Fréchet derivatives and Gâteaux derivatives

Jordan Bell
April 3, 2014

1 Introduction

In this note all vector spaces are real. If X and Y are normed spaces, we denote by (X,Y) the set of bounded linear maps XY, and write (X)=(X,X). (X,Y) is a normed space with the operator norm.

2 Remainders

If X and Y are normed spaces, let o(X,Y) be the set of all maps r:XY for which there is some map α:XY satisfying:

  • r(x)=xα(x) for all xX,

  • α(0)=0,

  • α is continuous at 0.

Following Penot,11 1 Jean-Paul Penot, Calculus Without Derivatives, p. 133, §2.4. we call elements of o(X,Y) remainders. It is immediate that o(X,Y) is a vector space.

If X and Y are normed spaces, if f:XY is a function, and if x0X, we say that f is stable at x0 if there is some ϵ>0 and some c>0 such that x-x0ϵ implies that f(x-x0)cx-x0. If T:XY is a bounded linear map, then TxTx for all xX, and thus a bounded linear map is stable at 0. The following lemma shows that the composition of a remainder with a function that is stable at 0 is a remainder.22 2 Jean-Paul Penot, Calculus Without Derivatives, p. 134, Lemma 2.41.

Lemma 1.

Let X,Y be normed spaces and let ro(X,Y). If W is a normed space and f:WX is stable at 0, then rfo(W,Y). If Z is a normed space and g:YZ is stable at 0, then gro(X,Z).


ro(X,Y) means that there is some α:XY satisfying r(x)=xα(x) for all xX, that takes the value 0 at 0, and that is continuous at 0. As f is stable at 0, there is some ϵ>0 and some c>0 for which wϵ implies that f(w)cw. Define β:WY by


for which we have


If wϵ, then β(w)cα(f(w)). But f(w)0 as w0, and because α is continuous at 0 we get that α(f(w))α(0)=0 as w0. So the above inequality gives us β(w)0 as w0. As β(0)=0, the function β:WY is continuous at 0, and therefore rf is remainder.

As g is stable at 0, there is some ϵ>0 and some c>0 for which yϵ implies that g(y)cy. Define γ:XZ by


For all xX,


Since α(0)=0 and α is continuous at 0, there is some δ>0 such that xδ implies that α(x)ϵ. Therefore, if xδ1 then


and hence if xδ1 then γ(x)cϵ. This shows that γ(x)0 as x0, and since γ(0)=0 the function γ:XZ is continuous at 0, showing that gr is a remainder. ∎

If Y1,,Yn are normed spaces where Yk has norm k, then (y1,,yn)=max1knykk is a norm on k=1nYk, and one can prove that the topology induced by this norm is the product topology.

Lemma 2.

If X and Y1,,Yn are normed spaces, then a function r:Xk=1nYk is a remainder if and only if each of rk:XYk are remainders, 1kn, where r(x)=(r1(x),,rn(x)) for all xX.


Suppose that there is some function α:Xk=1nYk such that r(x)=xα(x) for all xX. With α(x)=(α1(x),,αn(x)), we have


Because α(x)0 as x0, for each k we have αk(x)0 as x0, which shows that rk is a remainder.

Suppose that each rk is a remainder. Thus, for each k there is a function αk:XYk satisfying rk(x)=xαk(x) for all xX and αk(x)0 as x0. Then the function α:Xk=1nYk defined by α(x)=(α1(x),,αn(x)) satisfies r(x)=xα(x). Because αk(x)0 as x0 for each of the finitely many k, 1kn, we have α(x)0 as x0. ∎

3 Definition and uniqueness of Fréchet derivative

Suppose that X and Y are normed spaces, that U is an open subset of X, and that x0U. A function f:UY is said to be Fréchet differentiable at x0 if there is some L(X,Y) and some ro(X,Y) such that

f(x)=f(x0)+L(x-x0)+r(x-x0),xU. (1)

Suppose there are bounded linear maps L1,L2 and remainders r1,r2 that satisfy the above. Writing r1(x)=xα1(x) and r2(x)=xα2(x) for all xX, we have




For xX, there is some h>0 such that for all |t|h we have x0+txU, and then


hence, for 0<|t|h,


But α2(tx)-α1(tx)0 as t0, which implies that L1(x)-L2(x)=0. As this is true for all xX, we have L1=L2 and then r1=r2. If f is Fréchet differentiable at x0, the bounded linear map L in (1) is called the Fréchet derivative of f at x0, and we define Df(x0)=L. Thus,


If U0 is the set of those points in U at which f is Fréchet differentiable, then Df:U0(X,Y).

