Harmonic analysis on the p-adic numbers

Jordan Bell
March 20, 2016

1 p-adic numbers

Let p be prime and let Np={0,,p-1}. pNp. For xp,




For x,yp,


and vp(x)= if and only if x=0. The p-integers p with the valuation vp are a Euclidean domain: for f,gp with vp(f)vp(g) we have fg-1p. p* is the set of those xp for which there is some yp satisfying xy=1.


The ideals of the ring p are {0} and pnp, n0. From this it follows that p is a discrete valuation ring, a principal ideal domain with exactly one maximal ideal, namely pp; p is the valuation ring of p with the valuation vp. For n1, p/pnp is isomorphic as a ring with /pn.


With the topology induced by the metric dp, p is a locally compact abelian group, and (p,dp) is a complete metric space. (p,||p) is a complete nonarchimedean valued field. For xp,


is a local base at x for the topology of p.


is a continuous group homomorphism pS1. Its image is the discrete abelian group


the Prüfer p-group, and its kernel is p. p/p and [p] are isomorphic as discrete abelian groups. There is a complete algebraically closed nonarchimedean valued field p, unique up to unique isomorphism, that is an extension of (p,||p).

2 Pontryagin dual

Denote by ^p the Pontryagin dual of the locally compact abelian group (p,+). For ξ^p and xp,



x,ξ=ξ(x)=kξ(x(k)pk)=kξ(pk)x(k). (1)

For yp, define my:pp by my(x)=yx, which is a continuous group homomorphism. Then ξy=ψpmy is a continuous group homomorphism pS1, namely ξy^p. The kernel of ξy is {xp:yxp}, in other words


where |0|p-1=. If y0 then


We shall prove that yξy is an isomorphism of topological groups p^p. We will use the following lemma.11 1 Gerald B. Folland, A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, p. 92, Lemma 4.9.

Lemma 1.

If ξQ^p then there is some nZ such that x,ξ=1 for xpnZp.


Let U={e2πiθ:|θ|<14}, which is an open set in S1. As ξ(0)U and {pnp:n} is a local base at 0, there is some n such that pnpξ-1(U). This means that ξ(pnp)U, and because ξ:pS1 is a group homomorphism, ξ(pnp) is therefore a subgroup of S1 contained in U. But the only subgroup of S1 contained in U is {1}, and therefore ξ(pnp)={1}. ∎

Suppose ξ^p, ξ1. By (1) there is then some k such that ξ(pk)1. Now, |pj|p=p-j0 as j, so pj0 in p and therefore ξ(pj)1 as j. Let


Then pjξ-1,ξ,1 and pj,ξ=1 for jjξ. In particular, jξ=0 is equivalent with 1,ξ=1 and p,ξ1.22 2 Gerald B. Folland, A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, p. 92, Lemma 4.10.

Lemma 2.

Suppose that ξQ^p with 1,ξ=1 and p-1,ξ1. Then there are cjNp, j0, with c00, such that


Let ω0=1,ξ=1 and for k1 let ωk=p-k,ξS1, which satisfy


Because ω1p=1 this means that there is some c0Np such that ω1=e2πic0p-1, and by hypothesis ω11, which means c00. By induction, suppose for some k1 and c0,,ck-1Np, c00, such that


Generally, if zp=eiθ then there is some cNp such that z=e1piθe2πicp-1. Thus, the fact that ωk+1p=ωk means that there is some ckNp such that


We prove a final lemma.33 3 Gerald B. Folland, A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, p. 92, Lemma 4.11.

Lemma 3.

Suppose that ξQ^p with 1,ξ=1 and p-1,ξ1. Then there is some yQp with |y|p=1 and ξ=ξy.


By Lemma 2 there are cjNp, j0, c00, such that


Define yp by y(j)=cj for j0 and y(j)=0 for j<0. As y(0)=c00, |y|p=1. For k1 and -kj-1 we have (p-ky)(j)=y(j+k)=cj+k, and for j<-k we have (p-ky)(j)=y(j+k)=0, so




i.e. p-k,ξ=ψp(p-ky)=p-k,ξy. But 1,ξ=1 implies that pk,ξ=1 for k0, and because y(k)=0 for k<0,


which implies that pk,ξ=1 for k0. Therefore pk,ξ=pk,ξy for all k, which implies that ξ=ξy. ∎

We now have worked out enough to prove that yξy is an isomorphism.44 4 Gerald B. Folland, A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, p. 92, Theorem 4.12.

