordered basis Fk,α of 𝒟m, adA|𝒟m is a lower triangular matrix with diagonal entries λ,α-λk, and if A if diagonal then adA|𝒟m is diagonal.


Let A have eigenvalues λ1,,λn (not necessarily distinct), and let Λ=diag(λ1,,λn). Let Jj be the n×n matrix whose (j,j+1) entry is 1 and all whose other entries are 0. For some index set J{1,,n-1},


The ith row of Fk,α(x) is δi,kxα, hence ΛFk,α=λkFk,α. The entry in row i and column j of the matrix Fk,αx(x) is δi,kxααjxj, hence


Then adΛFk,α(x)=Fk,αx(x)Ax-AFk,α(x)=(λ,α-λk)Fk,α(x). Thus the basis vectors Fk,α are eigenvectors of adΛ with eigenvalues λ,α-λk.

We shall now show that adA|𝒟m is a lower-triangular matrix whose diagonal is adΛ|𝒟m. Note that


If αj+10 then the first term has weight i=1nαiwi+wj+1-wj-wk, which is greater than the weight of Fk,α. If j=k+1, then the second term has weight i=1nαiwi-wj+1, which is also greater than the weight of Fk,α. Therefore written in the ordered basis Fk,α, the matrix adJj|𝒟m is strictly lower triangular.

But adA=adΛ+jJadJj, completing the proof. ∎

Corollary 5.

If A is in Jordan normal form and A is nonresonant, then adA|𝒟m:𝒟m𝒟m is a linear isomorphism.

4 Poincaré-Dulac normal form theorem for formal vector fields

Say that A is in Jordan normal form and that A has a resonance of order m. Then in the basis Fk,α for 𝒟m, the matrix adA|𝒟m will be lower triangular with a zero on the diagonal, and hence will not be invertible. For each m, let 𝒩m be a subspace of 𝒟m such that


we do not suppose here that 𝒩madA(𝒟m)={0}.

Lemma 6.

Let F be a formal vector field with constant term 0 whose linearization A is in Jordan normal form and let 𝒩m satisfy 𝒟m=𝒩m+adA(𝒟m). Then F is equivalent to a formal vector field with constant term 0 and linearization A whose nonlinear terms of degree m belong to 𝒩m.


Let F2=F, and write


for V2j𝒟j. For H1(x)=x, we have H1xF(x)=F2(H1(x)), and hence F is equivalent to the formal vector field F2. Assume that for some m there are Vmj𝒩j, j=2,,m-1 and Vmj𝒟j, j=m,, such that F is equivalent to


Since Vmm𝒟m, there are Pm𝒟m and Vm+1m𝒩m such that adA(Pm)=Vm+1m-Vmm. Let Hm(x)=x+Pm(x), and let Vm+1j=Vjm for j=2,,m-1.

Let Um+1j𝒟j, j=m+1, be determined by


and then let Vm+1j𝒟j, j=m+1, be determined by


we can check that indeed this determines Vm+1j.

Let Fm+1(x)=Ax+j=2Vm+1j(x). Then Hmx(x)Fm(x)=Fm+1(Hm(x)), and hence Fm is equivalent to the formal vector field Fm+1, where Vm+1j𝒩j for j=2,,m, and Vm+1j𝒟j for j=m+1,.

Then H(m)(x)=HmH1(x) is a formal map such that H(m)x(x)F(x)=Fm+1(H(m)(x)). Since H(m+1)=Hm+1H(m) and H(m) have the same terms of degree m, limmH(m)(x) exists in 𝔪n; let H be this limit. Then we can check that H is a formal map such that Hx(x)F(x)=F(H(x)), and so F is equivalent to F. ∎

If λk=λ,α, where λ=(λ1,,λn) and λ1,,λn are the eigenvalues of A, then Fk,α=xαek is said to be a resonant monomial vector (with respect to A). For m=|α| and Λ=diag(λ1,,λn), the resonant monomial vectors are a basis for keradΛ|𝒟m.

The following theorem is the Poincaré-Dulac normal form theorem, which states that a resonant formal vector field with constant term 0 whose linearization is in Jordan normal form is equivalent to a formal vector field with constant term 0 and the same linear term whose nonlinear terms are the resonant monomial vectors. We say that a formal vector field with constant term 0 and linearization A is in Poincaré-Dulac normal form if its nonlinear terms are resonant monomial vectors with respect to A.

Theorem 7.

A formal vector field with constant term 0 whose linearization is in Jordan normal form is equivalent to a formal vector field with constant term 0 and the same linearization whose nonlinear terms are resonant monomial vectors.


Let F be a formal vector field with constant term 0 and linearization A in Jordan normal form. Say that A has eigenvalues λ1,,λn (not necessarily distinct) and let Λ=diag(λ1,,λn).

For m=2,, let


Then 𝒩m=keradΛ|𝒟m. It follows from Lemma 4 that keradA|𝒟mkeradΛ|𝒟m. But 𝒟m=keradA|𝒟m+adA(𝒟m), hence 𝒟m=keradΛ|𝒟m+adA(𝒟m). Therefore 𝒟m=𝒩m+adA(𝒟m), and so by Lemma 6, F is equivalent to a formal vector field with constant term 0 and linearization A whose nonlinear terms of degree m belong to 𝒩m, which is the set of resonant monomial vectors of degree m, completing the proof. ∎

5 Polynomial vector fields

The Poincaré domain is the set 𝔓n of all n-tuples λ=(λ1,,λn)n such that the convex hull of the points λ1,,λn in does not include the origin. (The complement of the Poincaré domain in n is called the Siegel domain 𝔖.)