Suppose that X and Y are normed spaces and that U is an open subset of X. We denote by C1(U,Y) the set of functions f:UY that are Fréchet differentiable at each point in U and for which the function Df:U(X,Y) is continuous. We say that an element of C1(U,Y) is continuously differentiable. We denote by C2(U,Y) those elements f of C1(U,Y) such that


that is, C2(U,Y) are those fC1(U,Y) such that the function Df:U(X,Y) is Fréchet differentiable at each point in U and such that the function


is continuous.33 3 See Henri Cartan, Differential Calculus, p. 58, §5.1, and Jean Dieudonné, Foundations of Modern Analysis, enlarged and corrected printing, p. 179, Chapter VIII, §12.

The following theorem characterizes continuously differentiable functions nm.44 4 Henri Cartan, Differential Calculus, p. 36, §2.7.

Theorem 3.

Suppose that f:nm is Fréchet differentiable at each point in n, and write


fC1(n,m) if and only if for each 1im and 1jn the function


is continuous.

4 Properties of the Fréchet derivative

If f:XY is Fréchet differentiable at x0, then because a bounded linear map is continuous and in particular continuous at 0, and because a remainder is continuous at 0, we get that f is continuous at x0.

We now prove that Fréchet differentiation at a point is linear.

Lemma 4 (Linearity).

Let X and Y be normed spaces, let U be an open subset of X and let x0U. If f1,f2:UY are both Fréchet differentiable at x0 and if α, then αf1+f2 is Fréchet differentiable at x0 and


There are remainders r1,r2o(X,Y) such that




Then for all xU,

(αf1+f2)(x)-(αf1+f2)(x0) = αf1(x)-αf1(x0)+f2(x)-f2(x0)
= αDf1(x0)(x-x0)+αr1(x-x0)
= (αDf1(x0)+Df2(x0))(x-x0)

and αr1+r2o(X,Y). ∎

The following lemma gives an alternate characterization of a function being Fréchet differentiable at a point.55 5 Jean-Paul Penot, Calculus Without Derivatives, p. 136, Lemma 2.46.

Lemma 5.

Suppose that X and Y are normed space, that U is an open subset of X, and that x0U. A function f:UY is Fréchet differentiable at x0 if and only if there is some function F:U(X,Y) that is continuous at x0 and for which


Suppose that there is a function F:U(X,Y) that is continuous at x0 and that satisfies f(x)-f(x0)=F(x)(x-x0) for all xU. Then, for xU,

f(x)-f(x0) = F(x)(x-x0)-F(x0)(x-x0)+F(x0)(x-x0)
= F(x0)(x-x0)+r(x-x0),

where r:XY is defined by


We further define


with which r(x)=xα(x) for all xX. To prove that r is a remainder it suffices to prove that α(x)0 as x0. Let ϵ>0. That F:U(X,Y) is continuous at x0 tells us that there is some δ>0 for which x<δ implies that F(x+x0)-F(x0)<ϵ and hence


Therefore, if x<δ then α(x)<ϵ, which establishes that r is a remainder and therefore that f is Fréchet differentiable at x0, with Fréchet derivative Df(x0)=F(x0).

Suppose that f is Fréchet differentiable at x0: there is some ro(X,Y) such that


where Df(x0)(X,Y). As r is a remainder, there is some α:XY satisfying r(x)=xα(x) for all xX, and such that α(0)=0 and α(x)0 as x0. For each xX, by the Hahn-Banach extension theorem66 6 Walter Rudin, Functional Analysis, second ed., p. 59, Corollary to Theorem 3.3. there is some λxX* such that λxx=x and |λxv|v for all vX. Thus,


Define F:U(X,Y) by


i.e. for xU and vX,


Then for xU,


and hence


To complete the proof it suffices to prove that F is continuous at x0. But both λ0=0 and α(0)=0 so F(x0)=Df(x0), and for xU and vX,

(F(x)-F(x0))(v) = (λx-x0v)α(x-x0)
= |λx-x0v|α(x-x0)

so F(x)-F(x0)α(x-x0). From this and the fact that α(0)=0 and α(x)0 as x0 we get that F is continuous at x0, completing the proof. ∎

We now prove the chain rule for Fréchet derivatives.77 7 Jean-Paul Penot, Calculus Without Derivatives, p. 136, Theorem 2.47.

Theorem 6 (Chain rule).

