What is the domain of a solution of an ODE?
1 Introduction
This paper is about the question: what is the domain of the solution of a differential equation? In other words, what are blow-up conditions for a solution of an ordinary differential equation?
We cannot properly speak about a function before knowing its domain. An older notion of function is an “analytical expression” (see [28, p. 61], [15] and [25, Chapter 5]), in which the rules of the game allow us to write an expression like and then ask what its domain is, rather than letting and defining by . But I would like to speak about functions, not analytical expressions, and before we can manipulate a function in order to find an explicit expression for it, we must first know that the function exists, and it must have a certain domain, which we may be able to determine explicitly. In other words, one can solve a differential equation by supposing that there is a solution and using the fact that it solves the differential equation to show that it must have an explicit form, and then checking that the explicit function you end up with actually does solve the differential equation; but in this paper we would like to only talk about the properties of functions we already know exist, and to be guaranteed that the function we end up with is a solution because of the correctness of each step we took, not by manually checking that a certain expression we have found actually is a solution. (Indeed, there are places where it is a helpful exploratory device to assume that a sequence has a limit, like with a recurrent sequence, to find what the limit would have to be, and then to prove that this is the limit of the sequence.)
We can prove that a solution exists on some interval around , but how big is this interval? To get our hands on an expression for we need to talk about , and how can we talk about before we know the domain of ? Of course we can check whether an expression given by an oracle is a solution of an initial value problem on some interval. But we would like to be certain that each step we take in determining the form of a solution is correct, so that we end up with a function, defined on a certain interval, that solves the initial value problem.
If we know the current state of a system and the way that it changes instantaneously, we would like to know its state at any future time. But it can happen that it doesn’t make sense to ask what the state of the system is at some later time.
The existence and uniqueness theorem is presented and discussed in Forsyth [6, pp. 26–41, Chapter II], Painlevé [21], and Ince [14], and is also presented in each of the references for Theorem 2. See also [23]. The history of differential equations is presented in [1]. Liouville’s anticipation of Picard approximations is explained in [18, p. 448, §32]. See also Youschkevitch [29] and Mawhin [20]. See also Tournés [27].
2 Maximal interval of existence
For and , we define . (For , .) Let . We say that is locally Lipschitz if for each there is some and some such that if then .
A helpful way to check that a function is locally Lipschitz is the following [2, p. 218, Theorem]. If is open and the gradient of is continuous, then for any convex compact subset of and with we have for all . It follows that if the gradient of is continuous, then is locally Lipschitz.
For example, let , and define by . Then ,
is continuous, and hence is locally Lipschitz. (Indeed, is unbounded on , and thus is not Lipschitz.)
Let be open, let , and let . A solution of the initial value problem
is an interval with and a function satisfying and for all .
The existence and uniqueness theorem for ordinary differential equations is the following.
Theorem 1.
Let , let be locally Lipschitz, and let . There is some such that there is one and only one that is a solution of the initial value problem
We say that an interval is a maximal interval of existence for an initial value problem if there is a solution of the initial value problem defined on , and if for any interval that strictly includes , there is no solution of the initial value problem defined on . Cf. maximal domain of holomorphic function [22, p. 112, §2]. Lefschetz [17, p. 35]: “The analogy with the classical process of analytic continuation is obvious.” If we would like to speak about “the” solution of an initial value problem, what we would mean is a solution with a maximal domain.
Let be open, be locally Lipschitz, and let . There exists [26, p. 51, Theorem 2.13] a maximal interval of existence , , for the initial value problem
It is useful to talk about the maximal domain of existence for an initial value problem because we can say things about the behavior of the solution as approaches the endpoints of the interval. There isn’t a simple way of determining the maximal domain of existence of an initial value problem other than by explicitly finding the solution. But there are indeed differential equations whose solutions cannot be expressed in terms of elementary functions: Hubbard and Lundell [12] make precise what it means to be expressed in terms of elementary functions, and show that no solution of can be thus expressed. And in fact there exist computable such that the maximal interval of existence of initial value problem is not computable [7].