Theorem 4.

yξy is an isomorphism of topological groups QpQ^p.


For xp,


showing that yξy is a group homomorphism. Suppose that ξy=1. Then for all xp we have x,ξy=1, i.e. e2πi{yx}p=1, i.e. {yx}p=0, i.e. yxp. This implies y=0, showing that yξy is injective. It remains to show that yξy is surjective, that it is continuous, and that it is an open map. But in fact, the open mapping theorem for locally compact groups55 5 Karl H. Hofmann and Sidney A. Morris, The Structure of Compact Groups, 2nd revised and augmented edition, p. 669, Appendix 1. tells us that if f:GH is a continuous group homomorphism of locally compact groups that is surjective and G is σ-compact then f is open. p is σ-compact: p=npnp. So to prove the claim it suffices to prove that yξy is surjective and continuous.

Let ξ^p, ξ1. By Lemma 1, let


for which pj-1,ξ1 and pj,ξ=1. Define η^p by


which satisfies 1,η=pjx,ξ=1 and p-1,η=pj-1,ξ1. Thus we can apply Lemma 3: there is some zp, |z|p=1, such that η=ξz. Now let y=p-jzp, which satisfies


from which it follows that ξ=ξy. Therefore yξy is surjective.

For j1 and k1 define

N(j,k)={ξ^p:|x,ξ-1|<j-1 for |x|pp-k}.

It is a fact that {N(j,k):j1,k1} is a local base at 1 for the topology of ^p. Suppose yp. For j1, k1 and |x|pp-k, we have xyp and hence x,ξy=1, hence yN(j,k). This shows that ξ(p)N(j,k), and therefore yξy is continuous at 0. ∎

3 Haar measure

For a locally compact abelian group G, a Haar measure on G is a Borel measure m on G such that (i) m(x+E)=m(E) for each Borel set E and xG, (ii) if K is a compact set then m(K)<, (iii) if E is a Borel set then

m(E)=inf{m(U):EUU open},

and (iv) if U is an open set then

m(E)=sup{m(K):KUK compact},

It is a fact that for any locally compact abelian group G there is a Haar measure m that is not identically 0. One proves that if U is an open set then m(U)>0 and that if m1,m2 are Haar measures that are not identically 0 then for some positive real c, m1=cm2.66 6 Walter Rudin, Fourier Analysis on Groups, pp. 1–2.

p is a locally compact abelian group, so there is a Haar measure m on p that is not identically 0. Because p is compact, m(p)<, and because p is open, m(p)>0. Then let μ=1m(p)m, which is the unique Haar measure on p satisfying

Lemma 5.

For kZ,


If k>0, then pkp is an ideal in p and p/pkp is isomorphic as a ring with /pk. So there are xjp, 1jpk, such that p=1jpk(xj+pkp), and the sets xj+pkp are pairwise disjoint. Therefore


yielding μ(pkp)=p-k.

If k<0, then pkp is a ring and p is an ideal in this ring. ∎

We calculate μ(xE).77 7 Anton Deitmar and Siegfried Echterhoff, Principles of Harmonic Analysis, second ed., p. 254, Lemma 13.2.1.

Lemma 6.

For A a Borel set in Qp and xQp,


If x=0 then xA={0} and μ(xA)=0 and |x|pμ(A)=0μ(A)=0. (The set p is infinite and μ is translation invariant, so finite sets have measure 0.) For x0, write Mx(y)=x-1y, which is an isomorphism of locally compact groups (p,+)(p,+). Let μx be the pushforward of μ by Mx:


Because Mx is an isomorphism, it follows that μx is a Haar measure on p. And because μx(p)=μ(p)=, showing μx is not identically 0, there is some cx>0 such that μx=cxμ.

Now, as x0, vp(x) and |x|p=p-vp(x). Then p-vp(x)xp*, so there is some yp* such that x=pvp(x)y. As yp*, yp=p and hence xp=pvp(x)p. By Lemma 5, μ(pvp(x))=p-vp(x), so


and therefore


and |x|p=p-vp(x) so cx=|x|p. Therefore μx=|x|pμ. ∎

Lemma 7.