Suppose that X,Y,Z are normed spaces and that U and V are open subsets of X and Y respectively. If f:UY satisfies f(U)V and is Fréchet differentiable at x0 and if g:VZ is Fréchet differentiable at f(x0), then gf:UZ is Fréchet differentiable at x0, and its Fréchet derivative at x0 is


Write y0=f(x0), L1=Df(x0), and L2=Dg(y0). Because f is Fréchet differentiable at x0, there is some r1o(X,Y) such that


and because g is Fréchet differentiable at y0 there is some r2o(Y,Z) such that


For all xU we have f(x)V, and using the above formulas,

g(f(x)) =g(y0)+L2(f(x)-y0)+r2(f(x)-y0)

Define r3:XZ by r3(x)=r2(L1x+r1(x)), and fix any c>L1. Writing r1(x)=xα1(x), the fact that α(0)=0 and that α is continuous at 0 gives us that there is some δ>0 such that if x<δ then α(x)<c-L1, and hence if x<δ then r1(x)(c-L1)x. Then, x<δ implies that


This shows that xL1x+r1(x) is stable at 0 and so by Lemma 1 that r3o(X,Z). Then, r:XZ defined by r=L1r1+r3 is a sum of two remainders and so is itself a remainder, and we have


But L1(X,Y) and L2(Y,Z), so L2L1(X,Z). This shows that gf is Fréchet differentiable at x0 and that its Fréchet derivative at x0 is


The following is the product rule for Fréchet derivatives. By f1f2 we mean the function xf1(x)f2(x).

Theorem 7 (Product rule).

Suppose that X is a normed space, that U is an open subset of X, that f1,f2:U are functions, and that x0U. If f1 and f2 are both Fréchet differentiable at x0, then f1f2 is Fréchet differentiable at x0, and its Fréchet derivative at x0 is


There are r1,r2o(X,) with which




Multiplying the above two formulas,

f1(x)f2(x) = f1(x0)f2(x0)+f2(x0)Df1(x0)(x-x0)+f1(x0)Df2(x0)(x-x0)

Define r:X by

r(x) = Df1(x0)xDf2(x0)x+r1(x)r2(x)+f1(x0)r2(x)+r2(x)Df1(x0)x

for which we have, for xU,


Therefore, to prove the claim it suffices to prove that ro(X,). Define α:X by α(0)=0 and α(x)=Df1(x0)xDf2(x0)xx for x0. For x0,

|α(x)| = |Df1(x0)x||Df2(x0)x|x
= Df1(x0)Df2(x0)x.

Thus α(x)0 as x0, showing that the first term in the expression for r belongs to o(X,). Likewise, each of the other five terms in the expression for r belongs to o(X,), and hence ro(X,), completing the proof. ∎

5 Dual spaces

If X is a normed space, we denote by X* the set of bounded linear maps X, i.e. X*=(X,). X* is itself a normed space with the operator norm. If X is a normed space, the dual pairing ,:X×X* is


If U is an open subset of X and if a function f:U is Fréchet differentiable at x0U, then Df(x0) is a bounded linear map X, and so belongs to X*. If U0 are those points in U at which f:U is Fréchet differentiable, then


In the case that X is a Hilbert space with inner product ,, the Riesz representation theorem shows that R:XX* defined by R(x)(y)=y,x is an isometric isomorphism. If f:U is Fréchet differentiable at x0U, then we define


and call f(x0)X the gradient of f at x0. With U0 denoting the set of those points in U at which f is Fréchet differentiable,


(To define the gradient we merely used that R is a bijection, but to prove properties of the gradient one uses that R is an isometric isomorphism.)

Example. Let X be a Hilbert space, A(X), vX, and define


For all x0,xX we have, because the inner product of a real Hilbert space is symmetric,

f(x)-f(x0) = Ax,x-x,v-Ax0,x0+x0,v
= Ax,x-Ax0,x+Ax0,x-Ax0,x0-x-x0,v
= A(x-x0),x+Ax0,x-x0-x-x0,v
= x-x0,A*x+x-x0,Ax0-x-x0,v
= x-x0,A*x+Ax0-v
= x-x0,A*x-A*x0+A*x0+Ax0-v
= x-x0,(A*+A)x0-v+x-x0,A*(x-x0).

With Df(x0)(x-x0)=x-x0,(A*+A)x0-v, or Df(x0)(x)=x,(A*+A)x0-v, we have that f is Fréchet differentiable at each x0X. Furthermore, its gradient at x0 is


For each x0X, the function f:X is Fréchet differentiable at x0, and thus


and we can ask at what points Df has a Fréchet derivative. For x0,x,yX,

(Df(x)-Df(x0))(y)= y,(A*+A)x-v-y,(A*+A)x0-v
= y,(A*+A)(x-x0).

For D(Df)(x0)(x-x0)(y)=y,(A*+A)(x-x0), in other words with


we have that Df is Fréchet differentiable at each x0X. Thus


Because D2f(x0) does not depend on x0, it is Fréchet differentiable at each point in X, with D3f(x0)=0 for all x0X. Here D3f:X(X,(X,X*)).