The following theorem is proved in Arnold [2, p. 53, Corollary 5], in which it is called the extension theorem. It is also proved in Graves [8], Hurewicz [13, p. 17, Corollary], Bourbaki [3, p. 172, Theorem 2], Coddington and Levinson [4, p. 47, Theorem 1.3], Lefschetz [17, p. 35], Hartman [10, p. 12, Theorem 3.1], Hale [9], Hirsch, Smale and Devaney [11, p. 398, Theorem], and Teschl [26, p. 53, Corollary 2.16], as well as in other books.
Theorem 2.
Let be open, let be locally Lipschitz, and let . Let be the maximal interval of existence for the initial value problem
If is finite, then for any compact set there is some such that . If is finite, then for any compact set there is some such that .
It follows that as or , either or has a limit point on the boundary of (and any limit point of is on the boundary of ). In particular, if then and .
3 Two examples
Example 1. Consider the initial value problem
Let us do this very carefully. Let have maximal domain . If , then is a solution of the initial value problem, and the domain of the solution is . Otherwise, suppose . If there is some such that , then let
if there is no such that , then let . Since is continuous, it follows that . Likewise, if there is some such that , then let
if there is no such that , then let . Since is continuous, .
Let . For , since and , we have
Then, for , we have
Therefore, if then
(1) |
If then there is indeed at least one such that , and in particular . So, as is continuous,
But it follows from (1) that
Thus . Likewise,
and thus . Therefore .
If , then
and if , then
Suppose that . Then
Hence . And
hence . Therefore, if , then has domain .
Suppose that . If , then
as . Therefore . Since , it follows that . Likewise, . Therefore, if , then has domain .
Example 2. Now let’s do an example of an initial value problem where the domain of the vector field is not . Consider the initial value problem
Let ; the boundary of is .
Let have maximal domain . Let . If then
That is,
Using the quadratic formula, we either have
If then, since is continuous and cannot be equal to , we have
As is a real number, , i.e. , i.e. , i.e. . Let . As , either or is a limit point of . But if , then
from which we conclude two things: , and is not a limit point of as . It follows that . On the other hand, if , then (because cannot be limit point of as , since ). But
so . It follows that . Therefore, if then
and the domain of is
If , then likewise,
and the domain of is also
4 The implicit function theorem and exact differential equations
Exact differential equation. Consider the initial value problem
Let . Let have maximal domain .
Let . For , we have
Therefore, for ,
and so
(2) |
The implicit function theorem [16, p. 36, Theorem 3.2.1]: If is open, has a continuous gradient, , , and , then there exists an open interval , , such that there is one and only one whose derivative is continuous and that satisfies and for all . Similar to why there is a maximal interval of existence for an initial value problem with a locally unique solution (cf. [26, p. 51, Theorem 2.13]), there is an interval , , such that there is one and only one satisfying and for all , and for any interval that strictly contains there is no satisfying and for all . Moreover, like Theorem 2, if then as , and if then as .
Let’s apply this to our initial value problem. Define by . Let , , be the maximal interval such that there exists satisfying and for all . For , . Thus, and means
(3) |
It follows that is the greatest negative for which is a so that and satisfy (3), and is the least positive for which there is a so that and satisfiy (3).
But satisfies (2) for each , and is the maximal interval for which there is some satisfying and (2) for each . Hence and . If then either or has a limit point on ; the first of these contradicts
and the second of these contradicts the minimality of . Thus and .
Therefore, is the unique that satisfies (2), where is the greatest negative for which is a so that and satisfy (3), and is the least positive for which there is a so that and satisfiy (3).
Asking what the domain of the solution of an ODE is is like asking what the domain of an implicit function is. Some historical references I have collected about implicit functions are Ulisse Dini’s Lezioni di analisi infinitesimale, vol. 1, pp. 197–241; page 155 of Leibniz’ Mathematische Schriften, ed. Gerhardt, vol. I; page 241 of Euler’s Institutiones Calculi Differentialis; in a note I have written down Dini 1877-1888, p. 7, but not what the reference is. I suppose it’s his Fondamenti per la teorica delle funzioni di variabili reali. Of course, we can also call the inversion of a power series with nonzero constant coefficient a case of the implicit function theorem, and certainly Euler and Lagrange could do that; I’m not certain about Newton. Three additional references I have written down about the implicit function theorem are [19], [24], and the Russian [5].
5 Autonomous ODE
If is positive and does not depend on , then we have the following result. Let . If is positive and continuous, then the maximal interval of existence for the initial value problem
is , where
Let’s check this.
For example, for , and , we have
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