Ck spaces and spaces of test functions

Jordan Bell
April 10, 2014

1 Notation

Let denote the set of nonnegative integers. For αn, we write




We denote by Br(x) the open ball with center x and radius r.

2 Open sets

Let Ω be an open subset of n and let k be either a nonnegative integer or . We define Ck(Ω) to be the set of those functions f:Ω such that for each αn with |α|k, the derivative αf exists and is continuous. We write C(Ω)=C0(Ω).

One proves that there is a sequence of compact sets Kj such that each Kj is contained in the interior of Kj+1 and Ω=j=1Kj; we call this an exhaustion of Ω by compact sets. For fCk(Ω), we define


this definition makes sense for k=. If f is a nonzero element of Ck(Ω), then there is some xΩ for which f(x)0 and then there is some N for which xKN, and hence pk,N(f)supyKN|f(y)||f(x)|>0. Thus, pk,N is a separating family of seminorms on Ck(Ω). Those sets of the form


form a local basis at 0 for a topology on Ck(Ω), and because pk,N is a separating family of seminorms, with this topology Ck(Ω) is a locally convex space.11 1 Walter Rudin, Functional Analysis, second ed., p. 27, Theorem 1.37. Because pk,N is a countable separating family of seminorms, this topology is metrizable. We prove in the following theorem that C(Ω) is a Fréchet space.22 2 Walter Rudin, Functional Analysis, second ed., p. 33, Example 1.44.

Theorem 1.

If Ω is an open subset of Rn, then C(Ω) is a Fréchet space.


Let fiC(Ω) be a Cauchy sequence. That is, for every N there is some iN such that if i,jiN then


For each xΩ, eventually xKN. If xKN and i,jiN, then


Therefore, fi(x) is a Cauchy sequence in and hence converges to some f(x). We have thus defined a function f:Ω. We shall prove that fC(Ω) and that fif in C(Ω).

Let K be a compact subset of Ω, let ϵ>0, and let N be large enough both so that KKN and so that N1ϵ. For i,jiN,


Let iiN and xKN. There is some jx such that jjx implies that |fj(x)-f(x)|<ϵ, and hence for jmax(iN,jx),

|fi(x)-f(x)| |fi(x)-fj(x)|+|fj(x)-f(x)|
< ϵ+ϵ.

This shows that for iiN,


We have proved that for any compact subset K of Ω, we have supxK|fi(x)-f(x)|0 as i.

Let xΩ, let ϵ>0, and let N be large enough both so that x lies in the interior of KN and so that N1ϵ. Because supxKN|fi(x)-f(x)|0 as i, there is some i0 so that ii0 implies


Let i=max(i0,iN). Because fi is continuous, there is some δ>0 so that |x-y|<δ implies that |fi(x)-fi(y)|<ϵ; take δ small enough so that the open ball with center x and radius δ is contained in KN. For |y-x|<δ,

|f(x)-f(y)| |f(x)-fi(x)|+|fi(x)-fi(y)|+|fi(y)-f(y)|
< ϵ+ϵ+ϵ.

This shows that f is continuous at x and x was an arbitrary point in Ω, hence fC(Ω).

We have already established that for any compact subset K of Ω, we have supxK|fi(x)-f(x)|0 as i. Thus, for any N, there is some jN so that if ijN then supxKN|fi(x)-f(x)|<1N. In other words, if ijN, then p0,N(fi-f)<1N, i.e. fi-fV0,N, showing that fif in C(Ω). ∎

Theorem 2.

If Ω is an open subset of Rn and k is a positive integer, then Ck(Ω) is a Fréchet space.


We have proved in Theorem 1 that C(Ω)=C0(Ω) is a Fréchet space. We assume that Ck-1(Ω) is a Fréchet space, and using this induction hypothesis we shall prove that Ck(Ω) is a Fréchet space.