6 Gâteaux derivatives

Let X and Y be normed spaces, let U be an open subset of X, let f:UY be a function, and let x0U. If there is some T(X,Y) such that for all vX we have

limt0f(x0+tv)-f(x0)t=Tv, (2)

then we say that f is Gâteaux differentiable at x0 and call T the Gâteaux derivative of f at x0.88 8 Our definition of the Gâteaux derivative follows Jean-Paul Penot, Calculus Without Derivatives, p. 127, Definition 2.23. It is apparent that there is at most one T(X,Y) that satisfies (2) for all vX. We write f(x0)=T. Thus, f is a map from the set of points in U at which f is Gâteaux differentiable to (X,Y). If VU and f is Gâteaux differentiable at each element of V, we say that f is Gâteaux differentiable on V.

Example. Define f:2 by f(x1,x2)=x14x2x16+x23 for (x1,x2)(0,0) and f(0,0)=0. For v=(v1,v2)2 and t0,


Hence, for any v2, we have f(0+tv)-f(0)t0 as t0. Therefore, f is Gâteaux differentiable at (0,0) and f(0,0)v=0 for all v2, i.e. f(0,0)=0. However, for (x1,x2)(0,0),


from which it follows that f is not continuous at (0,0). We stated in §4 that if a function is Fréchet differentiable at a point then it is continuous at that point, and so f is not Fréchet differentiable at (0,0). Thus, a function that is Gâteaux differentiable at a point need not be Fréchet differentiable at that point.

We prove that being Fréchet differentiable at a point implies being Gâteaux differentiable at the point, and that in this case the Gâteaux derivative is equal to the Fréchet derivative.

Theorem 8.

Suppose that X and Y are normed spaces, that U is an open subset of X, that fYU, and that x0U. If f is Fréchet differentiable at x0, then f is Gâteaux differentiable at x0 and f(x0)=Df(x0).


Because f is Fréchet differentiable at x0, there is some ro(X,Y) for which


For vX and nonzero t small enough that x0+tvU,


Writing r(x)=xα(x),




This holds for all vX, and as Df(x0)(X,Y) we get that f is Gâteaux differentiable at x0 and that f(x0)=Df(x0). ∎

If X is a vector space and u,vX, let


namely, the line segment joining u and v. The following is a mean value theorem for Gâteaux derivatives.99 9 Antonio Ambrosetti and Giovanni Prodi, A Primer of Nonlinear Analysis, p. 13, Theorem 1.8.

Theorem 9 (Mean value theorem).

Let X and Y be normed spaces, let U be an open subset of X, and let f:UY be Gâteaux differentiable on U. If u,vU and [u,v]U, then


If f(u)=f(v) then immediately the claim is true. Otherwise, f(v)-f(u)0, and so by the Hahn-Banach extension theorem1010 10 Walter Rudin, Functional Analysis, second ed., p. 59, Corollary. there is some ψY* satisfying ψ(f(v)-f(u))=f(v)-f(u) and ψ=1. Define h:[0,1] by


For 0<t<1 and τ0 satisfying t+τ[0,1], we have

h(t+τ)-h(t)τ = 1τf((1-t-τ)u+(t+τ)v),ψ-1τf((1-t)u+tv),ψ
= f((1-t)u+tv+(v-u)τ)-f((1-t)u+tv)τ,ψ.

Because f is Gâteaux differentiable at (1-t)u+tv,


so because ψ is continuous,


which shows that h is differentiable at t and that


h:[0,1] is a composition of continuous functions so it is continuous. Applying the mean value theorem, there is some θ, 0<θ<1, for which


On the one hand,


On the other hand,



f(v)-f(u) = |f((1-θ)u+θv)(v-u),ψ|
= f((1-θ)u+θv)(v-u)

7 Antiderivatives

Suppose that X is a Banach space and that f:[a,b]X be continuous. Define F:[a,b]X by


Let x0(a,b). For x(a,b), we have


from which it follows that F is Fréchet differentiable at x0, and that


If we identify f(x0)X with the map xf(x0)x, namely if we say that X=(,X), then DF(x0)=f(x0).

Let X be a normed space, let Y be a Banach space, let U be an open subset of X, and let fC1(U,Y). Suppose that u,vU satisfy [u,v]U. Write I=(0,1) and define γ:IU by γ(t)=(1-t)u+tv. We have


and thus by Theorem 6,


that is,




If tI and t+hI, then

D(fγ)(t+h)-D(fγ)(t) = Df(γ(t+h))(v-u)-Df(γ(t))(v-u)
= (Df(γ(t+h))-Df(γ(t)))(v-u),

and hence


Because Df:U(X,Y) is continuous, it follows that


as h0, i.e. that D(fγ) is continuous at t, and thus that


is continuous. If we identify (,Y) with Y, then


On the one hand,


On the other hand,




