Proof of the pentagonal number theorem Jordan Bell April 3, 2014 Let A0=∏k=1∞(1-zk). We will use the identity ∏k=1N(1-ak)=1-a1-∑k=2Nak(1-a1)⋯(1-ak-1), which is straightforward to prove by induction. We apply the identity with ak=zk and N=∞, which gives A0 = 1-z-∑k=2∞zk(1-z)⋯(1-zk-1) = 1-z-∑k=0∞zk+2(1-z)⋯(1-zk+1). For n≥1 let An=∑k=0∞znk(1-zn)⋯(1-zn+k). We have A0=1-z-z2A1, and for n≥1 we have An = 1-zn+∑k=1∞znk(1-zn)⋯(1-zn+k) = 1-zn+∑k=1∞znk(1-zn+1)⋯(1-zn+k) -∑k=1∞zn(k+1)(1-zn+1)⋯(1-zn+k) = 1-zn+zn(1-zn+1)+∑k=2∞znk(1-zn+1)⋯(1-zn+k) -∑k=1∞zn(k+1)(1-zn+1)⋯(1-zn+k) = 1-z2n+1+∑k=0∞zn(k+2)(1-zn+1)⋯(1-zn+k+2) -∑k=0∞zn(k+2)(1-zn+1)⋯(1-zn+k+1) = 1-z2n+1-∑k=0∞zn(k+2)+n+k+2(1-zn+1)⋯(1-zn+k+1) = 1-z2n+1-z3n+2∑k=0∞z(n+1)k(1-zn+1)⋯(1-zn+k+1) = 1-z2n+1-z3n+2An+1. Therefore An=1-z2n+1-z3n+2An+1 for all n≥0. We then check by induction that for all M A0 = 1-z+∑n=1M(-1)n(zn(3n+1)/2-z(n+1)(3n+2)/2) +(-1)M+1z(M+1)(3M+2)/2AM+1, and taking M=∞ gives the pentagonal number theorem.