Lp norms of trigonometric polynomials

Jordan Bell
April 3, 2014

1 Introduction

A trigonometric polynomial of degree n is an expression of the form


Using the identity eit=cost+isint, we can write a trigonometric polynomial of degree n in the form


For 1p< and for a 2π-periodic function f, we define the Lp norm of f by


For a continuous 2π-periodic function f, we define the L norm of f by


If f is a continuous 2π-periodic function, then there is a sequence of trigonometric polynomials fn such that f-fn0 as n [31, p. 54, Corollary 5.4].

If 1p< and f is a continuous 2π-periodic function, then


Jensen’s inequality [16, p. 44, Theorem 2.2] (cf. [30, p. 113, Problem 7.5]) tells us that if ϕ:[0,) is convex, then for any function h:[0,2π][0,) we have


If 1p<q<, then ϕ:[0,) defined by ϕ(x)=xq/p is convex. Hence, if 1p<q< then for any 2π-periodic function f,

fp = (ϕ(fpp))1/q
= (ϕ(12π02π|f(t)|p𝑑t))1/q
= (12π02π|f(t)|q𝑑t)1/q
= fq.

The Dirichlet kernel Dn is defined by


One can show [14, p. 71, Exercise 1.1] that


(On the other hand, it can quickly be seen that Dn=2n+1, and it follows from Parseval’s identity that Dn2=2n+1.)

Pólya and Szegő [27, Part VI] present various problems about trigonometric polynomials together with solutions to them. A result on L norms of trigonometric polynomials that Pólya and Szegő present is for the sum An(t)=k=1nsinktk. The local maxima and local minima of An can be explicitly determined [27, p. 74, no. 23], and it can be shown that [27, p. 74, no. 25]


2 Lp norms

If 1p<q<, then [14, p. 123, Exercise 1.8] (cf. [7, p. 102, Theorem 2.6]) there is some C(p,q) such that for any trigonometric polynomial f of degree n, we have


This inequality is sharp [33, p. 230]: for 1p<q< there is some C(p,q) such that if Fn(t)=1nk=0n-1Dk(t) (Fn is called the Fejér kernel) then

Theorem 1.

Let 1pq. If f^(j)=0 for |j|>n+1 then


Let Kn(t)=j=-nn(1-|j|n+1)eijt, the Fejér kernel. From this expression we get |Kn(t)|Kn(0)=n+1. It’s straightforward to show that Kn(t)=1n+1(sinn+12tsin12t)2. Since sint2>tπ for 0<t<π, we get |Kn(t)|π2(n+1)t2, and thus we obtain


Then, for any r1,

Knrr = 12π02π|Kn(t)|r𝑑t
= (n+1)r-12+121(n+1)r12r-1((n+1)2r-1-122r-1)

Hence Knr(n+1)1-1r.

Let Vn(t)=2K2n+1(t)-Kn(t), the de la Vallée Poussin kernel. Then


For |j|n+1 we have Vn^(j)=1, and one thus checks that Vn*f=f. Take 1q+1=1p+1r. By Young’s inequality we have


Let Xn={a0+k=1nakcoskt+bksinkt:ak,bk}, the real vector space of real valued trigonometric polynomials of degree n, have norm


Let Yn,p be the same vector space with the Lp norm. Ash and Ganzburg [1] give upper and lower bounds on the operator norm of the map i:XnYn,p defined by i(f)=f.

Bernstein’s inequality [14, p. 50, Exercise 7.16] states that for 1p, if f is a trigonometric polynomial of degree n, then


In the other direction, if fC1 then



|f(t)| 12π02π|f(s)|𝑑s+12π0ts|f(s)|𝑑s+12πt2π(2π-s)|f(s)|𝑑s
= f1+2πf1,



This is an instance of the Sobolev inequality [26].

It turns out that for a trigonometric polynomial the mass cannot be too concentrated. More precisely, the number of nonzero terms of a trigonometric polynomial restricts how concentrated its mass can be. Let dμ=dt2π. Thus μ([0,2π])=1. A result of Turán [20, p. 89, Lemma 1] states that if λ1,,λN and T(t)=n=1Nbneiλnt, bn, then for any closed arc I[0,2π],


Nazarov [11, p. 452] shows that there is some constant A such that if E is a closed subset of [0,2π] (not necessarily an arc), then


Nazarov [23] proves that there exists some constant C such that if 0q2 and μ(E)13, then


These results of Turan and Nazarov are examples of the uncertainty principle [9], which is the general principle that a constrain on the support of the Fourier transform of a function constrains the support of the function itself.