Let fiCk(Ω) be a Cauchy sequence in Ck(Ω). fi is in particular a Cauchy sequence in the Fréchet space C(Ω), hence there is some gC(Ω) such that fig in C(Ω). We shall prove that gCk(Ω) and that fig in Ck(Ω).

For each 1pn we have pfiCk-1(Ω), and pfi is a Cauchy sequence in Ck-1(Ω). Because Ck-1(Ω) is a Fréchet space, for each p there is some gpCk-1(Ω) such that pfigp in Ck-1(Ω). Fix p, and let αn have pth entry 1 and all other entries 0. Then, fix xΩ, and take N large enough so that x lies in the interior of KN. For each i, define Fi(t)=f(x+tα), for which


For nonzero τ small enough so that the line segment from x to x+τα is contained in KN,




Because fig in C(Ω) and pfigp in C(Ω), we have supyKN|fi(y)-g(y)|0 and supyKN|(pfi)(y)-gp(y)|0, from which it follows that




As τ tends to 0, the right hand side tends to gα(x), showing that (pg)(x)=gp(x). But x was an arbitrary point in Ω, so pg=gpCk-1(Ω). Thus, for each 1pn we have pgCk-1(Ω), from which it follows that gCk(Ω). ∎

Theorem 3.

If Ω is an open subset of Rn, then C(Ω) is a Fréchet space.


Let fiC(Ω) be a Cauchy sequence in C(Ω). Thus, for each k, fi is a Cauchy sequence in Ck(Ω), and so by Theorem 2 there is some gkCk(Ω) for which figk in Ck(Ω). Define g=g0, and check that g0=g1=g2=, and hence that gC(Ω). ∎

3 Closed sets

Let Ω be an open subset of n such that Ω¯ is compact, i.e. Ω is a bounded open subset of n. If k is a nonnegative integer, let Ck(Ω¯) be those elements f of Ck(Ω) such that for each αn with |α|k, the function αf is continuous Ω and can be extended to a continuous function Ω¯; if there is such a continuous function Ω¯ it is unique, and it thus makes sense to talk about the value of αf at points in Ω, and thus to write αf:Ω¯. We write C(Ω¯)=C0(Ω¯). For fCk(Ω¯), we define


It is straightforward to check that this is a norm on Ck(Ω¯).

Theorem 4.

If Ω is a bounded open subset of Rn, then C(Ω¯) is a Banach space.


Let fiC(Ω¯) be a Cauchy sequence. Thus, fi:Ω¯ are continuous, and for any ϵ>0 there is some iϵ such that if i,jiϵ then


Then, for each xΩ¯ we have that fi(x) is a Cauchy sequence in and hence converges to some f(x), thus defining a function f:Ω¯. For xΩ¯ and ϵ>0, because fi(x)f(x), there is some jx such that jjx implies that |fj(x)-f(x)|<ϵ. For iiϵ and jmax(iϵ,jx),


This shows that supxΩ¯|fi(x)-f(x)|0 as i.

Fix xΩ and let ϵ>0. What we just proved shows that there is some i0 for which ii0 implies that supzΩ¯|fi(z)-f(z)|<ϵ. As fi0:Ω¯ is continuous, there is some δ>0 such that for yBδ(x)Ω¯, we have |fi0(x)-fi0(y)|<ϵ. Then, for yBδ(x)Ω¯,

|f(x)-f(y)| |f(x)-fi0(x)|+|fi0(x)-fi0(y)|+|fi0(y)-f(y)|
< ϵ+ϵ+ϵ.

This proves that f is continuous at x, and because x was an arbitrary point in Ω¯, we have that fC(Ω¯). ∎

Theorem 5.

If Ω is a bounded open subset of Rn and k is a positive integer, then Ck(Ω¯) is a Banach space.


We proved in Theorem 4 that C(Ω¯)=C0(Ω¯) is a Banach space. We assume that Ck-1(Ω¯) is a Banach space, and using this induction hypothesis we shall prove that Ck(Ω¯) is a Banach space.