For fL1(Qp) and x0,


μx is the pushforward of μ by Mx(y)=x-1y, and by the change of variables formula,


The restriction of μ to the Borel σ-algebra of p*=p{0} is a Borel measure on p*. We prove that the Borel measure on p* whose density with respect to μ is x1|x|p is a Haar measure.88 8 Anton Deitmar and Siegfried Echterhoff, Principles of Harmonic Analysis, second ed., p. 255, Proposition 13.2.2.

Theorem 8.

1|x|pdμ(x) is a Haar measure on the multiplicative group Qp*.


For fCc(p*) and yp*, writing gy(x)=f(x)|yx|p, by Lemma 7 we have

p*f(y-1x)1|x|p𝑑μ(x) =p*(gyMy)(x)𝑑μ(x)

Write dν0(x)=1|x|pdμ(x). For xp*, p-vp(x)xp*, i.e. xpvp(x)p*, and p* is the kernel of the group homomorphism xvp(x), p*. It follows that the sets pkp*, k, are pairwise disjoint and p*=kpkp*. For k, because pkp* is a compact open set in p it is the case that 1pkp*Cc(p) so by Lemma 7,

ν0(pkp*) =p*1pkp*(x)1|x|p𝑑μ(x)

Check that 1+pp is a subgroup of p* with index p-1: the sets a+pp, aNp, a0, are contained in p* and are pairwise disjoint. This implies




is a Haar measure on p* with ν(p*)=1.

4 Integration

As p{0}=n0pnp*, for Res>-1,

p{0}|x|ps𝑑μ(x) =n0pnp*|x|ps𝑑μ(x)

For Res>0,

p{0}|x|ps𝑑ν(x) =n0pnp*|x|pspp-11|x|p𝑑μ(x)

It is worth remarking that this is a factor of the Euler product for the Riemann zeta function.

We will use the following when working with the Fourier transform.99 9 Dorian Goldfeld and Joseph Hundley, Automorphic Representations and L-Functions for the General Linear Group, volume I, p. 16, Lemma 1.6.4.

Lemma 9.

For nZ,


If n0 and xpnp then {x}p=0 so


If n<0, let y=pnpnp, for which {y}p=pn. Define T:pp by T(x)=-y+x. Then, as μ is translation invariant and as x+ypnp if and only if xpnp,

p1pnp(x)e-2πi{x}p𝑑μ(x) =p(1pnpT)(y+x)e-2πi{T(y+x)}p𝑑μ(x)

Because e-2πi{y}p1, for I=e-2πi{y}pI we have I=0. ∎

Lemma 10.

For nZ and yQp,


If yp-np then for any xpnp we have yxp and so {yx}p=0 and I=μ(pnp)=p-n. ∎

Another lemma.1010 10 Dorian Goldfeld and Joseph Hundley, Automorphic Representations and L-Functions for the General Linear Group, volume I, p. 16, Proposition 1.6.5.

Lemma 11.

For nZ,


p*=p-pp and pnp*=pnp-pn+1p and then

p1pnp*(x)e-2πi{x}p𝑑μ(x) =p1pnp(x)e-2πi{x}p𝑑μ(x)

We apply Lemma 9. If n0 then I1=p-n and I2=p-n-1 so I=p-n-p-n-1=p-n(1-p-1). If n=-1 then I1=0 and n+10 so I2=p-n-1=1 hence I=-1. Finally if n<-1 then I1=0 and I2=0 so I=0. ∎

For fL1(p) and yp, define f^C0(p) by


Let 𝒮 be the set of locally constant functions p with compact support. We call an element of 𝒮 a p-adic Schwartz function.1111 11 cf. A. A. Kirillov and A. D. Gvishiani, Theorems and Problems in Functional Analysis, p. 210, no. 639. We prove that the Fourier transform of a p-adic Schwartz function is itself a p-adic Schwartz function.1212 12 Dorian Goldfeld and Joseph Hundley, Automorphic Representations and L-Functions for the General Linear Group, volume I, p. 17, Theorem 1.6.8.

Theorem 12.

If fS then f^S.


Let n, ap, and let N=a+pnp. For yp, applying Lemma 10,

1^N(y) =p1a+pnp(x)e-2πi{yx}p𝑑μ(x)