In [10], Hardy and Littlewood present inequalities for norms of 2π-periodic functions in terms of certain series formed from their Fourier coefficients. Let ck, k, be such that ck0 as k±, and define c0*,c1*,c-1*,c2*,c-2*, to be the absolute values of the ck ordered in decreasing magnitude. For real r>1, define


For instance, if ck=1 for -NkN and ck=0 for |k|>N, then Sr*(c)=(1+2k=2N+1kr-2)1/r. Hardy and Littlewood state the result [10, p. 164, Theorem 2] that if 1<p2 then there is some constant A(p) such that for any sequence c, with ck0 as k±, if f(t)=k=-ckeikt and fp< then


A proof of this is given in Zygmund [35, vol. II, p. 128, chap. XII, Theorem 6.3]. Asking if this inequality holds for p=1 suggests the following question that Hardy and Littlewood pose at the end of their paper [10, p. 168]: Is there a constant A such that for all distinct positive integers mk,k=1,,N, we have


McGehee, Pigno and Smith [18] prove that there is some K such that for all N, if n1,,nN are distinct integers and c1,,cN satisfy |ck|1, then




For k2, define TN(t)=n=1Neinkt. Since TN=N, for each p1 we have TNpN. Hua’s lemma [22, p. 116, Theorem 4.6] states that if ϵ>0, then


Hua’s lemma is used in additive number theory. The number of sets of integer solutions of the equation


is equal to (cf. [12, p. 151])


Borwein and Lockhart [4]: what is the expected Lp norm of a trigonometric polynomial of order n? Kahane [13, Chapter 6] also presents material on random trigonometric polynomials.

Nursultanov and Tikhonov [25]: the sup on a subset of 𝕋 of a trigonometric polynomial f of degree n being lower bounded in terms of f, n, and the measure of the subset.

3 ℓᵖ norms

For a 2π-periodic function f, we define f^: by


For 1p<, we define the p norm of f^ by


and we define the norm of f^ by


Parseval’s identity [31, p. 80, Theorem 1.3] states that f2=f^2.

If 1p<, then


If 1p<q<, then, since for each k, |f^(k)|f^q1,


Hence for 1p<p,


For 1p<, if f is a trigonometric polynomial of degree n then


For 1p<q<, we have [30, p. 123, Problem 8.3] (this is Jensen’s inequality for sums)




Hence for 1<p<q<,


For any t,




For any k,




The Hausdorff-Young inequality [32, p. 57, Corollary 2.4] states that for 1p2 and 1p+1q=1, if fLp then


The dual Hausdorff-Young inequality [32, p. 58, Corollary 2.5] states that for 1p2 and 1p+1q=1, if fLq then


A survey on the Hausdorff-Young inequality is given in [6])

For M+1kM+N, let ak and let S(t)=k=M+1N+1akeikt. Let t1,,tR, and let δ be such that if rs then


where t=mink|t-k| is the distance from t to a nearest integer. The large sieve [19] is an inequality of the form


A result of Selberg [19, p. 559, Theorem 3] shows that the large sieve is valid for Δ=N-1+δ-1.

Kristiansen [15]

Boas [2]

For F:/n, its Fourier transform F^:/n (called the discrete Fourier transform) is defined by


and one can prove [31, p. 223, Theorem 1.2] that


One can also prove Parseval’s identity for the Fourier transform on /n [31, p. 223, Theorem  1.2]. It states


Let P(t)=k=0n-1akeikt. Define F:/n by


(That is, F^(k)=ak.) We then have




The Marcinkiewicz-Zygmund inequalities [35, vol. II, p. 28, chap. X, Theorem 7.5] state that there is a constant A such that for 1p, if f is a trigonometric polynomial of degree n then


and for each 1<p< there exists some Ap such that if f is a trigonometric polynomial of degree n then


Máté and Nevai [17, p. 148, Theorem 6] prove that for p>0, if Sn is a trigonometric polynomial of degree n then


Máté and Nevai [17] prove a version of Bernstein’s inequality for 0<p<1, and their result can be sharpened to the following [34]: For 0<p<1, if Tn is a trigonometric polynomial of order n then


Let suppf^={k:f^(k)0}. A subset Λ of is called a Sidon set [28, p. 121, §5.7.2] if there exists a constant B such that for every trigonometric polynomial f with suppf^Λ we have


Let B(Λ) be the least such B. A sequence of positive integers λk is said to be lacunary if there is a constant ρ such that λk+1>ρλk for all k. If λk is a lacunary sequence, then {λk} is a Sidon set [21, p. 154, Corollary 6.17]. If Λ is a Sidon set, then [28, p. 128, Theorem 5.7.7] (cf. [21, p. 157, Corollary 6.19]) for any 2<p<, for every trigonometric polynomial f with suppf^Λ we have




Let 0<p<. A subset E of is called a Λ(p)-set if for every 0<r<p there is some A(E,p) such that for all trigonometric polynomials f with suppf^E we have


Λ(p) sets were introduced by Rudin, and he discusses them in his autobiography [29, Chapter 28]. A modern survey of Λ(p)-sets is given by Bourgain [5].

Bochkarev [3] proves various lower bounds on the L1 norms of certain trigonometric polynomials. Let ck, k1. If there are constants A and B such that


then [3, p. 58, Theorem 19]


If P(t)=k=0nakeikt with ak{-1,1}, then by the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality and Parseval’s identity we have


Newman [24] shows that in fact we can do better than what we get using the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality and Parseval’s identity:


A Fekete polynomial is a polynomial of the form k=1l-1(kl)zk, l prime, where (kl) is the Legendre symbol. Let Pl(t)=k=1l-1(kl)eikt. Erdélyi [8] proves upper and lower bounds on (1|I|I|Pl(t)|q𝑑t)1/q, q>0, where I is an arc in [0,2π].


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