Let fiCk(Ω¯) be a Cauchy sequence. In particular, fi is a Cauchy sequence in C(Ω¯), and because C(Ω¯) is a Banach space, there is some gC(Ω¯) for which fi-g00. For each 1pn we have pfiCk-1(Ω¯). Because Ck-1(Ω¯) is a Banach space, for each p there is some gpCk-1(Ω¯) for which pfi-gpk-10.

Let αn have pth entry 1 and all other entries 0, and let xΩ. For nonzero τ small enough so that the line segment from x to x+τα is contained in Ω,


Because fi-g00 and pfi-gp00 (the latter because pfi-gpk-10), we obtain




As τ tends to 0 the right hand side tends to gp(x), which shows that (pg)(x)=gp(x). We did this for all xΩ, and so pg=gpCk-1(Ω¯). Because this is true for each 1pn, we obtain gCk(Ω¯). ∎

If Ω is a bounded open subset of n, then


It can be proved that C(Ω¯) is the projective limit of the Banach spaces Ck(Ω¯), k=0,1,.33 3 See Paul Garrett, Banach and Fréchet spaces of functions, A projective limit of a countable projective system of Banach spaces is a Fréchet space, and thus C(Ω¯) is a Fréchet space.

4 Test functions

Let Ω be an open subset of n. If f:Ω is a function, the support of f is the closure of the set {xΩ:f(x)0}. We denote the support of f by suppf. If suppf is a compact set, we say that f has compact support, and we denote by Cc(Ω) the set of all elements of C(Ω) with compact support. We write 𝒟(Ω)=Cc(Ω).

For f𝒟(Ω), we define


If K is a compact subset of Ω, we define


The restriction of these norms to 𝒟(K) are norms, in particular seminorms. Hence, with the topology for which a local basis at 0 is the collection of sets of the form {f𝒟(K):fN<1N}, we have that 𝒟(K) is a locally convex space, and because there are countably many seminorms N, the space is metrizable. One checks that the topology on 𝒟(K) is equal to the subspace topology it inherits from C(Ω).44 4 Walter Rudin, Functional Analysis, second ed., p. 151. Theorem 3 tells us that C(Ω) is a Fréchet space, and in the following theorem we show that 𝒟(K) is a closed subspace of this Fréchet space, and hence is a Fréchet space itself.

Theorem 6.

If Ω is an open subset of Rn and K is a compact subset of Ω, then D(K) is a closed subspace of the Fréchet space C(Ω).


Let fi𝒟(K), fC(Ω), and suppose that fif in C(Ω). If xΩK, then fi(x)=0. There is some KN that contains K, and the fact that fif gives us in particular that


hence f(x)=0. This shows that suppfK, and hence that f𝒟(K). ∎

Let Kj be an exhaustion of Ω by compact sets. Check that 𝒟(Kj) is a closed subspace of 𝒟(Kj+1) and that the inclusion 𝒟(Kj)𝒟(Kj+1) is a homeomorphism onto its image. We define the following topology on the set 𝒟(Ω). Let be the collection of all convex balanced subsets V of 𝒟(U) such that for all j, the set V𝒟(Kj) is open in 𝒟(Kj). (To be balanced means that αVV if |α|1.) We define 𝒯 be the collection of all subsets U of 𝒟(Ω) such that x0U implies that there is some V for which x0+VU. We check that 𝒯 is a topology on 𝒟(Ω), which we call the strict inductive limit topology. One proves55 5 John B. Conway, A Course in Functional Analysis, second ed., pp. 116–123, chap. IV, §5; this is presented without using the language of inductive limits in Walter Rudin, Functional Analysis, second ed., p. 152, Theorem 6.4. that with this topology, 𝒟(Ω) is a locally convex space. With the strict inductive limit topology, we call the locally convex space 𝒟(Ω) the strict inductive limit of the Fréchet spaces 𝒟(K1)𝒟(K2), and write