Theorem 8.

If λ𝔓, then for all M>0 there are only finitely many α0n and 1kn such that |λk-α,λ|M.


Since the convex hull of the points λ1,,λn does not include the origin, there is a line through the origin that does not intersect the convex hull. It follows that there is an -linear map : and some r>0 such that (λk)-r for all k.



Let -R=min1kn(λk), and let =max|z|=1|(z)|. For all α0n and all k,


There are only finitely many α0n such that -R+r|α|M. Therefore there are only finitely many α0n and 1kn such that |λk-α,λ)|M. ∎

In particular, if λ𝔓 then there are only finitely many α0n and 1kn such that λk=α,λ. Thus we have the following corollary to the above theorem.

Corollary 9.

Let F be a formal vector field with constant term 0 whose linearization A is in Jordan normal form, let λ1,,λn be the eigenvalues of A, and let λ=(λ1,,λn). If λ𝔓, then there are only finitely many nonlinear terms in the Poincaré-Dulac normal form of F.

6 Examples

First example. Let


This formal vector field has linearization A=[1001], which is nonresonant. For all m2, adA|𝒟m=id𝒟m, and hence for all m2, Pm(x)=-Vmm(x). H1(x)=x. We shall find Hm(x) for m=2,,5. This will determine the terms in H(x) of degree 5.

j=m+1Vmj(x)+Pmx(x)j=mVmj(x)=j=m+1Vm+1j(Hm(x)). (4)

m=2: V22(x)=[x12x22], so P2(x)=-V22(x)=[-x12-x22] and H2(x)=[x1-x12x2-x22]. For j3, V2j(x)=0. Then (4) is


which is

[-2x100-2x2][x12x22] = V33([x1-x12x2-x22])+V34([x1-x12x2-x22])+V35([x1-x12x2-x22])

It follows that V33(x)=[-2x13-2x23]. So


It follows that V34(x)=[-6x14-6x24]. So


It follows that V35(x)=[-18x15-18x25]. So


It follows that V36(x)=[-56x16-56x26].

m=3: V33(x)=[-2x13-2x23], so P3(x)=[2x132x23] and H3(x)=[x1+2x13x2+2x23]. Then (4) is


which is


It follows that V44(x)=[-6x14-6x24]. So


It follows that V45(x)=[-30x15-30x25]. In V45([x1+2x13x2+2x23]) there are no terms of degree 6, so it follows that V46(x)=[-44x16-44x26].

m=4: V44(x)=[-6x14-6x24], so P4(x)=[6x146x24] and H4(x)=[x1+6x14x2+6x24]. Then (4) is


It follows that V55(x)=V45(x)=[-30x15-30x25].

Because V55(x)=[-30x15-30x25], we have P5(x)=[30x1530x25] and H5(x)=[x1+30x15x2+30x25].

Let us figure out H(5)(x)=H5H4H3H2H1(x). H1(x)=x, H2(x)=[x1-x12x2-x22], H3(x)=[x1+2x13x2+2x23], H4(x)=[x1+6x14x2+6x24], and H5(x)=[x1+30x15x2+30x25]. Then


We can compute H(4)(x) and then H(5)(x). Each component of H(5)(x) is polynomial of degree 120, and


and thus


Second example. We will determine the Poincaré-Dulac normal form for the formal vector field


and find Hm(x) for m=2,3,4, which will determine the terms in H(x) of degree 4.

The formal vector field F(x) has linearization A=[3001]. Let λ1=3,λ2=1.

The monomial basis vectors for 𝒟2 are


The weights of these basis vectors are respectively


The basis vectors are ordered such that F1,(2,0) is before F2,(1,1) and F1,(1,1) is before F2,(0,2). Therefore the ordering of the basis vectors for 𝒟2 is

F2,(2,0)>F1,(2,0)>F2,(1,1)>F1,(1,1)>F2,(0,2)>F1,(0,2). (5)

The monomial basis vectors for 𝒟3 are


The weights of these basis vectors are respectively


The basis vectors are ordered such that F1,(3,0) is before F2,(2,1), F1,(2,1) is before F2,(1,2), and F1,(1,2) is before F2,(0,3). Therefore the ordering of the basis vectors for 𝒟3 is

F2,(3,0)>F1,(3,0)>F2,(2,1)>F1,(2,1)>F2,(1,2)>F1,(1,2)>F2,(0,3)>F1,(0,3). (6)

We calculate that adA|𝒟2 written in the ordered basis (5) is diag(3,1,-1,5,3,1), and we calculate that adA|𝒟3 written in the ordered basis (6) is diag(8,6,6,4,4,2,2,0). Thus keradA|𝒟3=span{F1,(0,3)}.

7 Conclusion

This paper is useful for people who want fully worked proofs of the Poincaré normal form theorem and the Poincaré-Dulac normal form theorem for formal vector fields, and examples that explicitly follow the constructions in the proofs.


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